XS-HTTPD is a WWW server that has the following features: - It is pronounced as "access-HTTP-daemon" - It is SMALL (very small in fact: a factor two to three smaller than normal servers on disk and in memory) - It is FAST (because it is so small and does not do unnecessary things) - Uses very little CPU time - Configurable (configuration compiled in to make it small, but largely overridable on the command line) - Runs user CGI binaries under their own user ID - Gets users' pages under their own user ID, allowing them to really have protected pages (using the built-in authentication mechanism) - Does not fork for every connection (has a fixed number of servers), only to replace a lost server (in case of timeouts). - Comes with some other useful programs - Offers Server-Side Includes for many common tasks, including built-in page counters (text or graphical) - Supports PHP and other interpreted file formats - Supports automatic decompression to save diskspace and bandwidth - Serves SSL (https) and http connections through the same daemon - Full support for IPv6 WWW: http://www.stack.nl/xs-httpd/