In order to enroll new finger prints, you must have r/w access to the usb device node(s) of your finger print reader (e.g. /dev/ugen*) (tested with UPEK finger print reader as found in Lenovo T61). It is recommended to use devfs.rules(5) and a dedicated group to manage access to your finger print reader. Example configuration: - /etc/rc.conf: devfs_system_ruleset="localrules" - /etc/devfs.rules: [localrules=10] add path 'ugen0*' mode 0660 group operator # /etc/rc.d/devfs restart Read `pam_fprint_enroll --help' to learn about enrolling fingers. The security/fprint_demo port contains the graphical `fprint_demo' application that allows you to manage your finger prints in a comfortable way. After enrolling fingerprints for your user(s), you can enable finger print authentication by adding the following line to the corresponding PAM configuration file(s) (see the PAM documentation and the pam_fprint web site for more information). auth sufficient %%PREFIX%%/lib/ /etc/pam.d/system is used for system-wide defaults, /etc/pam.d/{gdm, kde} are used by the GDM/KDM login managers.