#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD$ # if [ x"$2" = xPRE-INSTALL ]; then GROUP=rt if ! pw groupshow "${GROUP}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then if pw groupadd ${GROUP}; then echo "Added group \"${GROUP}\"." else echo "Adding group \"${GROUP}\" failed..." exit 1 fi fi fi if [ x"$2" = xPOST-INSTALL ]; then if [ x"${RT_PATH}" = x ]; then RT_PATH="${PKG_PREFIX}/rt3" fi if [ x"${INITIAL_INSTALL}" = x ]; then echo "Upgrade of RT3 complete." echo "" echo "If this is actually your first installation, please run:" echo " " perl ${RT_PATH}/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba DB_DBA_USER --prompt-for-dba-password echo "" echo "Substitute DB_DBA_USER with database administrator's name." else perl ${RT_PATH}/sbin/rt-setup-database --force --action drop --dba ${DB_DBA_USER} --dba-password ${DB_DBA_PASSWORD} perl ${RT_PATH}/sbin/rt-setup-database --force --action init --dba ${DB_DBA_USER} --dba-password ${DB_DBA_PASSWORD} sed s!%%RT_PATH%%!${RT_PATH}!g ${PKGMESSAGE} fi fi exit 0