PORTNAME= qtchooser PORTVERSION= 66 PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= misc MASTER_SITES= QT/official_releases/${PORTNAME} DIST_SUBDIR= KDE/Qt/qtchooser MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Qt tool wrapper LICENSE= GPLv3 LGPL21 LICENSE_COMB= dual USES= gmake tar:xz DESTDIRNAME= INSTALL_ROOT MAKE_ARGS= prefix=${PREFIX} SUB_FILES= update-qtchooser-wrapper # Keep this synchronized with Uses/qt.mk SUB_LIST= QT_SUPPORTED="5" # bin/linguist -- the second bunch no longer exists in the ports tree CONFLICTS_INSTALL= rubygem-github-linguist CONFLICTS_INSTALL+= rubygem-github-linguist47 rubygem-gitlab-linguist QT_QTCHOOSERDIR=${PREFIX}/etc/xdg/qtchooser post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,/etc/xdg,${LOCALBASE}/etc/xdg,' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/${PORTNAME}/main.cpp post-install: # Install qtchooser config file. Note this is not optimal. # -> we could install the qtchooser config files via devel/qt5-qmake. # Unfortunately they will be missing for ports that only use say "rcc" # without qmake. # So it is easier to install the config files in qtchooser. # -> As we cannot include Uses/qt.mk at the moment without specifying # a version, we also do not have the variables needed to sub the variables # properly (we could use USES=qt:5 just to get _QT_SUPPORTED, but that # is a lot of overkill). # # Always make sure the following is in sync with Uses/qt.mk . # At the very least all the _QT_SUPPORTED versions should be # in the .for loop, although we still keep Qt4 around over a year # after it was removed from the ports tree. # ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${QT_QTCHOOSERDIR} .for qt_version in 4 5 ${ECHO} ${PREFIX}/lib/qt${qt_version}/bin > ${STAGEDIR}${QT_QTCHOOSERDIR}/qt${qt_version}.conf ${ECHO} ${PREFIX}/lib/qt${qt_version} >> ${STAGEDIR}${QT_QTCHOOSERDIR}/qt${qt_version}.conf .endfor # Install man page. ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/qtchooser.1 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 # Create the default profile. cd ${STAGEDIR}/${QT_QTCHOOSERDIR} && ${LN} -s qt5.conf default.conf ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/update-qtchooser-wrapper \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/update-qtchooser-wrapper .include