--- Simple.pm.orig Wed Nov 10 21:54:26 2004 +++ Simple.pm Wed Nov 10 21:55:06 2004 @@ -1061,11 +1061,11 @@ 1; -=head2 NAME +=head1 NAME CGI::Simple - A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant -=head2 SYNOPSIS +=head1 SYNOPSIS use CGI::Simple; $CGI::Simple::POST_MAX = 1024; # max upload via post default 100kB @@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ dienice( $q->cgi_error ) if $q->cgi_error; -=head2 DESCRIPTION +=head1 DESCRIPTION CGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in replacement for CGI.pm. It shares an identical OO interface to CGI.pm for parameter parsing, file @@ -1169,12 +1169,12 @@ In practical testing this module loads and runs about twice as fast as CGI.pm depending on the precise task. -=head2 CALLING CGI::Simple ROUTINES USING THE OBJECT INTERFACE +=head1 CALLING CGI::Simple ROUTINES USING THE OBJECT INTERFACE Here is a very brief rundown on how you use the interface. Full details follow. -=head3 First you need to initialize an object +=head2 First you need to initialize an object Before you can call a CGI::Simple method you must create a CGI::Simple object. You do that by using the module and then calling the new() constructor: @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ It is traditional to call your object $q for query or perhaps $cgi. -=head3 Next you call methods on that object +=head2 Next you call methods on that object Once you have your object you can call methods on it using the -> arrow syntax For example to get the names of all the parameters passed to your @@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ $q->param(-name=>'veggie',-value=>'tomato'); $q->param(-name=>'veggie',-value=>['tomato','tomahto','potato','potahto']); -=head2 CALLING CGI::Simple ROUTINES USING THE FUNCTION INTERFACE +=head1 CALLING CGI::Simple ROUTINES USING THE FUNCTION INTERFACE For convenience a functional interface is provided by the CGI::Simple::Standard module. This hides the OO details from you and allows @@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ When (if) you read the following docs and are using the functional interface just pretend the $q-> is not there. -=head3 Selecting which methods to load +=head2 Selecting which methods to load When you use the functional interface Perl needs to be able to find the functions you call. The simplest way of doing this is to use autoloading as @@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ notation. This will import the ':func_set' function set and the specific function 'some_func'. -=head3 To Autoload or not to Autoload, that is the question. +=head2 To Autoload or not to Autoload, that is the question. If you do not have a AUTOLOAD sub in you script it is generally best to use the '-autoload' option. Under autoload you can use any method you want but @@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ use CGI::Simple::Standard qw(param header); -=head3 Setting globals using the functional interface +=head2 Setting globals using the functional interface Where you see global variables being set using the syntax: @@ -1307,9 +1307,9 @@ ################ The Core Methods ################ -=head2 THE CORE METHODS +=head1 THE CORE METHODS -=head3 new() Creating a new query object +=head2 new() Creating a new query object The first step in using CGI::Simple is to create a new query object using the B constructor: @@ -1370,14 +1370,14 @@ $empty_query = new CGI::Simple({}); -=head3 keywords() Fetching a list of keywords from a query +=head2 keywords() Fetching a list of keywords from a query @keywords = $q->keywords; If the script was invoked as the result of an search, the parsed keywords can be obtained as an array using the B method. -=head3 param() Fetching the names of all parameters passed to your script +=head2 param() Fetching the names of all parameters passed to your script @names = $q->param; @@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ parameters are defined in the form (however, this isn't part of the spec, and so isn't guaranteed). -=head3 param() Fetching the value or values of a simple named parameter +=head2 param() Fetching the value or values of a simple named parameter @values = $q->param('foo'); @@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ query object. If you try to access them via param you will get an undef return value. -=head3 param() Setting the values of a named parameter +=head2 param() Setting the values of a named parameter $q->param('foo','an','array','of','values'); @@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ $q->param(-name=>'foo',-value=>'the value'); -=head3 add_param() Setting the values of a named