PORTNAME= bout++-merging-filaments DISTVERSION= g20200812 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= science # physics MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Simulation of reconnection during merging of current filaments WWW= https://github.com/boutproject/merging-filaments LICENSE= GPLv3 # based on the parent project BOUT++ BUILD_DEPENDS= gmake:devel/gmake LIB_DEPENDS= libbout++.so:science/bout++ # also wronglfully linked with all dependencies of BOUT++, see https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/issues/2622 USES= cmake:testing gettext USE_LDCONFIG= yes USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= boutproject GH_PROJECT= merging-filaments GH_TAGNAME= ee5a7b9 BINARY_ALIAS= make=${GMAKE} PLIST_FILES= bin/merging-flux post-patch: @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/CMakeLists.txt ${WRKSRC} .include