Horde has been installed in %%HORDEDIR%% with your blank
configuration files.
You have to update the file %%HORDEDIR%%/config/horde.php:
select a backend for authenticating users at the line
conf['auth']['driver'] of the section 'Horde Authentication'
(tip: if you plan to install imp, you should have an IMAP server,
and you may select 'imap').
Select a log driver; if you keep 'file', do not forget to add a line
in /etc/newsyslog.conf.
Then select and configure a preferences driver.
If you want Horde to access a database, you have to run the
appropriate scripts located in %%HORDEDIR%%/scripts/db.
It is recommended that you change the password of the 'hordemgr'
user used to connect to the horde database.
Horde is setup by default to access MySQL.
Your %%APACHE_CONF%% has been updated,
you have to restart Apache.
When everything is OK, you should be able to access Horde from
(If does not run, but
is OK, then you have
to define index.php as a DirectoryIndex in %%APACHE_CONF%%.)
There is a testing script at .
The script horde_set_perms.sh has been installed in %%HORDESBIN%%.