parameter +=head2 add_param() Setting the values of a named parameter You nay also use the new method B to add parameters. This is an alias to the _add_param() internal method that actually does all the work. @@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ argument is absent of false the values will be appended. If true the values will overwrite any existing ones -=head3 append() Appending values to a named parameter +=head2 append() Appending values to a named parameter $q->append(-name=>'foo',-values=>['yet','more','values']); @@ -1457,12 +1457,12 @@ Otherwise the parameter is created. Note that this method only recognizes the named argument calling syntax. -=head3 import_names() Importing all parameters into a namespace. +=head2 import_names() Importing all parameters into a namespace. This method was silly, non OO and has been deleted. You can get all the params as a hash using B or via all the other accessors. -=head3 delete() Deleting a parameter completely +=head2 delete() Deleting a parameter completely $q->delete('foo'); @@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ If you are using the function call interface, use B instead to avoid conflicts with Perl's built-in delete operator. -=head3 delete_all() Deleting all parameters +=head2 delete_all() Deleting all parameters $q->delete_all(); @@ -1485,12 +1485,12 @@ B however there is no reason to use this, even in the function call interface. -=head3 param_fetch() Direct access to the parameter list +=head2 param_fetch() Direct access to the parameter list This method is provided for CGI.pm compatibility only. It returns an array ref to the values associated with a named param. It is deprecated. -=head3 Vars() Fetching the entire parameter list as a hash +=head2 Vars() Fetching the entire parameter list as a hash $params = $q->Vars; # as a tied hash ref print $params->{'address'}; @@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@ You can change the character used to do the multiple value packing by passing it to B as an argument as shown. -=head3 url_param() Access the QUERY_STRING regardless of 'GET' or 'POST' +=head2 url_param() Access the QUERY_STRING regardless of 'GET' or 'POST' The B method makes the QUERY_STRING data available regardless of whether the REQUEST_METHOD was 'GET' or 'POST'. You can do anything @@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ is parsed into a new CGI::Simple object which is stored within the current object. B then just calls B on this new object. -=head3 parse_query_string() Add QUERY_STRING data to 'POST' requests +=head2 parse_query_string() Add QUERY_STRING data to 'POST' requests When the REQUEST_METHOD is 'POST' the default behavior is to ignore name/value pairs or keywords in the $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}. You can override @@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ This is a new method in CGI::Simple that is not available in CGI.pm -=head3 save() Saving the state of an object to file +=head2 save() Saving the state of an object to file $q->save(\*FILEHANDLE) @@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ ################ Uploading Files ################### -=head2 FILE UPLOADS +=head1 FILE UPLOADS File uploads are easy with CGI::Simple. You use the B method. Assuming you have the following in your HTML: @@ -1609,7 +1609,7 @@ and saved in temporary files. These files will be deleted when your script.cgi exits so if you want to keep them you will need to proceed as follows. -=head3 upload() The key file upload method +=head2 upload() The key file upload method The B method is quite versatile. If you call B without any arguments it will return a list of uploaded files in list context and @@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ 'upload_field_name' then you will only get the last uploaded file from these fields. -=head3 upload_info() Get the details about uploaded files +=head2 upload_info() Get the details about uploaded files The B method is a new method. Called without arguments it returns the number of uploaded files in scalar context and the names of @@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ Note: The old CGI.pm B method has been deleted. -=head3 $POST_MAX and $DISABLE_UPLOADS +=head2 $POST_MAX and $DISABLE_UPLOADS CGI.pm has a default setting that allows infinite size file uploads by default. In contrast file uploads are disabled by default in CGI::Simple @@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ use CGI::Simple qw( -default ..... ); -=head3 binmode() and Win32 +=head2 binmode() and Win32 If you are using CGI::Simple be sure to call B on any handle that you create to write the