This port engages in a long, computationally-demanding tuning process. Builds can take a day or more on older hardware, and can temporarily occupy several hundred megabytes of disk space. You are advised to disable all forms of power management or CPU throttling during the build, and to set operating parameters to static values at which you ultimately intend to use the software. You should also avoid placing heavy loads on the system during the build, and temporarily disable any automatons that may do so. If you fail to follow these guidelines, you may prolong the build and obtain libraries with sub-optimal performance. Occasionally the auto-configuration may fail for certain platforms, and you may have to override the architecture, compiler flags, assembly language dialect, or pointer bit-width by issuing additional configure arguments. Consult the FAQ, installation guide, and errata page at the project website for help if this is necessary, and notify the port maintainer. Note that in most cases the port intentionally overrides user-selected compiler flags. If your machine will be solely dedicated to building atlas during the lengthy optimization process, and not subjected to other loads, you may enable the more accurate wall timer (instead of the default CPU-time timer) with the WALL_TIMER option. If you want to override the architecture auto-detection, and use a specific architectural default, then set WITH_ARCHDEF and define ARCHDEF to be either the full path to a gzipped architectural default tarball with suffix .tgz, or the basename of such a tarball in the distribution CONFIG/ARCHS sub-directory. If you want to ignore all architectural defaults, set WITH_ARCHDEF and define ARCHDEF=NONE. Note that the use of versioned compiler names in Ports may prevent the use of architectural default tarballs constructed on other systems without some changes to their directory structure.