Usage: cdif [-Bvns] [-A #] [-C #] [-D #] [-I #] [-e #] [-[bwcu]] file1 file2 cdif [-rcs] [-q] [-rrev1 [-rrev2]] [$myname options] file cdif [$myname options] [diff-output-file] Options: -B byte compare -v use video standout (default for tty) -n use nroff style overstrike (default for non-tty) -b ignore trailing blank -w ignore whitespace -c[#] context diff -u[#] unified diff (if diff has -u option) -e # expression of `word' (default is '\w+') -s show statistical information at the end -A, -C, -D (Append, Change, Delete) takes one of vso: video standout vul: video underline vbd: video bold bd: nroff style overstrike ul: nroff style underline or any sequence or sequences separated by comma -I specify string to be shown on insertion point Following strings have special meanings. vbar: print vertical bar at the point caret: print caret under the point -diff=command specify any diff command