# New ports collection makefile for: orion # Date created: 22 December 2000 # Whom: Ernst de Haan # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= orion PORTVERSION= 1.4.5 PORTREVISION= 7 CATEGORIES= www java MASTER_SITES= http://www.orionserver.com/mirrordownload.jsp?file= \ ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/database/utils/orionserver/ \ http://metaverse.euronet.nl/~ernst/ \ ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL} \ http://www.jollem.com/ MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= sobomax DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= ernst@jollem.com RUN_DEPENDS= ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java:${PORTSDIR}/java/jdk13 USE_ZIP= YES NO_BUILD= YES WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} PLIST_SUB+= T=${ORION_HOME:S/^${PREFIX}\///} ORION_HOME?= ${PREFIX}/${PKGBASE}${PORTVERSION} PORTTITLE= Orion Server ORIONCTL_NAME= orionctl ORIONCTL_DEST= ${PREFIX}/bin/${ORIONCTL_NAME} RC_SCRIPT= ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/${PORTNAME}.sh JAVA_HOME?= ${LOCALBASE}/jdk1.3.1 JIKES_LOCATION= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/jikes WITH_JIKES?= YES .if ${WITH_JIKES} == "YES" RUN_DEPENDS+= ${JIKES_LOCATION}:${PORTSDIR}/java/jikes .endif USER_NAME?= ${PORTNAME} GROUP_NAME?= ${USER_NAME} USER_ID?= 7104 GROUP_ID?= ${USER_ID} PW?= /usr/sbin/pw LISTEN_PORT?= 8090 AUTO_START?= YES .include pre-install: @${ECHO} "Installation settings:" @${ECHO} " Destination directory: ${ORION_HOME}" @${ECHO} " Control script location: ${ORIONCTL_DEST}" @${ECHO} " Startup script location: ${RC_SCRIPT}" @${ECHO} " Startup script location: ${RC_SCRIPT}" @${ECHO} " Location of JDK: ${JAVA_HOME}" @${ECHO} " Using Jikes: ${WITH_JIKES}" @${ECHO} " Running as (user/group): ${USER_NAME}/${GROUP_NAME} (${USER_ID}:${GROUP_ID})" @${ECHO} " Port to listen at: ${LISTEN_PORT}" @${ECHO} " Starting after install: ${AUTO_START}" do-install: @# Add the group and the user if they do not exist ${PW} groupadd -n ${GROUP_NAME} -g ${GROUP_ID} || true ${PW} useradd -n ${USER_NAME} -u ${USER_ID} -g ${GROUP_NAME} -c "Orion Server account" -d ${ORION_HOME} -s ${SH} -h - || true @# Create the destination directory for Orion ${MKDIR} ${ORION_HOME} @# Copy all files and make them rwxr-xr-x ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/* ${ORION_HOME} ${CHMOD} 755 `find ${ORION_HOME} -type d` @# Configure for use of Jikes, if necessary .if ${WITH_JIKES} == "YES" ${CAT} ${WRKSRC}/config/server.xml \ | ${SED} "/\/s//\/" \ > ${ORION_HOME}/config/server.xml .endif @# Configure the port to listen to ${CAT} ${WRKSRC}/config/default-web-site.xml \ | ${SED} "/port=\"80\"/s//port=\"${LISTEN_PORT}\"/" \ > ${ORION_HOME}/config/default-web-site.xml @# Install the 'orionctl' script ${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/${ORIONCTL_NAME} \ | ${SED} "/%%PORTNAME%%/s//${PORTNAME}/" \ | ${SED} "/%%PORTVERSION%%/s//${PORTVERSION}/" \ | ${SED} "/%%ORION_HOME%%/s//${ORION_HOME:S/\//\\\//g}/" \ | ${SED} "/%%RC_SCRIPT_NAME%%/s//${PORTNAME}.sh/" \ | ${SED} "/%%JAVA_HOME%%/s//${JAVA_HOME:S/\//\\\//g}/" \ | ${SED} "/%%USER_NAME%%/s//${USER_NAME}/" \ > ${ORIONCTL_DEST} ${CHMOD} 755 ${ORIONCTL_DEST} @# Fix a small typo in the index.html served as the root ${CAT} ${WRKSRC}/default-web-app/index.html \ | ${SED} "/1\.4\.0/s//${PORTVERSION}/" \ > ${ORION_HOME}/default-web-app/index.html @# Install the startup script ${LN} -sf ${ORIONCTL_DEST} ${RC_SCRIPT} @# Create the 'application-deployments' directory, since Orion will @# otherwise create it when it is first run ${MKDIR} ${ORION_HOME}/application-deployments @# Install the tools.jar file from the JDK, since it is needed by Orion ${LN} -sf ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar ${ORION_HOME}/tools.jar @# Change ownership for the files ${CHOWN} -R ${USER_NAME}:${GROUP_NAME} ${ORION_HOME} @# Install the man page .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) ${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/${ORIONCTL_NAME}.1 \ | ${SED} "/%%PREFIX%%/s//${PREFIX:S/\//\\\//g}/" \ > ${WRKDIR}/${ORIONCTL_NAME}.1 ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKDIR}/${ORIONCTL_NAME}.1 ${MANPREFIX}/man/man1 .endif post-install: @${ECHO} "${PORTTITLE} ${PORTVERSION} has been installed in ${ORION_HOME}." .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${ECHO} "Use 'man orionctl' for information about starting and stopping Orion." .endif .if ${AUTO_START} == "YES" @${ECHO} -n "Starting..." @${RC_SCRIPT} start @${ECHO} "" .endif .include