Bomstrip is a very simple tool that removes BOM's (byte-order-marks) from utf-8 files. Actually, it is a set of tools that all do the same thing, but - for added entertainment value - in multiple programming languages (python, c, java, brainfuck, ook!, perl, sed, postscript, pascal, unlambda, limbo, haskell, ocaml, php, ruby). You want to always have this tool within hand-reach, no matter where you are and which compilers/interpreters you keep close to you. Each tool reads from stdin and writes to stdout. It accepts no options or arguments. It never writes into files directly. All files are public domain. It exists for the purpose of noting how stupid BOM's in utf-8 files are. Oh, in case you didn't know yet: utf-8 does not have byte-ordering issues, so there is absolutely no need to have three bytes (the utf-8-BOM) that do not say anything about the byte-order (since there is nothing to say). Author: Mechiel Lukkien WWW: