# New ports collection makefile for: coda-server-6 # Date created: 9 september 2003 # Whom: Tim Robbins # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= coda PORTVERSION= ${CODA_VERSION} CATEGORIES= net MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.coda.cs.cmu.edu/pub/coda/src/ PKGNAMESUFFIX= -${CODA_SUITE} DISTNAME= coda-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER?= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Server programs for a replicated high-performance network file system LIB_DEPENDS= lwp.2:${PORTSDIR}/devel/lwp \ rpc2.6:${PORTSDIR}/devel/rpc2 \ rvm.3:${PORTSDIR}/devel/rvm CONFLICTS= coda-server-5.* ALL_TARGET= coda INSTALL_TARGET= ${CODA_SUITE}-install GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_GMAKE= yes CODA_SUITE?= server CODA_VERSION?= 6.0.7 .if ${CODA_SUITE} == server MAN5= vicetab.5 passwd.coda.5 MAN8= pdbtool.8 auth2.8 initpw.8 norton.8 .else MAN1= clog.1 cpasswd.1 ctokens.1 cunlog.1 \ repair.1 cfs.1 cmon.1 coda_replay.1 \ hoard.1 spy.1 MAN8= au.8 venus.8 .endif .include .if ${CODA_SUITE} == client .if ${OSVERSION} < 501106 IGNORE= lacks kernel support on this version of FreeBSD .endif .if ${OSVERSION} >= 600000 IGNORE= makes a kernel panic on this version of FreeBSD .endif .endif .if ${OSVERSION} > 505000 BROKEN= does not compile .endif DEPRECATED= compiles neither on 5-STABLE nor 6-STABLE; current version is quite old EXPIRATION_DATE= 2006-10-04 .include