#!/usr/bin/perl -w #- # Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Dag-Erling Coïdan Smørgrav # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in this position and unchanged. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ # use strict; use Fcntl; use Getopt::Long; my $VERSION = "2.7.2"; my $COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Dag-Erling Smørgrav. " . "All rights reserved."; # Constants sub ANONCVS_ROOT { ":pserver:anoncvs\@anoncvs.FreeBSD.org:/home/ncvs" } sub REQ_EXPLICIT { 1 } sub REQ_IMPLICIT { 2 } sub REQ_MASTER { 4 } sub CVS_PASSFILE { "%%PREFIX%%/share/porteasy/cvspass" } sub PATH_CVS { "/usr/bin/cvs" } sub PATH_LDCONFIG { "/sbin/ldconfig" } sub PATH_MAKE { "/usr/bin/make" } # Global parameters my $dbdir = "/var/db/pkg"; # Package database directory my $index = undef; # Index file my $portsdir = "/usr/ports"; # Ports directory my $tag = undef; # cvs tag to use my $date = undef; # cvs date to use # Global flags my $anoncvs = 0; # Use anoncvs.FreeBSD.org my $clean = 0; # Clean ports my $cvsroot = 0; # CVS root directory my $exclude = 0; # Do not list installed ports my $fetch = 0; # Fetch ports my $force = 0; # Force package registration my $installed = 0; # Select installed ports my $info = 0; # Show port info my $dontclean = 0; # Don't clean after build my $packages = 0; # Build packages my $list = 0; # List ports my $plist = 0; # Print packing list my $build = 0; # Build ports my $status = 0; # List installed ports and their status my $update = 0; # Update ports tree from CVS my $verbose = 0; # Verbose mode my $website = 0; # Show website URL # Global variables my $need_deps; # Need dependency information my $have_index; # Index has been read my %ports; # Maps ports to their directory. my %pkgname; # Inverse of the above map my %masterport; # Maps ports to their master ports my %reqd; # Ports that need to be installed my %have_dep; # Dependencies that are already present my %port_dep; # Map ports to their dependency lists my %installed; # Installed ports my $capture; # Capture output # # Shortcut for 'print STDERR' # sub stderr(@) { print(STDERR @_); } # # Similar to err(3) # sub bsd::err($$@) { my $code = shift; # Return code my $fmt = shift; # Format string my @args = @_; # Arguments my $msg; # Error message $msg = sprintf($fmt, @args); stderr("$msg: $!\n"); exit($code); } # # Similar to errx(3) # sub bsd::errx($$@) { my $code = shift; # Return code my $fmt = shift; # Format string my @args = @_; # Arguments my $msg; # Error message $msg = sprintf($fmt, @args); stderr("$msg\n"); exit($code); } # # Similar to warn(3) # sub bsd::warn($@) { my $fmt = shift; # Format string my @args = @_; # Arguments my $msg; # Error message $msg = sprintf($fmt, @args); stderr("$msg: $!\n"); } # # Similar to warnx(3) # sub bsd::warnx($@) { my $fmt = shift; # Format string my @args = @_; # Arguments my $msg; # Error message $msg = sprintf($fmt, @args); stderr("$msg\n"); } # # Call the specified sub with $capture set # sub capture($@) { my $subr = shift; # Subroutine to call my @args = @_; # Arguments my $oldcapture; # Old capture flag my $rtn; # Return value $oldcapture = $capture; $capture = 1; $rtn = &{$subr}(@args); $capture = $oldcapture; return $rtn; } # # Print an info message # sub info(@) { my $msg; # Message if ($verbose) { $msg = join(' ', @_); chomp($msg); stderr("$msg\n"); } } # # Print an info message about a subprocess # sub cmdinfo(@) { info(">>>", @_); } # # Change working directory # sub cd($) { my $dir = shift; # Directory to change to cmdinfo("cd $dir"); chdir($dir) or bsd::err(1, "unable to chdir to %s", $dir); } # # Run a command and return its output # sub cmd($@) { my $cmd = shift; # Command to run my @args = @_; # Arguments my $pid; # Child pid local *PIPE; # Pipe my $output; # Output my $rtn; # Return value cmdinfo(join(" ", $cmd, @args)); $pid = ($capture || $verbose) ? open(PIPE, "-|") : fork(); if (!defined($pid)) { bsd::err(1, ($capture || $verbose) ? "open()" : "fork()"); } elsif ($pid == 0) { exec($cmd, @args); die("child: exec(): $!