U-Boot loader for BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black. This version is patched so that: * ELF and API features are enabled * U-Boot binary is called BB-UBOOT.IMG * It loads env from BB-UENV.TXT (an empty file suffices) * It loads BBONE.DTB if running on an older (white) BeagleBone, or BBONEBLK.DTB if running on a BeagleBone Black * By default, it loads ELF ubldr from file BBUBLDR to address 0x88000000 Note: prefixing the boot files with 'BB' allows building images with boot bits for more than one board. For information about running FreeBSD on BeagleBone or BeagleBone Black, see https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/BeagleBone For general information about U-Boot, see WWW: http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot