*** etc/web2ldap/web2ldapcnf/standalone.py.orig Thu Feb 24 20:11:25 2005 --- etc/web2ldap/web2ldapcnf/standalone.py Thu Feb 24 20:12:36 2005 *************** *** 22,28 **** access_allowed = [''] # User account name to setuid after being started as root ! run_username = 'web2ldap' # Contact mail address of the server admin when running stand-alone server_admin = 'admin@web2ldap.de' --- 22,28 ---- access_allowed = [''] # User account name to setuid after being started as root ! run_username = 'nobody' # Contact mail address of the server admin when running stand-alone server_admin = 'admin@web2ldap.de'