uploaded file to disk. Calling B will do @@ -1742,9 +1742,9 @@ ################ Miscellaneous Methods ################ -=head2 MISCELANEOUS METHODS +=head1 MISCELANEOUS METHODS -=head3 escapeHTML() Escaping HTML special characters +=head2 escapeHTML() Escaping HTML special characters In HTML the < > " and & chars have special meaning and need to be escaped to < > " and & respectively. @@ -1755,36 +1755,36 @@ If the optional second argument is supplied then newlines will be escaped to. -=head3 unescapeHTML() Unescape HTML special characters +=head2 unescapeHTML() Unescape HTML special characters This performs the reverse of B. $unescaped = $q->unescapeHTML( $HTML_escaped_string ); -=head3 url_decode() Decode a URL encoded string +=head2 url_decode() Decode a URL encoded string This method will correctly decode a url encoded string. $decoded = $q->url_decode( $encoded ); -=head3 url_encode() URL encode a string +=head2 url_encode() URL encode a string This method will correctly URL encode a string. $encoded = $q->url_encode( $string ); -=head3 parse_keywordlist() Parse a supplied keyword list +=head2 parse_keywordlist() Parse a supplied keyword list @keywords = $q->parse_keywordlist( $keyword_list ); This method returns a list of keywords, correctly URL escaped and split out of the supplied string -=head3 put() Send output to browser +=head2 put() Send output to browser CGI.pm alias for print. $q->put('Hello World!') will print the usual -=head3 print() Send output to browser +=head2 print() Send output to browser CGI.pm alias for print. $q->print('Hello World!') will print the usual @@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ ################# Cookie Methods ################ -=head2 HTTP COOKIES +=head1 HTTP COOKIES Netscape browsers versions 1.1 and higher, and all versions of Internet Explorer, support a so-called "cookie" designed to help @@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ =back -=head3 cookie() A simple access method to cookies +=head2 cookie() A simple access method to cookies The interface to HTTP cookies is the B method: @@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@ # vice-versa $q->param( -name=>'answers', -value=>[$q->cookie('answers')] ); -=head3 raw_cookie() +=head2 raw_cookie() Returns the HTTP_COOKIE variable, an HTTP extension implemented by Netscape browsers version 1.1 and higher, and all versions of Internet @@ -1961,7 +1961,7 @@ ################# Header Methods ################ -=head2 CREATING HTTP HEADERS +=head1 CREATING HTTP HEADERS Normally the first thing you will do in any CGI script is print out an HTTP header. This tells the browser what type of document to expect, @@ -1970,7 +1970,7 @@ manipulated for special purposes, such as server push and pay per view pages. -=head3 header() Create simple or complex HTTP headers +=head2 header() Create simple or complex HTTP headers print $q->header; @@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ suggested name for the saved file. In order for this to work, you may have to set the B<-type> to 'application/octet-stream'. -=head3 no_cache() Preventing browser caching of scripts +=head2 no_cache() Preventing browser caching of scripts Most browsers will not cache the output from CGI scripts. Every time the browser reloads the page, the script is invoked anew. However some @@ -2119,14 +2119,14 @@ Both the Pragma: no-cache header field and an Expires header that corresponds to the current time (ie now) will be sent. -=head3 cache() Preventing browser caching of scripts +=head2 cache() Preventing browser caching of scripts The somewhat ill named B method is a legacy from CGI.pm. It operates the same as the new B method. The difference is/was that when set it results only in the Pragma: no-cache line being printed. Expires time data is not sent. -=head3 redirect() Generating a redirection header +=head2 redirect() Generating a redirection header print $q->redirect('http://somewhere.else/in/movie/land'); @@ -2157,7 +2157,7 @@ =cut -=head2 PRAGMAS +=head1 PRAGMAS There are a number of pragmas that you can specify in your use CGI::Simple statement. Pragmas, which are always preceded by a hyphen, change the way @@ -2262,7 +2262,7 @@ ############### NPH Scripts ################ -=head2 USING NPH SCRIPTS +=head1 USING NPH SCRIPTS NPH, or "no-parsed-header", scripts bypass the server completely by sending the complete HTTP header directly to the browser. This has @@ -2319,7 +2319,7 @@ ################# Server Push Methods ################# -=head2 SERVER PUSH +=head1 SERVER PUSH CGI.pm provides four simple functions for producing multipart documents of the type needed to implement server