# New ports collection makefile for: vlc # Date created: 3rd August 2001 # Whom: Brian Somers # # $FreeBSD$ # # NOTES about VLC Knobs: # Below you will see a number of knobs, if it starts with WITHOUT_ it is # enabled by default, if it starts with WITH_ it is disabled by default # and will be autodetected to enable # # If you define for example WITH_FAAD and WITHOUT_FAAD # the WITHOUT_ will always over ride the WITH_. # # Interface Knobs: # # WITHOUT_HTTPD=yes # Web interface to control streaming media # * recommended if you want to stream media # # WITH_NCURSES=yes # Ncurses (console) interface # # WITH_SKINS # This Interface supports a skinned gtk2.0 interface # Skins can be found at http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-skins.html # # WITHOUT_WXWINDOWS=yes # WxWindows/Gtk 2.x Interface # This is the default and most supported # x11 interface # # Audio Knobs: # # WITH_ARTS=yes # Arts Support # # WITHOUT_DTS=yes # DTS decoder Support # useful for many dvds # # WITH_ESOUND=yes # Esound Support # # WITH_FAAC=yes # Faac audio encoder (mp4/aac) Support # # WITHOUT_FAAD=yes # Faad audio decoder (mp4/aac) Support # # WITHOUT_FLAC=yes # Flac Support # # WITHOUT_LAME=yes # Mp3 encoder Support # # WITHOUT_LIBA52=yes # liba52 audio Support # # WITH_LIBTREMOR # Interger-only Ogg Vorbis decoder # !!experimental!! # # WITHOUT_MAD=yes # Mad mp3 audio decoder Support # # WITH_SPEEX=yes # Speex voice codec Support # Note: you need audio/speex-devel # # WITH_TOOLAME=yes # Toolame Support # # WITHOUT_VORBIS=yes # Ogg/Vorbis Support # # Graphics Knobs: # # WITH_AALIB=yes # Console Graphics Support # # WITH_FRIBIDI=yes # # WITH_GGI=yes # # WITH_LIBCACA=yes # Console Graphics Support (implies WITH_AALIB) # # WITHOUT_SDL=yes # SDL video output # # WITH_SVG=yes # # WITH_SVGALIB=yes # SVGAlib video output # # WITH_XOSD=yes # # Multimedia Knbos: # # WITHOUT_LIBMATROSKA=yes # Matroska Container Format Support # # WITHOUT_LIBMPEG2=yes # # WITH_LIBTHEORA=yes # # WITHOUT_XVID=yes # Mpeg-4(divx) Support # # Other Knobs: # # DEBUG=yes # Enable debuging support # # WITHOUT_CDROM=yes # Disable cddb and vcd support # and other cdrom support # # WITHOUT_DVBPSI=yes # TS MUX and DEMUX support # # WITHOUT_DVD=yes # Disable all dvd support # # WITHOUT_LIVEMEDIA=yes # Support for rstp/rtp/sdp protocols # Only versions 2004.11.11 and higher are supported. # * recommended if you want to stream media. # # WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN= [mozilla|mozilla-devel|firefox] # Enable A mozilla plugin for VLC # See http://www.videolan.org/doc/vlc-user-guide/en/ch07.html#id2529837 # for more info on using this plugin. # defaults to www/mozilla # # WITH_OPENGL=yes # Enable OpenGL visual plugin (not playback, play back is default with X11) # # WITH_SSL=yes # Enable TLS/SSL Support for web (httpd) interface # # WITHOUT_SLP=yes # Disable SLP service discovery support # * recommended if you want to stream media # # WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS=yes # Compile with -O3 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer # # WITH_DVD_DEVICE=/dev/somedevice # default 5.x and above: /dev/acd0 # default 4.x and below: /dev/acd0c # This option changes the default dvd device # # WITH_CDROM_DEVICE=/dev/somedevice # default 5.x and above: /dev/acd0 # default 4.x and below: /dev/acd0c # This option changes the default cdrom device # # WITHOUT_NLS=yes # Disable Languarge Support # # NOPORTDOCS=yes # Do not install Vlc's Documents # PORTNAME= vlc PORTVERSION= 0.8.1 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= multimedia audio ipv6 net www MASTER_SITES= http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/${PORTVERSION}/ \ http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/${PORTVERSION}/contrib/:ffmpeg \ ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL:S|$|:mozilla|} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ahze/:mozilla PKGNAMESUFFIX?= ${ESOUND_SUFFIX}${MOZILLA_SUFFIX}${PKGNAMESUFFIX2} DISTFILES= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} \ ffmpeg-${FFMPEG_SNAP}${EXTRACT_SUFX}:ffmpeg \ vlc-intf-mozilla-plugin${EXTRACT_SUFX}:mozilla MAINTAINER= ahze@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Multimedia streaming server and player for various audio/video formats ### BROKEN -- Needs newer verision of toolame ### WITHOUT_TOOLAME= yes ### BROKEN ### USE_BZIP2= yes USE_X_PREFIX= yes USE_GETOPT_LONG=yes USE_GETTEXT= yes USE_GMAKE= yes WANT_GNOME= yes USE_GNOME= gnometarget USE_REINPLACE= yes WANT_SDL= yes USE_XLIB= yes USE_ICONV= yes FFMPEG_SNAP= 20041113 FFMPEG_SRC_DIR= ${WRKDIR}/ffmpeg-${FFMPEG_SNAP} FAKEDIR= ${WRKDIR}/fake PLIST= ${WRKDIR}/plist INSTALLS_SHLIB= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ENV+= PATH_GTKCONFIG="${GTK_CONFIG}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ CPPFLAGS="-I${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR}/libavcodec ${CPPFLAGS} -I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${X11BASE}/include ${PTHREAD_CFLAGS}" \ LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -L${X11BASE}/lib ${PTHREAD_LIBS}" FFMPEG_CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-gpl --disable-ffserver \ --enable-memalign-hack \ --cc="${CC}" \ --make="${GMAKE}" \ --extra-ldflags="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -L${X11BASE}/lib" \ --extra-cflags="${CFLAGS} -I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${X11BASE}/include" \ --extra-libs"-lm" \ --disable-debug \ --enable-pp CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ffmpeg \ --with-ffmpeg-tree=${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR} \ --with-ffmpeg=${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR} \ --with-ffmpeg-zlib \ --disable-gnome \ --disable-gtk \ --without-libintl-prefix MAN1= vlc.1 \ vlc-config.1 .if defined(WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN) .if ${WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN}=="firefox" BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${X11BASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/firefox-plugin.pc:${PORTSDIR}/www/firefox RUN_DEPENDS+= ${X11BASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/firefox-plugin.pc:${PORTSDIR}/www/firefox CONFIGURE_ENV+= MOZILLA_CONFIG="${X11BASE}/bin/firefox-config" .else BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${X11BASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/mozilla-plugin${HEADERS_SUFX}.pc:${PORTSDIR}/www/mozilla${HEADERS_SUFX} RUN_DEPENDS+= ${X11BASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/mozilla-plugin${HEADERS_SUFX}.pc:${PORTSDIR}/www/mozilla${HEADERS_SUFX} CONFIGURE_ENV+= MOZILLA_CONFIG="${X11BASE}/lib/mozilla${HEADERS_SUFX}/mozilla-config" .endif MOZILLA_SUFFIX=-mozilla CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-mozilla .if ${WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN}=="mozilla-devel" HEADERS_SUFX= -devel .else HEADERS_SUFX= .endif .endif .include .if ${HAVE_GNOME:Mesound}!="" && !defined(WITHOUT_ESOUND) WITH_ESOUND= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libaa.so.1) && !defined(WITHOUT_AALIB) WITH_AALIB= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libcaca.a) WITH_LIBCACA= yes WITH_AALIB= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/fribidi-config) && !defined(WITHOUT_FRIBIDI) WITH_FRIBIDI= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libggi.so.2) && !defined(WITHOUT_GGI) WITH_GGI= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libtheora.so.0) && !defined(WITHOUT_LIBTHEORA) WITH_LIBTHEORA= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libspeex.a) && !defined(WITHOUT_SPEEX) .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/include/speex.h) WITHOUT_SPEEX= yes .else WITH_SPEEX= yes .endif .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libgnutls.a) && !defined(WITHOUT_SSL) WITH_SSL= yes .endif .if exists(${X11BASE}/lib/librsvg-2.a) && !defined(WITHOUT_SVG) WITH_SVG= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/lib/vga.so.1) && !defined(WITHOUT_SVGALIB) WITH_SVGALIB= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libvorbisidec.a) WITH_LIBTREMOR= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/toolame) WITH_TOOLAME= yes .endif .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libxosd.so.4) && !defined(WITHOUT_XOSD) WITH_XOSD= yes .endif # compatible knobs. .if defined(WITH_DEBUG) DEBUG= yes .endif .if defined(WITH_MATROSKA) WITH_LIBMATROSKA=yes .endif .if defined(WITH_TREMOR) WITH_LIBTREMOR=yes .endif # end compatible knobs .if defined(WITHOUT_NLS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-nls .endif .if defined(WITH_DVD_DEVICE) DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE=${WITH_DVD_DEVICE} .else .if ${OSVERSION} < 500000 DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE=/dev/acd0c .else DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE=/dev/acd0 .endif .endif .if defined(WITH_CDROM_DEVICE) DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE=${WITH_CDROM_DEVICE} .else .if ${OSVERSION} < 500000 DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE=/dev/acd0c .else DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE=/dev/acd0 .endif .endif .if defined(WITH_SKINS) && !defined(WITHOUT_SKINS) LIB_DEPENDS+= wx_gtk2-2.4.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/wxgtk2 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-skins2 --enable-skins .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-skins2 .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_WXWINDOWS) LIB_DEPENDS+= wx_gtk2-2.4.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/wxgtk2 USE_GNOME+= gnomehier CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-wxwindows CONFIGURE_ENV+= WX_CONFIG=${X11BASE}/bin/wxgtk2-2.4-config .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-wxwindows .endif .if defined(WITH_ARTS) && !defined(WITHOUT_ARTS) LIB_DEPENDS+= artsc.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/arts CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-arts .