PORTNAME= casadi DISTVERSION= 3.6.0 PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= math MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Symbolic framework for numeric optimization WWW= https://web.casadi.org/ LICENSE= GPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt LIB_DEPENDS= libcoinmumps.so:math/coin-or-mumps USES= cmake compiler:c++11-lang pkgconfig USE_GITHUB= yes USE_LDCONFIG= yes CFLAGS+= -fPIC CXXFLAGS+= -fPIC CMAKE_OFF= WITH_DEEPBIND WITH_BUILD_BLASFEO # cmake-3.16: disable build of examples (they are not installed anyways), # and fail due to not setting up the linker environment properly: CMAKE_OFF+= WITH_EXAMPLES OPTIONS_DEFINE= BLASFEO BONMIN CLANG IPOPT LAPACK QPOASES OPTIONS_DEFAULT= BLASFEO BONMIN IPOPT LAPACK QPOASES OPTIONS_SUB= yes BLASFEO_DESC= Build with BLASFEO BLASFEO_CMAKE_BOOL= WITH_BLASFEO BLASFEO_BUILD_DEPENDS= blasfeo>0:math/blasfeo BONMIN_DESC= Build with Bonmin BONMIN_CMAKE_BOOL= WITH_BONMIN BONMIN_USES= blaslapack:netlib fortran BONMIN_LIB_DEPENDS= libbonmin.so:math/bonmin \ libCbcSolver.so:math/cbc \ libCgl.so:math/cgl \ libClp.so:math/clp \ libcoinasl.so:math/asl \ libCoinUtils.so:math/coinutils \ libipopt.so:math/ipopt \ libnauty.so:math/nauty \ libopenblas.so:math/openblas \ libOsi.so:math/osi CLANG_DESC= Build with clang for JIT CLANG_USES= llvm:16,build,run CLANG_CMAKE_BOOL= WITH_CLANG CLANG_CMAKE_ON= -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=${LLVM_PREFIX} -DOLD_LLVM=ON CLANG_BROKEN= fails to find clang, see https://github.com/casadi/casadi/issues/3089 IPOPT_DESC= Build with IPopt IPOPT_CMAKE_BOOL= WITH_IPOPT IPOPT_USES= blaslapack:netlib fortran IPOPT_LIB_DEPENDS= libipopt.so:math/ipopt LAPACK_DESC= Build with LAPACK LAPACK_CMAKE_BOOL= WITH_LAPACK LAPACK_USES= blaslapack:openblas QPOASES_DESC= Build with qpOASES QPOASES_CMAKE_BOOL= WITH_QPOASES QPOASES_LIB_DEPENDS= libopenblas.so:math/openblas QPOASES_IMPLIES= LAPACK PORTSCOUT= limit:^.*[1-9]\..* # prevent tags like ge2 .include