# New ports collection makefile for: lyx # Date created: Sa 12 Okt 1996 19:20:51 MET DST # Whom: Andreas Klemm # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= lyx PORTVERSION= 1.3.4 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= print MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/stable/ \ ftp://planetmirror.com/pub/lyx/stable/ \ http://www-ftp.lip6.fr/ftp/pub/lyx/stable/ \ ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/publishing/tex/lyx/stable/ MAINTAINER= andy@fud.org.nz COMMENT= Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG) BUILD_DEPENDS= gm4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/m4 \ latex:${PORTSDIR}/print/teTeX \ makepsres:${X_CLIENTS_PORT} RUN_DEPENDS= gm4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/m4 \ latex:${PORTSDIR}/print/teTeX CONFLICTS= cjk-lyx-* USE_BZIP2= yes USE_GNOME= gnometarget lthack USE_PERL5= yes USE_PYTHON= yes USE_GETTEXT= yes USE_GMAKE= yes USE_LIBTOOL_VER=13 CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-extra-lib="${LOCALBASE}/lib" \ --with-extra-inc="${LOCALBASE}/include" MAKE_ARGS= ACLOCAL="${TRUE}" AUTOCONF="${TRUE}" AUTOMAKE="${TRUE}" \ AUTOHEADER="${TRUE}" MAN1= lyx.1 reLyX.1 .if defined(WITH_QT) USE_QT_VER= 3 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-frontend=qt QTCPPFLAGS+= ${PTHREAD_CFLAGS} QTCFGLIBS+= ${PTHREAD_LIBS} .else LIB_DEPENDS+= forms.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/xforms USE_XPM= yes .endif .if defined(WITH_ASPELL) LIB_DEPENDS+= aspell.16:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/aspell CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-pspell \ --with-pspell-lib="${LOCALBASE}/lib" \ --with-pspell-include="${LOCALBASE}/include" .endif .if defined(WITH_ISPELL) RUN_DEPENDS+= ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell .endif .include .if ${OSVERSION} < 500035 CFLAGS+= -Wno-non-template-friend -ftemplate-depth-30 .endif pre-everything:: .if !defined(WITH_QT) @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "If you want to build with the Qt3 frontend," @${ECHO_MSG} "hit Ctrl-C right now and use \"make WITH_QT=yes\"" @${ECHO_MSG} .endif .if !defined(WITH_ASPELL) @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "If you want to compile with Aspell/Pspell support," @${ECHO_MSG} "hit Ctrl-C right now and use \"make WITH_ASPELL=yes\"" @${ECHO_MSG} .endif .if !defined(WITH_ISPELL) @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "If you want to compile with Ispell support," @${ECHO_MSG} "hit Ctrl-C right now and use \"make WITH_ISPELL=yes\"" @${ECHO_MSG} .endif .include