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-arts .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_CDROM) LIB_DEPENDS+= vcdinfo.0:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/vcdimager \ cdio.2:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/libcdio CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-vcd \ --enable-libcddb \ --enable-libcdio .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-vcd \ --disable-libcddb \ --disable-libcdio .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_DVBPSI) LIB_DEPENDS+= dvbpsi.3:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/libdvbpsi CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-dvbpsi \ --with-dvbpsi=${LOCALBASE} .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-dvbpsi .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_DVD) LIB_DEPENDS+= dvdnav.3:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/libdvdnav CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-dvdnav \ --enable-dvdread \ --with-dvdcss=${LOCALBASE} \ --with-dvdread=${LOCALBASE} .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-dvdnav \ --disable-dvdread .endif .if defined(WITH_ESOUND) && !defined(WITHOUT_ESOUND) ESOUND_SUFFIX= -esound USE_GNOME+= esound CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-esd .endif .if defined(WITH_FAAC) && !defined(WITHOUT_FAAC) CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-ffmpeg-faac FFMPEG_CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-faac LIB_DEPENDS+= faac.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/faac .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_FAAD) LIB_DEPENDS+= faad.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/faad CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-faad FFMPEG_CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-faadbin .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-faad .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_FLAC) LIB_DEPENDS+= FLAC.5:${PORTSDIR}/audio/flac CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-flac .else CONFLGIRE_ARGS+=--disable-flac .endif .if defined(WITH_FRIBIDI) && !defined(WITHOUT_FRIBIDI) LIB_DEPENDS+= fribidi.0:${PORTSDIR}/converters/fribidi CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-fribidi .endif .if defined(WITH_AALIB) && !defined(WITHOUT_AALIB) LIB_DEPENDS+= aa.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/aalib CONFIGUR_ARGSE+= --enable-aa .endif .if defined(WITH_LIBCACA) && !defined(WITHOUT_LIBCACA) .if !defined(WITHOUT_AALIB) WITH_AALIB= yes BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libcaca.a:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libcaca RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libcaca.a:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libcaca CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-caca .endif .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-caca .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_DTS) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libdts.a:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/libdts CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-dts \ --with-ffmpeg-dts .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-dts .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_HTTPD) CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-httpd .endif .if defined(WITH_GGI) && !defined(WITHOUT_GGI) LIB_DEPENDS+= ggi.2:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libggi CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-ggi .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-ggi .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_LAME) LIB_DEPENDS+= mp3lame.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/lame CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-mp3lame \ --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_LIBMATROSKA) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libmatroska.a:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/libmatroska .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_LIBA52) LIB_DEPENDS+= a52.0:${PORTSDIR}/audio/liba52 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-a52 \ --with-a52-tree=${LOCALBASE} .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--diable-a52 .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_LIBMPEG2) LIB_DEPENDS+= mpeg2.0:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/libmpeg2 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-libmpeg2 .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-libmpeg2 .endif .if defined(WITH_LIBTHEORA) && !defined(WITHOUT_LIBTHEORA) LIB_DEPENDS+= theora.0:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libtheora CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-theora .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-theora .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_LIVEMEDIA) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/live/liveMedia/libliveMedia.a:${PORTSDIR}/net/liveMedia CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-livedotcom \ --with-livedotcom-tree=${LOCALBASE}/live .