POST-INSTALLATION NOTES: Before you can use NanoBlogger, you will have to create a global configuration file to set default information and paths to template files. A sample configuration file has been installed in: %%PREFIX%%/etc/nb.conf.sample If no global configuration file is already present, it has been installed as: %%PREFIX%%/etc/nb.conf Otherwise, since there are already some sensible default settings, you can overwrite it and begin with a fresh one: # cp %%PREFIX%%/etc/nb.conf.sample %%PREFIX%%/etc/nb.conf The provided documentation and the preferred upgrade path (in the README file) can be found in the additional documentation directory: %%DOCSDIR%%/* SIDE NOTES FOR OLD USERS: As always with new release, don't forget to read the documentation and to update your weblog configuration file, e.g. ${blog_dir}/blog.conf.