\n"); } if ($capture || $verbose) { $output = ""; while () { $output .= $_; if ($verbose) { stderr($_); } } } $rtn = ($capture || $verbose) ? close(PIPE) : (waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid); if (!$rtn) { if ($? & 0xff) { bsd::warnx("%s caught signal %d", $cmd, $? & 0x7f); } elsif ($? >> 8) { bsd::warnx("%s returned exit code %d", $cmd, $? >> 8); } else { bsd::warn("close()"); } return undef; } if ($capture) { $output =~ s/\n*$//s; return $output; } return 1; } # # Run CVS # sub cvs($;@) { my $cmd = shift; # CVS command my @args; # Arguments to CVS if (!$update) { return "\n"; } if (!$verbose) { push(@args, "-q"); } push(@args, "-f", "-z3", "-R", "-d$cvsroot", $cmd, "-A"); if ($cmd eq "checkout") { push(@args, "-P"); } elsif ($cmd eq "update") { push(@args, "-P", "-d"); } if ($tag) { push(@args, "-r$tag"); } if ($date) { push(@args, "-D$date"); } push(@args, @_); return cmd(&PATH_CVS, @args); } # # Run make # sub make($@) { my $port = shift; # Port category/name my @args = @_; push(@args, "PORTSDIR=$portsdir") unless ($portsdir eq "/usr/ports"); cd("$portsdir/$port"); return cmd(&PATH_MAKE, @args); } # # The undocumented command. # sub ecks() { local *FILE; # File handle sysopen(FILE, "/var/db/port.mkversion", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644) or bsd::err(1, "open()"); print(FILE "20380119\n"); close(FILE); } # # Update the index file # sub update_index() { my $parent; # Parent directory $parent = $portsdir; $parent =~ s/\/*ports\/*$//; if (! -f "ports/INDEX" || ! -d "ports/CVS") { cd($parent); cvs("checkout", "-l", "ports") or bsd::errx(1, "error checking out the index file"); cd($portsdir); } else { cd($portsdir); cvs("update", "Makefile", "INDEX") or bsd::errx(1, "error updating the index file"); } cvs("update", "Mk") or bsd::errx(1, "error updating the Makefiles"); } # # Read the ports index # sub read_index() { local *INDEX; # File handle my $line; # Line from file return if ($have_index); info("Reading index file"); sysopen(INDEX, $index, O_RDONLY) or bsd::err(1, "can't open $index"); while ($line = ) { my @port; # Port info @port = split(/\|/, $line, 3); $port[1] =~ s|^/usr/ports/*||; $ports{$port[0]} = $port[1]; $pkgname{$port[1]} = $port[0]; } close(INDEX); info(keys(%ports) . " ports in index"); $have_index = 1; } # # Find a port by a portion of it's package name # sub find_port($) { my $port = shift; # Port to find my @suggest; # Suggestions stderr("Can't find required port '$port'"); @suggest = grep(/^$port/i, keys(%ports)); if (@suggest == 1 && $suggest[0] =~ m/^$port[0-9.-]/) { $port = $ports{$suggest[0]}; stderr(", assuming you mean $pkgname{$port}.\n"); return $port; } elsif (@suggest) { stderr(", maybe you mean:\n " . (join("\n ", @suggest))); } stderr("\n"); return undef; } # # Add a port to the list of required ports # sub add_port($$) { my $port = shift; # Port to add my $req = shift; # Requirement (explicit or implicit) my $realport; # Real port name if ($port =~ m|^([^/]+/[^/]+)$|) { $realport = $1; } else { if (!$have_index) { read_index(); } if (exists($ports{$port})) { $realport = $ports{$port}; } else { $realport = find_port($port); } } if (!$realport) { return 1; } if (!exists($reqd{$realport})) { $reqd{$realport} = 0; } $reqd{$realport} |= $req; return 0; } # # Get the ORIGIN line from a manifest # sub get_origin($) { my $port = shift; # Port to inspect local *FILE; # File handle my $origin; # Origin if (!sysopen(FILE, "$dbdir/$port/+CONTENTS", O_RDONLY)) { bsd::warn("can't read manifest for $port"); return undef; } while () { if (m/^\@comment\s+ORIGIN:(.