SuperLU_MT (version 2.0) ======================== SuperLU_MT contains a set of subroutines to solve a sparse linear system A*X=B. It uses Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting (GEPP). The columns of A may be preordered before factorization; the preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization. SuperLU_MT is a parallel extension to the serial SuperLU library. SuperLU_MT is implemented in ANSI C, with multithreading extension, for example, using POSIX threads. Currently, only the LU factorization routine, which is the most time-consuming part of the solution process, is parallelized on machines with a shared address space. The other routines, such as column preordering and the forward and back substitutions are performed sequentially. This "alpha" release contains only double-precision real data type. Xiaoye S. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, James Demmel, Univ. of California Berkeley, John R. Gilbert, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, NOTE: This library has to be linked with BLAS or a thread safe replacement. WWW: