CenterIM is a fork of CenterICQ. CenterIM is a text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface that supports the ICQ2000, Yahoo!, MSN, AIM, Gadu-Gadu and IRC protocols as well as posting to LiveJournal aggregating RSS feeds. It allows you to send, receive, and forward messages, URLs, SMSes, contacts, and email express messages. It also lets you set your own and fetch others' away messages, and define external handlers for incoming events. You can mass message-send, search for users, view users' details, maintain your contact list directly from the program, view the message history, register a new UIN and update your details, be informed upon receipt of email messages, automatically set away after the defined period of inactivity, and have your own ignore, visible, and invisible lists. It can also associate events with sounds, make log of events, and allows arrangement of contacts into groups. WARNING: This is the development version of centerim. There's no proof that it will build and/or run properly on your system. But we will be happy to get some feedback if you experience any problems. For testing purposes, all available protocols are enabled in this port. If you don't agree to these facts, you should probable use net-im/centerim release version. WWW: