# New ports collection makefile for: mod_log_firstbyte # Date created: January 29, 2008 # Whom: Yen-Ming Lee # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= mod_log_firstbyte PORTVERSION= 1.01 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= http://mod-log-firstbyte.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ DISTFILES= ${PORTNAME}.c readme.txt MAINTAINER= leeym@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Log the time between request and the first byte of the response served PROJECTHOST= mod-log-firstbyte USE_APACHE= 2.0+ MOD= mod_log_firstbyte PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKSRC}/readme.txt DIST_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} do-extract: ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC} cd ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR} && ${CP} ${DISTFILES} ${WRKSRC} do-build: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${APXS} -c ${MOD}.c do-install: ${APXS} -i -a ${WRKSRC}/${MOD}.la post-install: @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include