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-livedotcom .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_MAD) LIB_DEPENDS+= id3tag.2:${PORTSDIR}/audio/libid3tag \ mad.2:${PORTSDIR}/audio/libmad CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-mad \ --with-mad=${LOCALBASE} .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-mad .endif .if defined(WITH_NCURSES) && !defined(WITHOUT_NCURSES) CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-ncurses .endif .if defined(WITH_OPENGL) && !defined(WITHOUT_OPENGL) USE_GL= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-galaktos .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-galaktos .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SDL) USE_SDL= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-sdl .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-sdl .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_HTTPD) && defined(WITH_SSL) LIB_DEPENDS+= gnutls.12:${PORTSDIR}/security/gnutls CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-gnutls .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-gnutls .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_SLP) LIB_DEPENDS+= slp.1:${PORTSDIR}/net/openslp .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--diable-slp .endif .if defined(WITH_SPEEX) && !defined(WITHOUT_SPEEX) LIB_DEPENDS+= speex.3:${PORTSDIR}/audio/speex-devel CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-speex CPPFLAGS+=-I${LOCALBASE}/include/speex .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-speex .endif .if defined(WITH_SVG) && !defined(WITHOUT_SVG) USE_GNOME+= librsvg2 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-svg .else CONFIGURE_AGRS+=--disable-svg .endif .if defined(WITH_SVGALIB) && !defined(WITHOUT_SVGALIB) LIB_DEPENDS+= vga.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/svgalib CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-svgalib .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-svgalib .endif .if defined(WITH_LIBTREMOR) && !defined(WITHOUT_LIBTREMOR) LIB_DEPENDS+= vorbisidec.1:${PORTSDIR}/audio/libtremor .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-tremor .endif .if defined(WITH_TOOLAME) && !defined(WITHOUT_TOOLAME) BUILD_DEPENDS+= toolame:${PORTSDIR}/audio/toolame RUN_DEPEDNS+= toolame:${PORTSDIR}/audio/toolame CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-toolame .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-toolame .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_VORBIS) LIB_DEPENDS+= vorbis.3:${PORTSDIR}/audio/libvorbis CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-vorbis .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-vorbis .endif .if defined(WITH_XOSD) && !defined(WITHOUT_XOSD) LIB_DEPENDS+= xosd.4:${PORTSDIR}/misc/xosd CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-xosd .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-xosd .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_XVID) LIB_DEPENDS+= xvidcore.4:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/xvid FFMPEG_CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-xvid .else FFMPEG_CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-xvid .endif .if defined(DEBUG) CONFIGURE_AGRS+=--enable-debug .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-release .endif .if defined(WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS) CFLAGS+= -O3 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-release .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-optimizations .endif .if ${OSVERSION} < 500000 CONFIGURE_ENV+= LIBS="-L/usr/lib -lcipher" .endif pre-everything:: @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "Take a careful look at the begning of the Makefile in order" @${ECHO_MSG} "to learn how to tune VLC towards you personal preferences!" @${ECHO_MSG} "For example, make WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN=firefox" .if defined(WITH_SPEEX) && exists(${LOCALBASE}/include/speex.h) @${ECHO_MSG} "" @${ECHO_MSG} "**** WARNING ****" @${ECHO_MSG} "Speex 1.0 was detected, if you want Speex support" @${ECHO_MSG} "Please upgrade speex to audio/speex-devel (1.1.x)" @${ECHO_MSG} "" .endif post-patch: # mozilla plugin .if defined(WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN) @${CP} -f ${WRKDIR}/vlc-intf-mozilla-plugin/vlcintf.h ${WRKSRC}/mozilla @${CP} -f ${WRKDIR}/vlc-intf-mozilla-plugin/vlcintf.xpt ${WRKSRC}/mozilla @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|$$(libdir)/mozilla/plugins|${FAKEDIR}/mozilla|; \ s|$$(libdir)/mozilla/components|${FAKEDIR}/mozilla|' \ ${WRKSRC}/mozilla/Makefile.in .endif # a52 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|include/a52.h|include/a52dec/a52.h|' \ ${WRKSRC}/modules/audio_filter/converter/a52tofloat32.c \ ${WRKSRC}/configure # skins2 interface @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|lrint|rint|' \ ${WRKSRC}/modules/gui/skins2/controls/ctrl_list.cpp # s/Linux/FreeBSD/ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|Linux|FreeBSD|' \ ${WRKSRC}/po/* @${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/po/*.bak @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|Linux OSS|FreeBSD OSS|' \ ${WRKSRC}/modules/audio_output/oss.c # pthreads/cflags @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/-lpthread/${PTHREAD_LIBS}/' \ -e 's/-lc_r/${PTHREAD_LIBS}/' \ -e 's|postproc/postprocess.h|ffmpeg/postproc/postprocess.h|' \ -e 's|-mcpu=pentiumpro||' \ ${WRKSRC}/configure @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|cflags_tuning=|# cflags_tuning=|' \ ${WRKSRC}/vlc-config.in # cdrom/dvd support @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/dev/cdrom|${DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE}|; \ s|/dev/dvd|${DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/include/vlc_config.h # ffmpeg .if ${OSVERSION} < 502119 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|roundf|rintf|' \ ${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR}/libavcodec/xvidff.c .endif cd ${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR} && \ ${PATCH} -p0 < ${PATCHDIR}/ffmpeg-patch \ pre-configure: cd ${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR} \ && ${SETENV} ${SCRIPTS_ENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} \ ${SH} ./configure ${CONFIGURE_ARGS} ${FFMPEG_CONFIGURE_ARGS} .for dir in libavcodec libavformat cd ${FFMPEG_SRC_DIR}/${dir} \ && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${GMAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} Makefile ${MAKE_ARGS} all .endfor pre-install: ${RM} -rf ${PLIST} ${FAKEDIR} ${MKDIR} ${FAKEDIR} ${TOUCH} -f ${PLIST} .if !defined(WITHOUT_WXWINDOWS) ${ECHO_CMD} "share/gnome/applications/vlc.desktop" >> ${PLIST} ${ECHO_CMD} "share/gnome/pixmaps/vlc.png" >> ${PLIST} .endif cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${GMAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} \ ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKE_ARGS} ${INSTALL_TARGET} prefix=${FAKEDIR} cd ${FAKEDIR}/bin && ${FIND} -s * | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|bin/|' >> ${PLIST} cd ${FAKEDIR}/include && ${FIND} -s * -type f -o -type l | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|include/|' >> ${PLIST} \ && ${FIND} -d * -type d | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|@dirrm include/|' >> ${PLIST} cd ${FAKEDIR}/lib && ${FIND} -s * -type f -o -type l| \ ${SED} -e 's|^|lib/|' >> ${PLIST} \ && ${FIND} -d * -type d | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|@dirrm lib/|' >> ${PLIST} .for dir in vlc cd ${FAKEDIR}/share/${dir} && ${FIND} -s * -type f -o -type l | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|share/${dir}/|' >> ${PLIST} \ && ${FIND} -d * -type d | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|@dirrm share/${dir}/|' >> ${PLIST} .endfor .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) cd ${FAKEDIR}/share/doc && ${FIND} -s * -type f -o -type l | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|share/doc/|' >> ${PLIST} \ && ${FIND} -d * -type d | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|@dirrm share/doc/|' >> ${PLIST} .else ${RM} -rf ${FAKEDIR}/share/doc .endif ${ECHO_MSG} "@dirrm share/vlc" >> ${PLIST} cd ${FAKEDIR}/share/locale && ${FIND} -s * -type f -o -type l | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|share/locale/|' >> ${PLIST} .if defined(WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN) cd ${FAKEDIR}/mozilla && ${FIND} -s * | \ ${SED} -e 's|^|lib/browser_plugins/|' >> ${PLIST} .endif do-install: .if !defined(WITHOUT_WXWINDOWS) if [ ! -d ${PREFIX}/share/gnome/applications ]; then \ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/gnome/applications ; \ fi ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/vlc.desktop ${PREFIX}/share/gnome/applications if [ ! -d ${PREFIX}/share/gnome/pixmaps ]; then \ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/gnome/pixmaps ; \ fi ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FAKEDIR}/share/vlc/vlc48x48.png ${PREFIX}/share/gnome/pixmaps/vlc.png .endif @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|${FAKEDIR}|${PREFIX}|' \ ${FAKEDIR}/bin/vlc-config @${RM} -f ${FAKEDIR}/bin/*.bak cd ${FAKEDIR}/bin && ${FIND} . | \ ${CPIO} -pdm -R ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${PREFIX}/bin cd ${FAKEDIR}/include && ${FIND} . | \ ${CPIO} -pdm -L -R ${LIBOWN}:${LIBGRP} ${PREFIX}/include cd ${FAKEDIR}/lib && ${FIND} . | \ ${CPIO} -pdm -L -R ${LIBOWN}:${LIBGRP} ${PREFIX}/lib cd ${FAKEDIR}/share && ${FIND} . | \ ${CPIO} -pdm -L -R ${SHAREOWN} ${PREFIX}/share .if defined(WITH_MOZILLA_PLUGIN) @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/browser_plugins ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FAKEDIR}/mozilla/* ${PREFIX}/lib/browser_plugins .endif ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/vlc.1 ${MANPREFIX}/man/man1/ ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/vlc-config.1 ${MANPREFIX}/man/man1/ .include