*)\s*$/) { $origin = $1; last; } } close(FILE); if ($origin) { info("$port -> $origin\n"); } return $origin; } # # Select installed ports # sub add_installed() { local *DIR; # Directory handle my $port; # Installed port my $origin; # Port's origin opendir(DIR, $dbdir) or bsd::err(1, "can't read database directory"); foreach $port (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($port eq "." || $port eq ".." || ! -d "$dbdir/$port"); if (!defined($origin = get_origin($port))) { bsd::warn("$port has no \@origin line\n"); if (!defined($origin = $ports{$port})) { bsd::warnx("installed port %s is unknown", $port); } } if (defined($installed{$port} = $origin)) { add_port($origin, &REQ_EXPLICIT); } } closedir(DIR); } # # Find master directory for a port # sub find_master($) { my $port = shift; # Port local *FILE; # File handle my $master; # Master directory if ($masterport{$port}) { return $masterport{$port}; } # Look for MASTERDIR in the Makefile. We can't use 'make -V' # because the Makefile might try to include the master port's # Makefile, which might not be checked out yet. open(FILE, "$portsdir/$port/Makefile") or bsd::err(1, "unable to read Makefile for $port"); while () { if (/^(?:MAIN|MASTER)DIR\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $master = $1; } elsif (/^\.?include \"([^\"]+)\/Makefile(?:[^\/\"]*)\"\s*$/) { $master = $1; } if (defined($master) && $master !~ m/WRKDIRPREFIX/) { $master =~ s/^\$\{.CURDIR\}//; $master = "/$port/$master"; $master =~ s|/+|/|g; 1 while ($master =~ s|/[^\./]*/\.\./|/|); $master =~ s|^/||; if ($master !~ m|^[^/]+/[^/]+$|) { bsd::warn("invalid master for %s: %s", $port, $master); next; } close(FILE); info("$master is master for $port\n"); return $masterport{$port} = $master; } } close(FILE); return undef; } # # Find a dynamic library # sub find_library($) { my $library = shift; # Library to find my $ldconfig; # Output from ldconfig(8) $ldconfig = capture(\&cmd, (&PATH_LDCONFIG, "-r")); defined($ldconfig) or errx(1, "unable to run ldconfig"); if ($ldconfig =~ m/^\s*\d+:-l$library(\.\d+)* => (.*)$/m) { info("The $library library is installed as $2"); return 1; } return 0; } # # Find a binary # sub find_binary($) { my $binary = shift; # Binary to find my $dir; # Directory if ($binary =~ m|^/|) { info("$binary is installed as $binary"); return (-x $binary); } foreach $dir (split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'})) { if (-x "$dir/$binary") { info("$binary is installed as $dir/$binary"); return 1; } } return 0; } # # Process a dependency list # sub add_dependencies($$@) { my $port = shift; # Port my $finder = shift; # Finder function my @dependlist = @_; # Dependency list my $item; # Iterator foreach $item (@dependlist) { $item =~ s|\`([^\`]+)\`|capture(\&cmd, "sh", "-c", $1)|eg; if ($item !~ m|^(?:([^:]+):)?$portsdir/([^/:]+/[^/:]+)/?(:[^:]+)?$|) { bsd::warnx("invalid dependency: %s", $item); next; } my ($lhs, $rhs, $target) = ($1, $2, $3); next if ($port_dep{$port}->{$rhs}); # XXX this isn't quite right; lhs-less dependencies should be # XXX checked against /var/db/pkg or something. if ($exclude && defined($lhs)) { if ($have_dep{$rhs}) { next; } info("Verifying status of $rhs ($lhs)"); if (($lhs =~ m|^/| && -f $lhs) || &{$finder}($lhs)) { info("$rhs seems to be installed"); $have_dep{$rhs} = 1; next; } $have_dep{$rhs} = -1; } info("Adding $rhs as a dependency for $port"); $port_dep{$port}->{$rhs} = $target || 'install'; } } # # Find a port's dependencies # sub find_dependencies($) { my $port = shift; # Port my $dependvars; # Dependency variables return () unless $need_deps; if (!exists($port_dep{$port})) { $dependvars = capture(\&make, ($port, "-VLIB_DEPENDS")); defined($dependvars) or bsd::errx(1, "failed to obtain dependency list"); add_dependencies($port, \&find_library, split(' ', $dependvars)); $dependvars = capture(\&make, ($port, "-VFETCH_DEPENDS", "-VBUILD_DEPENDS", "-VRUN_DEPENDS", "-VDEPENDS")); defined($dependvars) or bsd::errx(1, "failed to obtain dependency list"); add_dependencies($port, \&find_binary, split(' ', $dependvars)); } return keys(%{$port_dep{$port}}); } # # Update all necessary files to build the specified ports # sub update_ports_tree(@) { my @ports = @_; # Ports to update my $port; # Port name my $category; # Category name my %upd_cat; # Hash of updated categories my %upd_port; # Hash of updated ports my %processed; # Hash of processed ports my @additional; # Additional dependencies my $n; # Pass count my $makev; # Output from 'make -v' foreach $port (@ports) { push(@additional, $port); } for ($n = 0; ; ++$n) { my @update_now; # Ports that need updating now my $item; # Iterator my $master; # Master port my $dependency; # Dependency # Determine which ports need updating foreach $item (@additional) { next if $processed{$item}; ($category, $port) = split(/\//, $item); if (!exists($upd_port{$category})) { $upd_port{$category} = {}; } if (!exists($upd_port{$category}->{$port})) { $upd_port{$category}->{$port} = 0; } push(@update_now, $item); } last unless @update_now; info("Pass $n:", @update_now); # Update the relevant sections of the ports tree foreach $category (keys(%upd_port)) { my @ports; # Ports to update if (!$upd_cat{$category}) { cd($portsdir); cvs("update", "-l", $category) or bsd::errx(1, "error updating the '$category' category"); $upd_cat{$category} = 1; } foreach $port (keys(%{$upd_port{$category}})) { next if ($upd_port{$category}->{$port}); push(@ports, $port); $upd_port{$category}->{$port} = 1; } if (@ports) { cd("$portsdir/$category"); cvs("update", @ports) or bsd::errx(1, "error updating the '$category' category"); } } # Process all unprocessed ports we know of so far foreach $port (@update_now) { # See if the port has an unprocessed master port if (($master = find_master($port)) && !$processed{$master}) { add_port($master, &REQ_MASTER); info("Adding $master to head of line\n"); unshift(@additional, $master); # Need to process master before we continue next; } # Find the port's package name if (!exists($pkgname{$port})) { $makev = capture(\&make, ($port, "-VPKGNAME")); if ($makev =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/s) { $pkgname{$port} = $1; } else { bsd::warnx("failed to obtain package name for $port"); } } # Find the port's dependencies foreach $dependency (find_dependencies($port)) { next if ($processed{$dependency}); if ($reqd{$port} == &REQ_MASTER) { add_port($dependency, &REQ_MASTER); } else { add_port($dependency, &REQ_IMPLICIT); } info("Adding $dependency to back of line\n"); push(@additional, $dependency); } # Mark port as processed $processed{$port} = 1; } } } # # Find a specific file belonging to a specific port # sub find_port_file($$) { my $port = shift; # Port my $file = shift; # File to look for my $master; # Master port $master = $port; while (!-f "$portsdir/$master/$file") { if (!($master = $masterport{$master})) { bsd:errx(1, "$port has no $file"); } } return "$portsdir/$master/$file"; } # # Show port info # sub show_port_info($) { my $port = shift; # Port to show info for local *FILE; # File handle my $info; # Port info sysopen(FILE, find_port_file($port, "pkg-descr"), O_RDONLY) or bsd::err(1, "can't read description for $port"); $info = join("| ", ); close(FILE); print("+--- Description for $port ($pkgname{$port}):\n| ${info}+---\n"); } # # Show port's website URL # sub show_port_website($) { my $port = shift; # Port to show info for local *FILE; # File handle my $website; # Port's website sysopen(FILE, find_port_file($port, "pkg-descr"), O_RDONLY) or bsd::err(1, "can't read description for $port"); while () { if (m/^WWW:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $website = $1; } } close(FILE); if (!defined($website)) { bsd::warnx("No website for $port"); } else { print("$website\n"); } } # # Show port plist # sub show_port_plist($) { my $port = shift; # Port to show plist for my $master; # Master port local *FILE; # File handle my $file; # File name my %files; # Files to list my $prefix; # Prefix $prefix = capture(\&make, ($port, "-VPREFIX")); chomp($prefix); sysopen(FILE, find_port_file($port, "pkg-plist"), O_RDONLY) or bsd::err(1, "can't read packing list for $port"); while () { chomp(); $file = undef; if (m/^[^\@]/) { $file = $_; } elsif (m/^\@cwd\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { $prefix = $1; } elsif (m/^\@dirrm\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { $file = "$1/"; } elsif (m/^\@comment\s+/) { # ignore } elsif (m/^\@(un)?exec\s+/) { # ignore } else { bsd::warnx("unrecognized plist directive: %s", $_); } if (defined($file)) { if ($file !~ m/^\//) { $file = "$prefix/$file"; } $file =~ s|/+|/|g; $files{$file} = 1; } } close(FILE); # XXX list man pages? print("+--- Packing list for $port ($pkgname{$port}):\n"); foreach (sort(keys(%files))) { print("| $_\n"); } print("+---\n"); } # # Compare two package names to determine which is newer # sub cmp_version($$) { my $inst = shift; # Installed package my $port = shift; # Origin port # Shortcut if ($inst eq $pkgname{$port}) { return '='; } # Compare port epochs if ((($a) = ($inst =~ m/,(\d+)$/)) || (($b) = ($pkgname{$port} =~ m/,(\d+)$/))) { $a = int($a || 0); $b = int($b || 0); if ($a != $b) { return ($a > $b) ? '>' : '<'; } } # Split it into components my @a = split(/[\._-]/, $inst); my @b = split(/[\._-]/, $pkgname{$port}); # Compare the components one by one while (@a && @b) { ($a, $b) = (shift(@a), shift(@b)); next if $a eq $b; if ($a =~ m/^\d+$/ && $b =~ m/^\d+$/) { return ($a > $b) ? '>' : '<'; } return ($a gt $b) ? '>' : '<'; } # Anything left? if (@a) { return '>'; } elsif (@b) { return '<'; } return '='; } # # List installed ports # sub list_installed() { my $pkg; # Installed package my $origin; # Origin my $cmp; # Comparator foreach $pkg (sort(keys(%installed))) { $origin = $installed{$pkg}; if (!defined($origin) || !defined($pkgname{$origin})) { print(" ? $pkg\n"); } else { $cmp = cmp_version($pkg, $origin); if ($cmp eq '=') { print(" $pkg\n"); } else { printf(" $cmp $pkg ($pkgname{$origin})\n"); } } } } # # Clean a port # sub clean_port($) { my $port = shift; # Port to clean make($port, "clean") or bsd::warnx("failed to clean %s", $port); } # # Clean the tree # sub clean_tree() { my $port; # Port name # We could just cd to $portsdir and 'make clean', but it'd # be extremely noisy due to only having a partial tree foreach $port (keys(%ports)) { if (-d "$portsdir/$port") { make($port, "clean", "NO_DEPENDS=yes") or bsd::warnx("failed to clean %s", $port); } } } # # Fetch a port # sub fetch_port($) { my $port = shift; # Port to fetch make($port, "fetch") or bsd::errx(1, "failed to fetch %s", $port); } # # Build a port # sub build_port($) { my $port = shift; # Port to build my @makeargs; # Arguments to make() if ($packages) { push(@makeargs, "package"); push(@makeargs, "DEPENDS_TARGET=package clean", "-DNOCLEANDEPENDS") unless ($dontclean); } else { push(@makeargs, "install"); push(@makeargs, "DEPENDS_TARGET=install clean", "-DNOCLEANDEPENDS") unless ($dontclean); } if ($force) { push(@makeargs, "-DFORCE_PKG_REGISTER"); } if (!$dontclean) { push(@makeargs, "clean"); } make($port, @makeargs) or bsd::errx(1, "failed to %s %s", $packages ? "package" : "build", $port); } # # Print usage message and exit # sub usage() { stderr("Usage: porteasy [-abCceFfhIikLlsuVvw] [-D date] [-d dir]\n" . " [-p dir] [-r dir] [-t tag] [port ...]\n"); exit(1); } # # Print version # sub version() { stderr("This is porteasy $VERSION. $COPYRIGHT "); exit(1); } # # Print help text # sub help() { stderr("This is porteasy $VERSION. $COPYRIGHT Options: -a, --anoncvs Use the FreeBSD project's anoncvs server -b, --build Build required ports -C, --dontclean Don't clean after build -c, --clean Clean the specified ports -e, --exclude-installed Exclude installed ports -F, --force-pkg-register Force package registration -f, --fetch Fetch distfiles -h, --help Show this information -I, --installed Select installed ports -i, --info Show info about specified ports -k, --packages Build packages for the specified ports -L, --plist Show the packing lists for the specified ports -l, --list List required ports and their dependencies -s, --status List installed ports and their status -u, --update Update relevant portions of the ports tree -V, --version Show version number -v, --verbose Verbose mode -w, --website Show the URL to the port's website Parameters: -D, --date=DATE Specify CVS date -d, --dbdir=DIR Specify package directory (default $dbdir) -p, --portsdir=DIR Specify ports directory (default $portsdir) -r, --cvsroot=DIR Specify CVS root -t, --tag=TAG Specify CVS tag Report bugs to . "); exit(1); } MAIN:{ my $port; # Port name my $err = 0; # Error count # Show usage if no arguments were specified on the command line if (!@ARGV) { usage(); } # Get option defaults if ($ENV{'PORTEASY_OPTIONS'}) { foreach (split(' ', $ENV{'PORTEASY_OPTIONS'})) { unshift(@ARGV, $_); } } # Scan command line options Getopt::Long::Configure("auto_abbrev", "bundling"); GetOptions( "a|anoncvs" => \$anoncvs, "b|build" => \$build, "c|clean" => \$clean, "C|dontclean" => \$dontclean, "D|date=s" => \$date, "d|dbdir=s" => \$dbdir, "e|exclude-installed" => \$exclude, "F|force-pkg-register" => \$force, "f|fetch" => \$fetch, "h|help" => \&help, "I|installed" => \$installed, "i|info" => \$info, "k|packages" => \$packages, "L|plist" => \$plist, "l|list" => \$list, "p|portsdir=s" => \$portsdir, "r|cvsroot=s" => \$cvsroot, "s|status" => \$status, "t|tag=s" => \$tag, "u|update" => \$update, "V|version" => \&version, "v|verbose" => \$verbose, "w|website" => \$website, "x|ecks" => \&ecks, ) or usage(); if (!@ARGV && ($build || $fetch || $list || $packages || $plist || $website)) { usage(); } if ($portsdir !~ m/^\//) { $portsdir = `pwd` . $portsdir; $portsdir =~ s/\n/\//s; } if ($portsdir !~ m/\/ports\/?$/) { bsd::errx(1, "ports directory must be named 'ports'"); } $index = "$portsdir/INDEX"; # 'package' implies 'build' if ($packages) { $build = 1; } # 'status' implies 'installed' if ($status) { $installed = 1; } # Set and check CVS root if ($anoncvs && !$cvsroot) { $cvsroot = &ANONCVS_ROOT; if (-f &CVS_PASSFILE) { $ENV{'CVS_PASSFILE'} = &CVS_PASSFILE; } } if (!$cvsroot) { $cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'}; } if ($update && !$cvsroot) { bsd::errx(1, "No CVS root, please use the -r option or set \$CVSROOT"); } # Step 1: update the ports index update_index(); # Step 2: build list of explicitly required ports foreach $port (@ARGV) { $err += add_port($port, &REQ_EXPLICIT); } if ($err) { bsd::errx(1, "some required ports were not found."); } if ($installed) { add_installed(); } # Step 3: update port directories and discover dependencies $need_deps = ($update || $list); update_ports_tree(keys(%reqd)); # Step 4: deselect ports which are already installed if ($exclude) { foreach $port (keys(%reqd)) { if ((exists($installed{$port}) && $installed{$port} > 0) || -d "$dbdir/$pkgname{$port}") { info("$port is already installed"); delete $reqd{$port}; } } } # Step 5: list selected ports if ($list) { foreach $port (sort(keys(%reqd))) { next if ($reqd{$port} == &REQ_MASTER); print((($reqd{$port} & &REQ_EXPLICIT) ? " * " : " "), "$port ($pkgname{$port})\n"); } } # Step 6: list installed ports if ($status) { list_installed(); } # Step 7: show info if ($info) { foreach $port (keys(%reqd)) { if ($reqd{$port} & &REQ_EXPLICIT) { show_port_info($port); } } } # Step 8: show packing list if ($plist) { foreach $port (keys(%reqd)) { if ($reqd{$port} & &REQ_EXPLICIT) { show_port_plist($port); } } } # Step 9: show website URL if ($website) { foreach $port (keys(%reqd)) { if ($reqd{$port} & &REQ_EXPLICIT) { show_port_website($port); } } } # Step A: clean the ports directories (or the entire tree) if ($clean) { if (!@ARGV) { clean_tree(); } else { foreach $port (keys(%reqd)) { if ($reqd{$port} & &REQ_EXPLICIT) { clean_port($port); } } } } # Step B: fetch distfiles if ($fetch) { foreach $port (keys(%reqd)) { if ($reqd{$port} != &REQ_MASTER) { fetch_port($port); } } } # Step C: build ports - only the explicitly required ones, since # some dependencies (most commonly XFree86) may be bogus. if ($build || $packages) { foreach $port (keys(%reqd)) { if ($reqd{$port} & &REQ_EXPLICIT) { build_port($port); } } } # Done! exit(0); }