------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scanbuttond has been installed, but is not quite ready to be used yet. To make scanbuttond actually do something you have to edit %%PREFIX%%/etc/scanbuttond/buttonpressed.sh and change it to your needs. If you are having trouble getting your scanner detected try uncommenting one of the following lines in %%PREFIX%%/etc/scanbuttond/initscanner.sh: scanimage -n or sane-find-scanner > /dev/null 2> /dev/null If your scanner is connected via a hot-plug capable technology (e.g. USB) you can conveniently enable scanbuttond every time you attach you scanner by using devd. In order to do so you may add the following lines to your /etc/devd.conf and restart devd after you are done. (Make sure to replace device-name, vendor, product and back-end name to something that matches your environment) attach 20 { device-name "ugen[0-9]+"; match "vendor" "0x04a9"; match "product" "0x220e"; action "%%PREFIX%%/bin/scanbuttond \ -s %%PREFIX%%/etc/scanbuttond/buttonpressed.sh \ -S %%PREFIX%%/etc/scanbuttond/initscanner.sh \ -b %%PREFIX%%/lib/libscanbtnd-backend_plustek.so"; }; detach 20 { device-name "ugen[0-9]+"; match "vendor" "0x04a9"; match "product" "0x220e"; action "/usr/bin/killall scanbuttond"; }; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------