================================================================================ Copy %%PREFIX%%/etc/sssd/sssd.conf.sample to %%PREFIX%%/etc/sssd/sssd.conf and edit %%PREFIX%%/etc/sssd/sssd.conf (see man sssd.conf for details) To load sssd at startup, add sssd_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf To enable pam integration, add a line similar to the following to /etc/pam.d/system: login auth sufficient %%PREFIX%%/lib/pam_sss.so To enable NSS integration, update /etc/nsswitch.conf as follows: group: sss files passwd: sss files For additional details, please see the man pages for pam.conf and nsswitch.conf An sssd HOWTO is also available: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/HOWTO_Configure_1_0_2 ================================================================================