============================================================================== To use uhidd daemon for USB HID devices, depends on which sub class driver you want to attach, to avoid conflicts between the daemon and the kernel drivers, you should either use the command line option '-u' to instruct the daemon to detach active kernel drivers attached to a device, or you should remove some of those entries 'device ums', 'device ukbd', or 'device uhid' from your kernel config file and recompile the kernel. Note that if the USB kernel drivers are compiled as kernel modules, you should also remove the relevant devd(8) rules in /etc/devd/usb.conf config file, so those modules will not be loaded automatically by devd(8) when devices are attached. If you want to run uhidd daemon at the startup, add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf: uhidd_flags="-kmohsu" uhidd_enable="YES" Note that you need to modify the uhidd_flags (command line options) according to which sub class drivers you want to use. To manually start/stop uhidd daemon on certain device, run: service uhidd [start|stop] /dev/ugen.X.Y See http://wiki.FreeBSD.org/uhidd for more details about how to install and setup the daemon. ==============================================================================