***************************************************************** Before using Gallery 2, you will need to configure your database. Full instructions are available here: http://codex.gallery2.org/Category:Gallery_2:Installation If you are using MySQL, here's the short version of the instructions: 1. Create a new database: $ mysqladmin -uroot create gallery2 2. Grant access to the database: $ mysql -uroot -e"GRANT ALL ON gallery2.* TO USERNAME@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'" gallery2 (choose your own values for USERNAME and PASSWORD) You will also need to configure Apache. Consider adding the following to your httpd.conf: Alias /gallery2 "%%WWWDIR%%" AllowOverride Options FileInfo Allow from all Then restart Apache: 'apachectl graceful' Please visit 'http://{host.domain}/gallery2/' in a web-browser and follow the configuration instructions. *****************************************************************