TAS is a traffic accounting system that picks up ip and application level traffic statistics, stores it and processes to build reports. Report is a set of user-defined tables. Table columns and rows are groups of hosts (traffic sources or destinations) aggregated according to the rules defined by user. What TAS can let you, in a few words: - Do traffic accounting on IP-level and application level - Store all accounting data for the desirable number of months for later data extraction - Generate complex reports (in HTML or plain text) according to the specified rules either on periodic basis or on demand - Have a convinient web interface for easy definition of report rules and quick report generation What TAS is not intended for: - Time accounting - Accounting for non IP or IP-based traffic - Accounting by username (in case of password-based internet access) - Charging/Pricing/Billing/Client management - Gathering traffic accounting information from the router interfaces like trafd, bpft, ipacctd, or ipa do (TAS is just a front-end for such kind of programs) - Reports generation for arbitrary time intervals WWW: http://rnoc.urc.ac.ru/~anton/projects/tas/TAS.html