# Created by: gpalmer # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= amanda PORTVERSION= 2.6.1p2 PORTREVISION= 5 PORTEPOCH= 1 CATEGORIES= misc MASTER_SITES= SF/amanda/amanda%20-%20stable/${PORTVERSION} PKGNAMESUFFIX?= 26-server MAINTAINER= kuriyama@FreeBSD.org COMMENT?= The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (server) WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/amanda-${PORTVERSION} SLAVEDIRS= misc/amanda26-client USES= gmake perl5 pkgconfig GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_GNOME= glib20 USE_OPENSSL= yes PATCH_STRIP= CONFIGURE_ARGS= --libexecdir=${PREFIX}/libexec/amanda \ --without-amlibexecdir \ --with-amandahosts --with-fqdn \ --with-dump-honor-nodump --with-buffered-dump \ --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --disable-glibtest \ --with-user=${AMANDA_USER} --with-group=${AMANDA_GROUP} \ --with-bsdtcp-security --with-bsdudp-security \ --with-ssh-security USE_LDCONFIG= yes OPTIONS_DEFINE= GNUTAR GNUTAR_DESC= use GNU tar AMANDA_USER?= operator AMANDA_GROUP?= operator AMANDA_GNUTAR_LISTDIR?= ${PREFIX}/var/amanda/gnutar-lists AMANDA_DATES?= ${PREFIX}/var/amanda/amandates PLIST_SUB= SHLIBVER=${PORTVERSION} AMANDA_DATES=${AMANDA_DATES} # amanda-server/amanda-client common part .if defined (AMANDA_SERVER) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-index-server=${AMANDA_SERVER} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-tape-server=${AMANDA_SERVER} .endif .if defined (AMANDA_CONFIG) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-config=${AMANDA_CONFIG} .endif .if !defined(CLIENT_ONLY) OPTIONS_DEFINE+= PLOT SAMBA MTX AESPIPE S3 PLOT_DESC= Enable ploting, requires X11 libraries SAMBA_DESC= Enable the use of smbclient MTX_DESC= Enable the use of mtx changer scripts AESPIPE_DESC= Enable encryption. Needed by amcrypt S3_DESC= Enable Amazon S3 device support .else OPTIONS_DEFINE+= ZFSCOMP ZFSCOMP_DESC= Accurate estimation of compressed ZFS filesystems .endif NO_STAGE= yes .include .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGNUTAR} CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-gnutar-listdir=${AMANDA_GNUTAR_LISTDIR} \ --with-gnutar=${LOCALBASE}/bin/gtar BUILD_DEPENDS= gtar:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/gtar RUN_DEPENDS= gtar:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/gtar .endif # amanda-server part .if !defined(CLIENT_ONLY) pre-fetch: @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} "You may use the following build options:" @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_SERVER=server to specify a server name" @${ECHO} " The default is `uname -n`" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_TAPE=tape to specify the default tape device" @${ECHO} " The default is /dev/nrsa0" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_CONFIG=config to specify the default configuration" @${ECHO} " The default is DailySet1" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_USER=user to specify the default user" @${ECHO} " The default is operator" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_GROUP=group to specify the default group" @${ECHO} " The default is operator" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_DATES=path to client amandates file" @${ECHO} "" CONFLICTS= amanda-server-2.5.* amanda-server-3.* amanda25-server-* BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/amanda/libamandad-${PORTVERSION}.so:${PORTSDIR}/misc/amanda26-client RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/amanda/libamandad-${PORTVERSION}.so:${PORTSDIR}/misc/amanda26-client CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--without-client MAN5= disklist.5 \ tapelist.5 MAN7= amanda-changers.7 \ amanda-devices.7 MAN8= amaddclient.8 amadmin.8 amaespipe.8 amcheck.8 \ amcheckdb.8 amcheckdump.8 amcleanup.8 \ amcrypt.8 amcryptsimple.8 amcrypt-ossl-asym.8 amcrypt-ossl.8 \ amdevcheck.8 \ amdump.8 amfetchdump.8 amflush.8 amgetconf.8 amgpgcrypt.8 \ amlabel.8 \ amoverview.8 amreport.8 amrestore.8 amrmtape.8 \ amserverconfig.8 amservice.8 amstatus.8 \ amtape.8 amtoc.8 amtapetype.8 \ amvault.8 .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MPLOT} BUILD_DEPENDS+= gnuplot:${PORTSDIR}/math/gnuplot RUN_DEPENDS+= gnuplot:${PORTSDIR}/math/gnuplot MAN8+= amplot.8 PLIST_SUB+= PLOT='' CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-gnuplot=${LOCALBASE}/bin/gnuplot .else PLIST_SUB+= PLOT='@comment ' CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-gnuplot .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSAMBA} SAMBA_PORT?= samba36 BUILD_DEPENDS+= smbclient:${PORTSDIR}/net/${SAMBA_PORT} RUN_DEPENDS+= smbclient:${PORTSDIR}/net/${SAMBA_PORT} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-smbclient=${LOCALBASE}/bin/smbclient .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MMTX} BUILD_DEPENDS+= mtx:${PORTSDIR}/misc/mtx RUN_DEPENDS+= mtx:${PORTSDIR}/misc/mtx .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MAESPIPE} RUN_DEPENDS+= aespipe:${PORTSDIR}/security/aespipe .else .endif # If configure founds libcurl, automatically enabled it (with plist change). .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MS3} LIB_DEPENDS+= libcurl.so:${PORTSDIR}/ftp/curl CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-s3-device PLIST_SUB+= S3DEVICE='' .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-s3-device PLIST_SUB+= S3DEVICE='@comment ' .endif .if defined (AMANDA_TAPE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-tape-device=${AMANDA_TAPE} .endif # amanda-client part .else pre-fetch: @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} "You may use the following build options:" @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_SERVER=server to specify a server name" @${ECHO} " The default is `uname -n`" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_CONFIG=config to specify the default configuation" @${ECHO} " The default is DailySet1" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_GNUTAR_LISTDIR=dir to specify the directory that" @${ECHO} " the gnutar index files should live in" @${ECHO} " The default is ${PREFIX}/var/amanda/gnutar-lists" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_USER=user to specify the default user" @${ECHO} " The default is operator" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_GROUP=group to specify the default group" @${ECHO} " The default is operator" @${ECHO} " AMANDA_DATES=path to client amandates file" @${ECHO} "" CONFLICTS= amanda-client-2.5.* amanda-client-3.* amanda25-client-* CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--without-server --with-amandates=${AMANDA_DATES} MAN5= amanda-archive-format.5 \ amanda-client.conf.5 \ amanda.conf.5 MAN7= amanda-applications.7 \ amanda-auth.7 \ amanda-scripts.7 MAN8= amanda.8 \ amarchiver.8 \ amgtar.8 \ amrecover.8 \ amsamba.8 \ amstar.8 \ amzfs-sendrecv.8 \ amzfs-snapshot.8 \ script-email.8 post-install: .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} ${MKDIR} ${EXAMPLESDIR} ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/example/chg-multi.conf \ ${WRKSRC}/example/chg-scsi.conf \ ${WRKSRC}/example/disklist \ ${EXAMPLESDIR} .endif ${MKDIR} ${AMANDA_GNUTAR_LISTDIR} ${CHOWN} ${AMANDA_USER}:${AMANDA_GROUP} ${AMANDA_GNUTAR_LISTDIR} ${TOUCH} ${AMANDA_DATES} ${CHOWN} ${AMANDA_USER}:${AMANDA_GROUP} ${AMANDA_DATES} .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MZFSCOMP} EXTRA_PATCHES= ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-application-src::amzfs-sendrecv.pl .endif # MEMO: # Prefix @WANT_SERVER_TRUE@ for server only files. # Prefix @WANT_CLIENT_TRUE@ for client only files. # For debugging: dbprintf(_("getcmd: %s\n"), line); # Maintainer TODO: # o amanda-server installs libexec/amanda/amandad, sbin/amarchiver # which should be handled by amanda-client only. # o pthread issue: http://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/Installation/OS_Specific_Notes/Installing_Amanda_on_FreeBSD#Threading_and_-pthread .include