bsdhwmon is a program for FreeBSD for monitoring hardware sensors (fans, temperatures, voltages, chassis intrusion, and more) on commerical-grade server hardware. bsdhwmon is developed with a very different mentality compared to other hardware monitoring software: * Written with stability and production environments in mind * Intended for use with server products (currently Supermicro, but can be extended to others that have proper SMBIOS identification data) * Uses SMBus (smb(4) driver) exclusively, significantly decreasing risks and CPU usage compared to classic LPC I/O * Based primarily on documentation provided by motherboard/server vendors, combined with documentation from chipset manufacturers * Identifies hardware via strict SMBIOS data matching; device "probing" is avoided to minimise false positives and thus risks * Full tested on both i386 and amd64 systems across multiple versions of FreeBSD (legacy and present-day) * Written entirely in C * No reliance on third-party libraries or tools (e.g. autotools, libtool, etc.) * Very simple and clean code -- heavily commented, well-documented, built with -Werror -Wall and similar flags * Occasionally tested under valgrind * Open-source, released under the 2-clause BSD license WWW: WWW: