# Created by: Richard Neese # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= freeswitch PORTVERSION= 1.2.3 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= net MASTER_SITES= # none PKGNAMESUFFIX= -devel DISTFILES= # none EXTRACT_ONLY= # none MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= FreeSwitch meta-port to pull in all the components RUN_DEPENDS= freeswitch:${PORTSDIR}/net/freeswitch-core-devel CONFLICTS= freeswitch-core-[0-9]* NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes NO_BUILD= yes OPTIONS_DEFINE= SOUNDS MUSIC SOUNDS_DESC= Sound files for use with FreeSwitch PBX MUSIC_DESC= Music on hold for use with FreeSwitch PBX OPTIONS_DEFAULT= SOUNDS MUSIC NO_OPTIONS_SORT= yes NO_STAGE= yes .include .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSOUNDS} RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/share/freeswitch/sounds/.freeswitch-sounds:${PORTSDIR}/audio/freeswitch-sounds .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MMUSIC} RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/share/freeswitch/sounds/.freeswitch-music:${PORTSDIR}/audio/freeswitch-music .endif do-install: build @${DO_NADA} .include