# ex:ts=8 # Ports collection Makefile for: vis5d+ # Date created: Jan 9, 2002 # Whom: ijliao # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= vis5d+ PORTVERSION= 1.2.1 PORTREVISION= 16 CATEGORIES= science MASTER_SITES= SF/vis5d/vis5d/${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= stephen@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= OpenGL-based volumetric visualization program for scientific datasets BUILD_DEPENDS= convert:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/ImageMagick LIB_DEPENDS= netcdf.4:${PORTSDIR}/science/netcdf \ mix.0:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/qslim \ gfx.0:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libgfx \ gtkgl.5:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtkglarea RUN_DEPENDS= convert:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/ImageMagick # The following scope of brokenness for vis5d+ is approximate. If you find # the following scope is inappropriate for you, please report to maintainer. .if OSVERSION<801000 BROKEN= Does not build on some FreeBSD versions (libtool error). .endif USE_FORTRAN= yes USE_AUTOTOOLS= libtool USE_GL= yes USE_GNOME= gtk12 USE_ICONV= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes FFLAGS+= -fno-range-check CONFIGURE_ENV+= LIBS="-lgfx" CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-gtk --enable-threads --with-netcdf \ --with-mixkit=${LOCALBASE}/lib/libmix.a --with-x USE_LDCONFIG= yes CPPFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include ${PTHREAD_CFLAGS} LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib ${PTHREAD_LIBS} CFLAGS+= -DMIX_ANSI_IOSTREAMS -fPIC -fpermissive .include .if ${ARCH} == "sparc64" BROKEN= Does not compile on sparc64 .endif .include