# $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= tlsdate PORTVERSION= 0.0.7 CATEGORIES= sysutils DISTNAME= ${GH_ACCOUNT}-${GH_PROJECT}-${PORTVERSION}-${GH_COMMIT} MAINTAINER= fk@fabiankeil.de COMMENT= Secure parasitic rdate replacement LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= ioerror # Technically tlsdate 0.0.7 is 004f6f6, but a couple of follow-up # commits are required to fix the build on FreeBSD. GH_COMMIT= 44fa3b7 GH_TAGNAME= ${GH_COMMIT} GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USES= autoreconf libtool pkgconfig OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS post-patch: # Required for FreeBSD 8.4 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's@AC_MSG_ERROR(\[M@AC_MSG_WARN([M@' ${WRKSRC}/configure.ac regression-test: build @cd ${WRKSRC} && make test .include