### ### This file provides quick and dirty indications on how ### to set up the mod_dav module with apache. ### ### Please refer to the main web site for more information ### http://www.webdav.org/mod_dav/ ### ### ### This goes in the Global Environment section (Section 1) ### ### This should have been added automatically during the install process ### LoadModule dav_module libexec/apache/libdav.so AddModule mod_dav.c ### ### This goes in the main server configuration section (section 2) ### ### The lock database will have to be created in the /var/db directory ### to do so, just do (as root): ### # touch /var/db/DAVLock.dir ### # touch /var/db/DAVLock.pag ### # chown nobody.nobody /var/db/DAVLock.* ### # chmod 640 /var/db/DAVLock.* ### DAVLockDB /var/db/DAVLock DAVMinTimeout 600 ### ### This is an example of per location/directory configuration ### DAV On AuthType Basic AuthName DAV AuthUserFile dav.passwd require user webadmin