PORTNAME= libsignal-client DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 0.9.6 PORTREVISION= 5 PORTEPOCH= 1 CATEGORIES= net-im java MAINTAINER= 0mp@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Implementation of the Signal client protocol LICENSE= AGPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= protoc:devel/protobuf USES= cargo ssl USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= signalapp USE_LDCONFIG= yes CARGO_CRATES= addr2line-0.14.1 \ adler-1.0.2 \ aead-0.4.1 \ aes-0.7.4 \ aes-gcm-0.9.2 \ aes-gcm-siv-0.10.1 \ aho-corasick-0.7.15 \ anyhow-1.0.38 \ arrayref-0.3.6 \ async-trait-0.1.42 \ atty-0.2.14 \ autocfg-0.1.7 \ autocfg-1.0.1 \ backtrace-0.3.56 \ base64-0.12.3 \ bitflags-1.2.1 \ blake2-0.9.2 \ block-buffer-0.9.0 \ block-modes-0.8.1 \ block-padding-0.2.1 \ bstr-0.2.15 \ bumpalo-3.6.1 \ byteorder-1.4.2 \ bytes-1.0.1 \ cast-0.2.3 \ cc-1.0.67 \ cesu8-1.1.0 \ cfg-if-1.0.0 \ chacha20-0.7.2 \ chacha20poly1305-0.8.2 \ chrono-0.4.19 \ cipher-0.3.0 \ clap-2.33.3 \ combine-4.5.2 \ cpufeatures-0.1.5 \ cpuid-bool-0.1.2 \ criterion-0.3.4 \ criterion-plot-0.4.3 \ crossbeam-channel-0.5.0 \ crossbeam-deque-0.8.0 \ crossbeam-epoch-0.9.2 \ crossbeam-utils-0.8.2 \ crypto-mac-0.8.0 \ crypto-mac-0.9.1 \ cslice-0.2.0 \ csv-1.1.5 \ csv-core-0.1.10 \ ctr-0.7.0 \ derivative-2.2.0 \ digest-0.9.0 \ either-1.6.1 \ fixedbitset-0.2.0 \ foreign-types-0.3.2 \ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \ futures-core-0.3.13 \ futures-macro-0.3.13 \ futures-task-0.3.13 \ futures-util-0.3.13 \ generator-0.6.24 \ generic-array-0.14.4 \ getrandom-0.1.16 \ getrandom-0.2.2 \ ghash-0.4.2 \ gimli-0.23.0 \ half-1.7.1 \ hashbrown-0.9.1 \ heck-0.3.2 \ hermit-abi-0.1.18 \ hex-0.4.2 \ hmac-0.9.0 \ indexmap-1.6.1 \ itertools-0.9.0 \ itertools-0.10.1 \ itoa-0.4.7 \ jni-0.19.0 \ jni-sys-0.3.0 \ js-sys-0.3.47 \ keccak-0.1.0 \ lazy_static-1.4.0 \ libc-0.2.97 \ libloading-0.6.7 \ libm-0.2.1 \ linkme-0.2.4 \ linkme-impl-0.2.4 \ log-0.4.14 \ log-panics-2.0.0 \ loom-0.4.0 \ memchr-2.3.4 \ memoffset-0.6.1 \ miniz_oxide-0.4.4 \ multimap-0.8.2 \ neon-0.9.1 \ neon-build-0.9.1 \ neon-macros-0.9.1 \ neon-runtime-0.9.1 \ num-bigint-0.2.6 \ num-bigint-dig-0.6.1 \ num-integer-0.1.44 \ num-iter-0.1.42 \ num-traits-0.2.14 \ num_cpus-1.13.0 \ num_enum-0.5.1 \ num_enum_derive-0.5.1 \ object-0.23.0 \ oid-0.1.1 \ once_cell-1.7.2 \ oorandom-11.1.3 \ opaque-debug-0.3.0 \ openssl-0.10.32 \ openssl-sys-0.9.60 \ paste-1.0.4 \ pem-0.8.1 \ pest-2.1.3 \ petgraph-0.5.1 \ picky-6.2.0 \ picky-asn1-0.3.1 \ picky-asn1-der-0.2.4 \ picky-asn1-x509-0.5.0 \ pin-project-lite-0.2.4 \ pin-utils-0.1.0 \ pkg-config-0.3.19 \ plotters-0.3.0 \ plotters-backend-0.3.0 \ plotters-svg-0.3.0 \ poly1305-0.7.1 \ polyval-0.5.1 \ ppv-lite86-0.2.10 \ proc-macro-crate-0.1.5 \ proc-macro-hack-0.5.19 \ proc-macro-nested-0.1.7 \ proc-macro2-1.0.24 \ prost-0.8.0 \ prost-build-0.8.0 \ prost-derive-0.8.0 \ prost-types-0.8.0 \ quote-1.0.9 \ rand-0.7.3 \ rand-0.8.3 \ rand_chacha-0.2.2 \ rand_chacha-0.3.0 \ rand_core-0.5.1 \ rand_core-0.6.2 \ rand_hc-0.2.0 \ rand_hc-0.3.0 \ rayon-1.5.0 \ rayon-core-1.9.0 \ redox_syscall-0.2.5 \ regex-1.4.3 \ regex-automata-0.1.9 \ regex-syntax-0.6.22 \ remove_dir_all-0.5.3 \ rsa-0.3.0 \ rustc-demangle-0.1.18 \ rustc_version-0.2.3 \ rustc_version-0.3.3 \ rustversion-1.0.4 \ ryu-1.0.5 \ same-file-1.0.6 \ scoped-tls-1.0.0 \ scopeguard-1.1.0 \ semver-0.9.0 \ semver-0.11.0 \ semver-parser-0.7.0 \ semver-parser-0.10.2 \ serde-1.0.123 \ serde_bytes-0.11.5 \ serde_cbor-0.11.1 \ serde_derive-1.0.123 \ serde_json-1.0.62 \ sha-1-0.9.4 \ sha2-0.9.3 \ sha3-0.9.1 \ simple_asn1-0.4.1 \ slab-0.4.2 \ smallvec-1.6.1 \ snow-0.8.0 \ spin-0.5.2 \ static_assertions-1.1.0 \ subtle-2.4.0 \ syn-1.0.60 \ syn-mid-0.5.3 \ synstructure-0.12.4 \ tempfile-3.2.0 \ textwrap-0.11.0 \ thiserror-1.0.24 \ thiserror-impl-1.0.24 \ thread_local-1.1.3 \ time-0.1.43 \ tinytemplate-1.2.0 \ toml-0.5.8 \ typenum-1.12.0 \ ucd-trie-0.1.3 \ unicode-segmentation-1.7.1 \ unicode-width-0.1.8 \ unicode-xid-0.2.1 \ universal-hash-0.4.0 \ unzip3-1.0.0 \ uuid-0.8.2 \ vcpkg-0.2.11 \ version_check-0.9.2 \ walkdir-2.3.1 \ wasi-0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \ wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \ wasm-bindgen-0.2.70 \ wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.70 \ wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.70 \ wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.70 \ wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.70 \ web-sys-0.3.47 \ which-4.0.2 \ winapi-0.3.9 \ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ winapi-util-0.1.5 \ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \ x25519-dalek-1.1.0 \ zeroize-1.3.0 \ zeroize_derive-1.0.1 \ curve25519-dalek@git+https://github.com/signalapp/curve25519-dalek?branch=3.0.0-lizard2\#2694ad3b789635f90f941648ae952f58d59ffc73 CARGO_BUILD_ARGS= --package libsignal-jni MAKE_ENV= CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_LTO=thin \ OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=${OPENSSLINC} \ OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=${OPENSSLLIB} \ RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=aes,polyval PLIST_FILES= lib/libsignal_jni.so do-install: ${INSTALL_LIB} ${CARGO_TARGET_DIR}/${CARGO_BUILD_TARGET}/*/libsignal_jni.so \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ .include