# New ports collection makefile for: dillo-i18n # Date created: 2005-12-11 # Whom: Thomas-Martin Seck # # $FreeBSD$ # # Tunables: # WITH_DILLO_META-REFRESH: make dillo accept the meta-refresh tag # WITHOUT_DILLO_TABS: disable support for tabbed browsing # WITHOUT_DILLO_ANTIALIAS: disable support for antialiased display # # Please see www/dillo for any general tunables not listed here. # # XXX: # SSL support is currently broken in this version of the i18n patchset: # On FreeBSD 4 with OpenSSL 0.9.7d, the configure script refuses to enable # ssl at all and on FreeBSD 5 and up, linking is broken. PORTREVISION= 1 PKGNAMESUFFIX= -i18n PATCH_SITES= http://teki.jpn.ph/pc/software/ PATCHFILES= dillo-0.8.5-i18n-misc-20060105.diff.bz2 PATCH_DIST_STRIP= -p1 MAINTAINER= tmseck@netcologne.de COMMENT= A fast, small graphical Web browser with support for i18n MD5_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/distinfo MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../www/dillo PKGDIR= ${.CURDIR} PLIST_SUB= NLS="" CONFLICTS= dillo-[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]* .if !defined(WITHOUT_NLS) USE_GETTEXT= yes PLIST_SUB= NLS="" .else # Unfortunately, this option does not work yet; the dpi plugins do not # build without NLS support anymore. # I leave this option in in case anyone really wants to fix this in the # i18n patch. PLIST_SUB= NLS="@comment " CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-nls IGNORE= does not build without NLS support .endif .if defined(WITH_DILLO_SSL) IGNORE= does not build with SSL support .endif .if defined(WITH_DILLO_META-REFRESH) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-meta-refresh .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-meta-refresh .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_DILLO_TABS) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-tabs .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-tabs .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_DILLO_ANTIALIAS) LIB_DEPENDS+= Xft.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/libXft CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-anti-alias .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-anti-alias .endif pre-configure: .if !defined(WITH_DILLO_META-REFRESH) @${ECHO_CMD} "" @${ECHO_CMD} " Set WITH_DILLO_META-REFRESH=yes in your make environment or on the" @${ECHO_CMD} " commandline to make dillo respect the meta-refresh tag." .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_DILLO_TABS) @${ECHO_CMD} "" @${ECHO_CMD} " Set WITHOUT_DILLO_TABS=yes in your make environment or on the" @${ECHO_CMD} " commandline to disable support for tabbed browsing." .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_DILLO_ANTIALIAS) @${ECHO_CMD} "" @${ECHO_CMD} " Set WITHOUT_DILLO_ANTIALIAS=yes in your make environment or on the" @${ECHO_CMD} " commandline to disable support for antialiased fonts." .endif @${ECHO_CMD} "" .include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"