# New ports collection makefile for: pyjamas # Date created: 2008-10-07 # Whom: Nicola Vitale # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= pyjamas PORTVERSION= 0.4 #PORTREVISION= 0 CATEGORIES= www python MASTER_SITES= SF EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= nivit@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= A port of Google Web Toolkit to Python USE_PYTHON= yes RM_OPTS= -R REINPLACE_ARGS= -i '' -e 's,../../builder,${DATADIR}/builder,' post-patch: ${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/examples -type f -name "build.sh" -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 ${REINPLACE_CMD} do-build: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PYTHON_CMD} ${PYTHON_LIBDIR}/compileall.py addons builder library pyjs stubs do-install: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${DATADIR} .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) ${MV} ${DATADIR}/doc ${DOCSDIR} .else ${RM} ${RM_OPTS} ${DATADIR}/doc .endif post-install: ${CHMOD} a+x ${DATADIR}/builder/build.py ${DATADIR}/pyjs/pyjs.py .if !defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES) ${MV} ${DATADIR}/examples ${EXAMPLESDIR} ${FIND} ${EXAMPLESDIR} -type f -name "*.sh" -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 ${CHMOD} a+x .else ${RM} ${RM_OPTS} ${DATADIR}/examples .endif .include