# Created by: Glen Campbell # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= siteframe PORTVERSION= 5.0.2 PORTREVISION= 4 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.broadpool.net/pub/siteframe/ MAINTAINER= glen@broadpool.com COMMENT= A web community content management system in PHP5 and MySQL RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/share/smarty/Smarty.class.php:${PORTSDIR}/www/smarty2 USE_APACHE_RUN= 22+ USE_PHP= mysqli simplexml xml session gd DEFAULT_PHP_VER= 5 USE_MYSQL= yes # where to install NO_BUILD= yes NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes .ifndef SITEFRAMEDIR .ifdef APACHE_DATADIR SITEFRAMEDIR= ${APACHE_DATADIR}/siteframe .else SITEFRAMEDIR= ${WWWDIR} .endif .endif SUB_FILES= pkg-message SUB_LIST= DIR=${SITEFRAMEDIR} NO_STAGE= yes do-install: ${MKDIR} ${SITEFRAMEDIR}/ ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/* ${SITEFRAMEDIR}/ ${CHOWN} -R ${WWWOWN} ${SITEFRAMEDIR}/ post-install: ${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include