# Created by: Cy Schubert # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= tripwire PORTVERSION= 1.3.1 CATEGORIES= security MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/system/security/tools/tripwire/ \ ftp://ftp.uni-potsdam.de/pub/unix/tools/ DISTNAME= Tripwire-${PORTVERSION}-1 PKGNAMESUFFIX= -131 MAINTAINER= cy@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= File system security and verification program BROKEN= Does not build MAN5= tw.config.5 MAN8= siggen.8 tripwire.8 NO_CDROM= Cannot be redistributed for more than the cost of duplication NO_PACKAGE= requires local database to be built WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/tw_ASR_1.3.1_src MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= yes TWCONFIG?= ${FILESDIR}/tw.conf.freebsd2 NO_STAGE= yes .include pre-configure: @ ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/conf-freebsd2.h ${WRKSRC}/configs @ ${CP} ${TWCONFIG} ${WRKSRC}/configs/tw.conf.freebsd2 post-install: @ ${MKDIR} /var/adm/tcheck @ ${CP} ${TWCONFIG} /var/adm/tcheck/tw.config .ifndef NO_DB_BUILD @ ${ECHO} Creating tripwire database @ (cd /var/adm/tcheck; tripwire -initialize) .endif .include