Iwidgets is a "mega-widget" set built using itk. It includes a set of megawidgets, installed in %%PREFIX%%/lib/iwidgets4.0.1 (and symlinked to %%PREFIX%%/lib/iwidgets), a set of man pages describing the various widgets, some scripts in %%PREFIX%%/lib/%%IWIDGETS%%/scripts and some demo files in %%PREFIX%%/lib/%%IWIDGETS%%/demos. Run the demos in X windows by using wish (E.g. wish8.4 %%PREFIX%%/lib/%%IWIDGETS%%/demos/checkbox) All the man pages are installed as iwidgets_example. If you search man for widgets, you will get the Tk widgets. To see the man pages for iwidgets widgets, type man iwidgets_toolbar (for example.) There is also a set of html documentation pages installed in %%PREFIX%%/lib/%%IWIDGETS%%/demos/html that may be helpful. Look at iwidgets4.0.0UserCmds.html for a list of the user commands that are available to you. Finally, you may want to read iwidgets.ps (use a Postcript viewer), installed in %%DOCSDIR%%, which is a comprehensive explanation of iwidgets.