# New ports collection makefile for: py-qt4-xml # Date created: 2007-02-20 # Whom: Danny Pansters # # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= xml PORTVERSION= ${PYQT4_VERSION} PORTREVISION= 2 PORTEPOCH= 1 CATEGORIES= textproc devel python MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITES_PYQT4} PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}qt4- DISTNAME= ${PYQT4_DISTNAME} MAINTAINER= ${PYQT_MAINTAINER} COMMENT= Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtXml module BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sip>=${SIP_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-sip RUN_DEPENDS= ${PKGNAMEPREFIX}core>=${PYQT4_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-qt4-core HAS_CONFIGURE= yes USE_PYTHON= 2.5+ USE_QT_VER= 4 QT_COMPONENTS= xml qmake OPTIONS= API "Install QtXml API for QScintilla2" on \ DEBUG "Enable debugging in generated code" off \ SIPFILES "Install the QtXml SIP files" on \ TRACING "Enable tracing in generated code" off PATCHDIR= ${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-qt4-core/files OPTIONSFILE= ${PORT_DBDIR}/py-qt4-${PORTNAME}/options SIPDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/py-sip CONFIGURE_ENV+= PYQT4_COMPONENT="${PORTNAME}" ARGS= -b ${PREFIX}/bin\ -d ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}\ -q ${QT_PREFIX}/bin/qmake-qt4\ --confirm-license .include "../../devel/py-sip/files/bsd.pyqt.mk" .include .if defined(WITH_DEBUG) ARGS+= --debug .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_API) ARGS+= --no-qsci-api PLIST_SUB+= API="@comment " PLIST_SUB+= APIFILE="@comment " .else LIB_DEPENDS+= qscintilla2.3:${PORTSDIR}/devel/qscintilla2 ARGS+= --qsci-api PLIST_SUB+= API="" PLIST_SUB+= APIFILE="share/qt4/qsci/api/python/QtXml.api" .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_SIPFILES) ARGS+= --no-sip-files PLIST_SUB+= SIPFILES="@comment " PLIST_SUB+= SIPDIR="@comment " .else ARGS+= --sipdir ${SIPDIR} PLIST_SUB+= SIPFILES="" PLIST_SUB+= SIPDIR="share/py-sip" .endif .if defined(WITH_TRACING) ARGS+= --trace .endif ARGS+= --enable QtXml do-configure: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV}\ ${PYTHON_CMD} configure.py ${ARGS} post-configure: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|mkspecs/freebsd-g++|share/qt4/mkspecs/freebsd-g++|'\ -e 's|CC = cc|CC = ${CC}|'\ -e 's|CXX = c++|CXX = ${CXX}|'\ -e 's|LINK = c++|LINK = ${CXX}|'\ ${WRKSRC}/QtXml/Makefile .include