Portfmt is a collection of tools for editing, formatting, and linting FreeBSD Ports Collection Makefiles. It comes with several tools: - portfmt formats Makefiles - portclippy is a linter that checks if variables are in the correct order in a more comprehensive way than portlint - portedit edits Makefiles. It comes with several commands that can be used as a basis for your own port update scripts: - bump-epoch: bumps PORTEPOCH or inserts it at the right place - bump-revision: bumps PORTREVISION or inserts it at the right place - get: lookup unevaluated variable values - merge: Generic command to set/update variables while also formatting the updated variables properly and inserting them in the right places if necessary. Useful for merging output of other tools like make cargo-crates, modules2tuple, or make stage-qa. For example to mark a port deprecated: printf "DEPRECATED=%s\nEXPIRATION_DATE=%s" \ Abandonware 2019-08-15 | portedit merge -i Makefile - set-version: resets PORTREVISION, sets DISTVERSION or PORTVERSION