push. These @@ -2358,7 +2358,7 @@ multipart section with B rather than with B. -=head3 multipart_init() Initialize the multipart system +=head2 multipart_init() Initialize the multipart system multipart_init(-boundary=>$boundary); @@ -2366,14 +2366,14 @@ what MIME boundary string to use to separate parts of the document. If not provided, CGI.pm chooses a reasonable boundary for you. -=head3 multipart_start() Start a new part of the multipart document +=head2 multipart_start() Start a new part of the multipart document multipart_start(-type=>$type) Start a new part of the multipart document using the specified MIME type. If not specified, text/html is assumed. -=head3 multipart_end() End a multipart part +=head2 multipart_end() End a multipart part multipart_end() @@ -2382,14 +2382,14 @@ document when B should be called instead of B. -=head3 multipart_final() +=head2 multipart_final() multipart_final() End all parts. You should call B rather than B at the end of the last part of the multipart document. -=head3 CGI::Push +=head2 CGI::Push Users interested in server push applications should also have a look at the B module. @@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ ################# Debugging Methods ################ -=head2 DEBUGGING +=head1 DEBUGGING If you are running the script from the command line or in the perl debugger, you can pass the script a list of keywords or @@ -2448,7 +2448,7 @@ your_script.pl "name1='I am a long value'" "name2=two\ words" -=head3 Dump() Dumping the current object details +=head2 Dump() Dumping the current object details The B method produces a string consisting of all the query's object attributes formatted nicely as a nested list. This dump @@ -2501,7 +2501,7 @@ print $q->Dump(\%ENV); -=head3 PrintEnv() Dumping the environment +=head2 PrintEnv() Dumping the environment You can get a similar browser friendly dump of the current %ENV hash using: @@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@ }; -=head3 cgi_error() Retrieving CGI::Simple error messages +=head2 cgi_error() Retrieving CGI::Simple error messages Errors can occur while processing user input, particularly when processing uploaded files. When these errors occur, CGI::Simple will stop @@ -2565,28 +2565,28 @@ ############### Accessor Methods ################ -=head2 ACCESSOR METHODS +=head1 ACCESSOR METHODS -=head3 version() Get the CGI::Simple version info +=head2 version() Get the CGI::Simple version info $version = $q->version(); The B method returns the value of $VERSION -=head3 nph() Enable/disable NPH (Non Parsed Header) mode +=head2 nph() Enable/disable NPH (Non Parsed Header) mode $q->nph(1); # enable NPH mode $q->nph(0); # disable NPH mode The B method enables and disables NPH headers. See the NPH section. -=head3 all_parameters() Get the names/values of all parameters +=head2 all_parameters() Get the names/values of all parameters @all_parameters = $q->all_parameters(); The B method is an alias for B -=head3 charset() Get/set the current character set. +=head2 charset() Get/set the current character set. $charset = $q->charset(); # get current charset $q->charset('utf-42'); # set the charset @@ -2594,13 +2594,13 @@ The B method gets the current charset value if no argument is supplied or sets it if an argument is supplied. -=head3 crlf() Get the system specific line ending sequence +=head2 crlf() Get the system specific line ending sequence $crlf = $q->crlf(); The B method returns the system specific line ending sequence. -=head3 globals() Get/set the value of the remaining global variables +=head2 globals() Get/set the value of the remaining global variables $globals = $q->globals('FATAL'); # get the current value of $FATAL $globals = $q->globals('FATAL', 1 ); # set croak mode on cgi_error() @@ -2610,20 +2610,20 @@ makes no difference as they must be set prior to calling the new constructor but there might be reason the change the value of others. -=head3 auth_type() Get the current authorization/verification method +=head2 auth_type() Get the current authorization/verification method $auth_type = $q->auth_type(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'} which should contain the authorization/verification method in use for this script, if any. -=head3 content_length() Get the content length submitted in a POST +=head2 content_length() Get the content length submitted in a POST $content_length = $q->content_length(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'} -=head3 content_type() Get the content_type of data submitted in a POST +=head2 content_type() Get the content_type of data submitted in a POST $content_type = $q->content_type(); @@ -2631,26 +2631,26 @@ a POST, generally 'multipart/form-data' or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' as supplied in $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} -=head3 document_root() Get the document root +=head2 document_root() Get the document root $document_root = $q->document_root(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} -=head3 gateway_interface() Get the gateway interface +=head2 gateway_interface() Get the gateway interface $gateway_interface = $q->gateway_interface(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} -=head3 path_translated() Get the value of path translated +=head2 path_translated() Get the value of path translated $path_translated = $q->path_translated(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} -=head3 referer() Spy on your users +=head2 referer() Spy on your users $referer = $q->referer(); @@ -2658,14 +2658,14 @@ the URL of the page the browser was viewing prior to fetching your script. Not available for all browsers. -=head3 remote_addr() Get the remote address +=head2 remote_addr() Get the remote address $remote_addr = $q->remote_addr(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} or (localhost) if this is not defined. -=head3 remote_host() Get a value for remote host +=head2 remote_host() Get a value for remote host $remote_host = $q->remote_host(); @@ -2673,13 +2673,13 @@ defined. If this is not defined it returns $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} If this is not defined it returns 'localhost' -=head3 remote_ident() Get the remote identity +=head2 remote_ident() Get the remote identity $remote_ident = $q->remote_ident(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'} -=head3 remote_user() Get the remote user +=head2 remote_user() Get the remote user $remote_user = $q->remote_user(); @@ -2687,7 +2687,7 @@ for user verification, if this script is protected. The value comes from $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} -=head3 request_method() Get the request method +=head2 request_method() Get the request method $request_method = $q->request_method(); @@ -2695,7 +2695,7 @@ script, usually one of 'POST', 'GET' or 'HEAD' as supplied by $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} -=head3 script_name() Get the script name +=head2 script_name() Get the script name $script_name = $q->script_name(); @@ -2703,28 +2703,28 @@ defined. Otherwise it returns Perl's script name from $0. Failing this it returns a null string '' -=head3 server_name() Get the server name +=head2 server_name() Get the server name $server_name = $q->server_name(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} if defined or 'localhost' otherwise -=head3 server_port() Get the port the server is listening on +=head2 server_port() Get the port the server is listening on $server_port = $q->server_port(); The B method returns the value $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} if defined or 80 if not. -=head3 server_protocol() Get the current server protocol +=head2 server_protocol() Get the current server protocol $server_protocol = $q->server_protocol(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'} if defined or 'HTTP/1.0' otherwise -=head3 server_software() Get the server software +=head2 server_software() Get the server software $server_software = $q->server_software(); @@ -2733,7 +2733,7 @@ Linux, FTPs to www.apache.org, installs Apache, and then restores your system from tape. Well maybe not, but it's a nice thought. -=head3 user_name() Get a value for the user name. +=head2 user_name() Get a value for the user name. $user_name = $q->user_name(); @@ -2744,7 +2744,7 @@ Technically the B method returns the value of $ENV{'HTTP_FROM'} or failing that $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'} or as a last choice $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} -=head3 user_agent() Get the users browser type +=head2 user_agent() Get the users browser type $ua = $q->user_agent(); # return the user agent $ok = $q->user_agent('mozilla'); # return true if user agent 'mozilla' @@ -2753,14 +2753,14 @@ called without an argument or true or false if the $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} matches the passed argument. The matching is case insensitive and partial. -=head3 virtual_host() Get the virtual host +=head2 virtual_host() Get the virtual host $virtual_host = $q->virtual_host(); The B method returns the value of $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} if defined or $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} as a default. Port numbers are removed. -=head3 path_info() Get any extra path info set to the script +=head2 