Texas Instruments (TI) ACX100/111 IEEE 802.11 driver. The acx driver supports ACX100/111 based Cardbus or PCI network adapters. The following cards are known to work with the acx driver: Card Bus Type Binatone WL-1000 CARDBUS ACX100 D-Link DWL-650+ CARDBUS ACX100 US Robotics USR2210 CARDBUS ACX100 US Robotics USR2216 PCI ACX100 D-Link DWL-G650+ CARDBUS ACX111 D-Link DWL-G520+ PCI ACX111 US Robotics USR5416 PCI ACX111 SAFECOM SWLPT-54125 PCI ACX111 WWW: http://dev.kewl.org/