Crypto++ is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes. Includes: * A class hierarchy with an API defined by abstract base classes * Proposed AES (and RC6, MARS, Twofish, Serpent, CAST-256) * Symmetric block cipers: IDEA, DES/Triple DES,DESX, RC2, RC5, Blowfish, Diamond2, TEA, SAFER, 3-WAY, GOST, SHARK, CAST-128, Square, Skipjack * Generic cipher modes: CBC padded/ciphertext stealing (CTS), CFB, OFB * Stream cipher: Panama, ARC4, SEAL, WAKE, Sapphire, BlumBlumShub * Public key: RSA, DSA, ElGamal, NR, BlumGoldwasser, Rabin/RW, LUC, LUCELG * Padding schemes for PK systems: PKCS#1 v2, OAEP, PSSR, IEEE P1363 EMSA2 * Key agreement schemes: DH, DH2, MQV, LUCDIF, XTR-DH * Elliptic curve cryptography: ECDSA, ENR, EIES, ECDHD, ECMQVC * One-way hash functions: SHA-1/2, MD2/5, HAVAL, RIPEMD-160, Tiger, Panama * Message authentication codes: MD5-MAC, HMAC, XOR-MAC, CBC-MAC, DMAC * Cipher constructions from hash functions: Luby-Rackoff, MD * Pseudorandom number generators: ANSI X9.17 appendix C, PGP's RandPool * Shamir's secret sharing scheme/Rabin's information dispersal algorithm (IDA) * gzip, DEFLATE and zlib format support * Fast multiprecision integer (bignum) and polynomial operations * Prime number generation/verification, base-64 and 32-bit CRC encoding * A high level interface for most of the above WWW: - George Reid