path_info() Get any extra path info set to the script $path_info = $q->path_info(); @@ -2777,7 +2777,7 @@ but incorrect. The best thing to do is to avoid using additional path information in CGI scripts destined for use with IIS. -=head3 Accept() Get the browser MIME types +=head2 Accept() Get the browser MIME types $Accept = $q->Accept(); @@ -2788,13 +2788,13 @@ (don't want) to 1.0. Glob types (e.g. text/*) in the browser's accept list are handled correctly. -=head3 accept() Alias for Accept() +=head2 accept() Alias for Accept() $accept = $q->accept(); The B Method is an alias for Accept() -=head3 http() Get a range of HTTP related information +=head2 http() Get a range of HTTP related information $http = $q->http(); @@ -2811,7 +2811,7 @@ $requested_language = $q->http('Accept_language'); $requested_language = $q->http('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'); -=head3 https() Get a range of HTTPS related information +=head2 https() Get a range of HTTPS related information $https = $q->https(); @@ -2819,14 +2819,14 @@ without an argument it returns the value of $ENV{'HTTPS'} which will be true if a HTTPS connection is in use and false otherwise. -=head3 protocol() Get the current protocol +=head2 protocol() Get the current protocol $protocol = $q->protocol(); The B method returns 'https' if a HTTPS connection is in use or the B minus version numbers ('http') otherwise. -=head3 url() Return the script's URL in several formats +=head2 url() Return the script's URL in several formats $full_url = $q->url(); $full_url = $q->url(-full=>1); @@ -2882,7 +2882,7 @@ =back -=head3 self_url() Get the scripts complete URL +=head2 self_url() Get the scripts complete URL $self_url = $q->self_url(); @@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ $self->url( '-path_info'=>1, '-query'=>1, '-full'=>1 ); -=head3 state() Alias for self_url() +=head2 state() Alias for self_url() $state = $q->state(); @@ -2900,7 +2900,7 @@ ################# cgi-lib.pl Compatibility Methods ################# -=head2 COMPATIBILITY WITH cgi-lib.pl 2.18 +=head1 COMPATIBILITY WITH cgi-lib.pl 2.18 To make it easier to port existing programs that use cgi-lib.pl all the subs within cgi-lib.pl are available in CGI::Simple. Using the @@ -2965,7 +2965,7 @@ ############### Compatibility with mod_perl ################ -=head2 COMPATIBILITY WITH mod_perl +=head1 COMPATIBILITY WITH mod_perl This module uses Selfloader and the __DATA__ token to ensure that only code that is used gets complied. This optimises performance but means that it @@ -2986,7 +2986,7 @@ ############### Compatibility with CGI.pm ################ -=head2 COMPATIBILITY WITH CGI.pm +=head1 COMPATIBILITY WITH CGI.pm I has long been suggested that the CGI and HTML parts of CGI.pm should be split into separate modules (even the author suggests this!), CGI::Simple @@ -3020,7 +3020,7 @@ 3165: Problem:'fillBuffer' $self->fillBuffer($FILLUNIT); .... -=head2 DIFFERENCES FROM CGI.pm +=head1 DIFFERENCES FROM CGI.pm CGI::Simple is strict and warnings compliant. SelfLoader is used to load only the required code. You can easily optimize code loading simply by moving the @@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@ some minor changes and tweaks have been made. They will likely be insignificant to most users but here are the gory details. -=head3 Globals Variables +=head2 Globals Variables The list of global variables has been pruned by 75%. Here is the complete list of the global variables used: @@ -3169,7 +3169,7 @@ tempfile requirements. The rest of the globals are HTML related, export related, hand rolled autoload related or serve obscure purposes in CGI.pm -=head3 Changes to pragmas +=head2 Changes to pragmas There are some new pragmas available. See the pragmas section for details. The following CGI.pm pragmas are not available: @@ -3188,13 +3188,13 @@ and remove the __DATA__ token. Tempfiles are now private by default and the other pragmas are HTML related. -=head3 Filehandles +=head2 Filehandles Unlike CGI.pm which tries to accept all filehandle like objects only \*FH and $fh are accepted by CGI::Simple as file accessors for B and B. IO::File objects work fine. -=head3 Hash interface +=head2 Hash interface %hash = $q->Vars(); # pack values with "\0"; %hash = $q->Vars(","); # comma separate values @@ -3204,17 +3204,17 @@ supplied the default "\0" (null byte) will be used. Null bytes are dangerous things for C based code (ie Perl). -=head3 cgi-lib.pl +=head2 cgi-lib.pl All the cgi-lib.pl 2.18 routines are supported. Unlike CGI.pm all the subroutines from cgi-lib.pl are included. They have been GOLFED down to 25 lines but they all work pretty much the