# Jailrc README # Martin Matuska # # $FreeBSD$ # Jailrc is an improved startup/shutdown script for FreeBSD jails. It contains the following changes to the original /etc/rc.d/jail script: - parameters support: you can specify parameters supported by jail(8) - ZFS support: you can deletate ZFS datasets to jails - jails are not identified by a file in /var/spool/jail anymore - two new commands "create" and "remove" to manage persistent jails To start jails with the jailrc script instead of /etc/rc.d/jail, use instead of jail_enable="YES" the keyword jailrc_enable="YES". ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jailrc reads all settings supported by /etc/rc.d/jail (see /etc/defaults/rc.conf) and the following additional settings: jail_example_name="" # Set to desired jail name # defaults to the name in "jail_list" jail_example_persist="" # Set to YES to create a persistent jail jail_example_params="" # Space-separated list of additional # user-supplied parameters for jail(8) jail_example_zfs="" # Space-separated list of ZFS datasets to be # managed from this jail. For proper operation, # allow.mount=1 and enforce_statfs=1 (or 0) # must be added to jail_example_params. # The "jailed" property must be set to "on" # on desired datasets before starting the jail. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Example rc.conf configuration with IPv4, IPv6 and a fixed jail ID: jail_enable="NO" jailrc_enable="YES" jail_list="test" jail_test_hostname="test.bb.cc" jail_test_rootdir="/jail/test" jail_test_ip=",2001:db8:2:1::2" jail_test_devfs_enable="YES" jail_test_params="jid=8 enforce_statfs=1 allow.raw_sockets=1" ------------------------------------------------------------------ To enable the ZFS device (/dev/zfs) in jails, add the following lines to your devfs.rules configuration file: [devfsrules_jail_zfs=5] add include $devfsrules_jail add path zfs unhide