PORTNAME= dakota DISTVERSION= 6.13.0 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= science MASTER_SITES= https://dakota.sandia.gov/sites/default/files/distributions/public/ MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Interface between analysis codes & iterative systems analysis methods LICENSE= LGPL21 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE LIB_DEPENDS= libblas.so:math/blas \ libboost_system.so:devel/boost-libs \ liblapack.so:math/lapack RUN_DEPENDS= bash:shells/bash USES= cmake compiler:c++11-lang fortran perl5 python shebangfix USE_LDCONFIG= yes SHEBANG_GLOB= *.sh *.py SHEBANG_FILES= interfaces/Python/mpitile \ scripts/pyprepro/dprepro \ scripts/pyprepro/pyprepro \ scripts/dprepro.perl \ test/dakota_test.perl CMAKE_ON= Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE \ DAKOTA_GIT_checkout #CMAKE_ON+= HAVE_C3 # causes "duplicate include" error #CMAKE_ON+= DAKOTA_DL_SOLVER # fails to compile: error: declaration of anonymous class must be a definition #CMAKE_ON+= HAVE_NOWPAC # installs files into $PORTSDIR CMAKE_ON+= HAVE_DREAM HAVE_ADAPTIVE_SAMPLING HAVE_OPTPP DAKOTA_HOPS HAVE_ACRO \ HAVE_JEGA HAVE_NOMAD HAVE_NPSOL HAVE_NL2SOL HAVE_DOT HAVE_SURFPACK \ HAVE_CONMIN HAVE_DDACE HAVE_FSUDACE HAVE_PSUADE HAVE_ROL HAVE_DEMO_TPL # enable some methods that aren't enabled by default, see the list @ src/DakotaIterator.cpp CMAKE_OFF= DAKOTA_ENABLE_TESTS CMAKE_ARGS= -DDakota_VERSION_SRC:STRING=${DISTVERSION} -DDakota_GIT_REVL:STRING=${GIT_HASH} -DDakota_RELEASE_DATE:${STRING}=20201116 FFLAGS+= -fallow-argument-mismatch LDFLAGS+= -lexecinfo CONFLICTS_BUILD= dakota # self: picks up some bundled packages from the pre-installed dakota package and then fails to install them CONFLICTS_INSTALL= openblas USES_GIT= no GIT_URL= https://software.sandia.gov/git/dakota GIT_HASH= 82fd55ea1c6bb6d32e4c68e7f92d991d658ba90a .if ${USES_GIT} == "yes" FETCH_DEPENDS= git:devel/git do-fetch: @if [ "${FORCE_FETCH_ALL}" = "true" ] || ! [ -f "${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}" ]; then \ ${MKDIR} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR} && \ cd ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR} && \ git clone -q ${GIT_URL} ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSIONFULL} && \ (cd ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSIONFULL} && \ git checkout devel && \ git submodule init packages/external && \ git submodule init packages/pecos && \ git submodule init packages/surfpack && \ git submodule update) && \ (cd ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSIONFULL} && git reset -q --hard ${GIT_HASH} && ${RM} -r .git) && \ ${FIND} ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSIONFULL} -and -exec ${TOUCH} -h -d 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z {} \; && \ ${FIND} ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSIONFULL} -print0 | LC_ALL=C ${SORT} -z | \ ${TAR} czf ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSIONFULL}${EXTRACT_SUFX} --format=bsdtar --gid 0 --uid 0 --options gzip:!timestamp --no-recursion --null -T - && \ ${RM} -r ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSIONFULL}; \ fi .else DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSION}-release-public.src-UI .endif OPTIONS_DEFINE= GSL GUI HDF5 OPTIONS_DEFAULT= GSL HDF5 OPTIONS_SUB= yes GSL_DESC= GSL support GSL_CMAKE_BOOL= DAKOTA_HAVE_GSL HAVE_QUESO HAVE_QUESO_GPMSA # QUESO requires GSL GSL_LIB_DEPENDS= libgsl.so:math/gsl HDF5_CMAKE_BOOL= DAKOTA_HAVE_HDF5 \ HAVE_MUQ # MUQ module requires HDF5 HDF5_LIB_DEPENDS= libhdf5.so:science/hdf5 \ libsz.so:science/szip GUI_DESC= Build the Dakota/Motif Graphics package GUI_CMAKE_BOOL= HAVE_X_GRAPHICS GUI_BROKEN= error: non-void function 'SciPlotListReturnPtr' should return a value post-extract: @${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "*.orig" -delete @${ECHO} ${DISTVERSION} > ${WRKSRC}/VERSION # expected by the 'install' target post-install: # remove eigen3 that Dakota installs cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX} && ${RM} -r include/eigen3 share/eigen3 # install libraries that it fails to install .for l in libmuqUtilities.so libmuqModeling.so libmuqSamplingAlgorithms.so ${INSTALL_LIB} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/packages/external/muq2/lib/${l} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib .endfor do-test: # from Additional Test Suites @ https://dakota.sandia.gov/content/additional-test-suites (many tests are known to fail) ## minimal set of fast-running tests that should NOT FAIL (may DIFF, depending on platform / compiler) #cd ${WRKSRC}/test && ./dakota_test.perl ## test suite that should PASS on any supported platform (NO DIFF or FAIL) #cd ${WRKSRC}/test && ./dakota_test.perl --label-regex=AcceptanceTest ## run all Dakota tests active in this build (should PASS or DIFF) #cd ${WRKSRC}/test && ./dakota_test.perl --label-regex=dakota_ # Tests should be this way, but this fails: @cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} ${CMAKE_BIN} ${CMAKE_ARGS} -DDAKOTA_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON ${CMAKE_SOURCE_PATH} && \ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE_CMD} ${MAKE_ARGS} ${ALL_TARGET} && \ (cd ${WRKSRC} && ctest -j 4 -L FastTest -LE Diff) .include