same as the originals. -=head2 CGI::Simple COMPLETE METHOD LIST +=head1 CGI::Simple COMPLETE METHOD LIST Here is a complete list of all the CGI::Simple methods. -=head3 Guts (hands off, except of course for new) +=head2 Guts (hands off, except of course for new) _initialize_globals _use_cgi_pm_global_settings @@ -3232,7 +3232,7 @@ _save_tmpfile _read_data -=head3 Core Methods +=head2 Core Methods param add_param @@ -3251,13 +3251,13 @@ parse_query_string parse_keywordlist -=head3 Save and Restore from File Methods +=head2 Save and Restore from File Methods _init_from_file save save_parameters -=head3 Miscellaneous Methods +=head2 Miscellaneous Methods url_decode url_encode @@ -3266,33 +3266,33 @@ put print -=head3 Cookie Methods +=head2 Cookie Methods cookie raw_cookie -=head3 Header Methods +=head2 Header Methods header cache no_cache redirect -=head3 Server Push Methods +=head2 Server Push Methods multipart_init multipart_start multipart_end multipart_final -=head3 Debugging Methods +=head2 Debugging Methods read_from_cmdline Dump as_string cgi_error -=head3 cgi-lib.pl Compatibility Routines - all 2.18 functions available +=head2 cgi-lib.pl Compatibility Routines - all 2.18 functions available _shift_if_ref ReadParse @@ -3310,7 +3310,7 @@ CgiDie CgiError -=head3 Accessor Methods +=head2 Accessor Methods version nph @@ -3348,7 +3348,7 @@ self_url state -=head2 NEW METHODS IN CGI::Simple +=head1 NEW METHODS IN CGI::Simple There are a few new methods in CGI::Simple as listed below. The highlights are the B method to add the QUERY_STRING data to your object if @@ -3360,7 +3360,7 @@ argument as shown in the synopsis. If this is supplied the uploaded file will be written to there automagically. -=head3 Internal Routines +=head2 Internal Routines _initialize_globals() _use_cgi_pm_global_settings() @@ -3375,7 +3375,7 @@ _save_tmpfile() _read_data() -=head3 New Public Methods +=head2 New Public Methods add_param() # adds a param/value(s) pair +/- overwrite upload_info() # uploaded files MIME type and size @@ -3385,7 +3385,7 @@ no_cache() # add both the Pragma: no-cache # and Expires/Date => 'now' to header -=head3 cgi-lib.pl methods added for completeness +=head2 cgi-lib.pl methods added for completeness _shift_if_ref() # internal hack reminiscent of self_or_default :-) MyBaseUrl() @@ -3396,7 +3396,7 @@ CgiDie() CgiError() -=head3 New Accessors +=head2 New Accessors crlf() # returns CRLF sequence globals() # global vars now stored in $q object - get/set @@ -3404,13 +3404,13 @@ document_root() # returns $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} gateway_interface() # returns $ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} -=head2 METHODS IN CGI.pm NOT IN CGI::Simple +=head1 METHODS IN CGI.pm NOT IN CGI::Simple Here is a complete list of what is not included in CGI::Simple. Basically all the HTML related stuff plus large redundant chunks of the guts. The check.pl script in the /misc dir will check to see if a script is using any of these. -=head3 Guts - rearranged, recoded, renamed and hacked out of existence +=head2 Guts - rearranged, recoded, renamed and hacked out of existence initialize_globals() compile() @@ -3431,7 +3431,7 @@ read_from_client() import_names() # I dislike this and left it out, so shoot me. -=head3 HTML Related +=head2 HTML Related autoEscape() URL_ENCODED() @@ -3469,7 +3469,7 @@ nosticky() default_dtd() -=head3 Upload Related +=head2 Upload Related CGI::Simple uses anonymous tempfiles supplied by IO::File to spool uploaded files to. @@ -3479,7 +3479,7 @@ uploadInfo() # relied on FH access, replaced with upload_info() -=head3 Really Private Subs (marked as so) +=head2 Really Private Subs (marked as so) previous_or_default() register_parameter() @@ -3489,7 +3489,7 @@ asString() compare() -=head3 Internal Multipart Parsing Routines +=head2 Internal Multipart Parsing Routines read_multipart() readHeader() @@ -3498,16 +3498,16 @@ fillBuffer() eof() -=head2 EXPORT +=head1 EXPORT Nothing. -=head2 BUGS +=head1 BUGS As this is 0.01 there are almost bound to be some. Not recommended for production use. -=head2 AUTHOR INFORMATION +=head1 AUTHOR INFORMATION Copyright 2001 Dr James Freeman Ejfreeman@tassie.net.auE @@ -3522,7 +3522,7 @@ remotely browser dependent, please provide information about the affected browsers as well. -=head2 CREDITS +=head1 CREDITS Lincoln D. Stein (lstein@cshl.org) and everyone else who worked on the original CGI.pm upon which this module is heavily based @@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ failures as well as Perlmonks: tommyw, grinder, Jaap, vek, erasei, jlongino and strider_corinth -=head2 SEE ALSO +=head1 SEE ALSO B, L, L, L