#!/usr/bin/env python # To use: # python setup.py install # __version__ = "$FreeBSD$" import os, string try: import distutils from distutils import sysconfig from distutils.command.install import install from distutils.core import setup, Extension except: raise SystemExit("Distutils problem") install.sub_commands = [x for x in install.sub_commands if 'egg' not in x[0]] tkversion = "%%TK_VER%%" prefix = sysconfig.PREFIX # Python 1.5 doesn't have os.getenv()? x11base = os.environ['LOCALBASE'] or '/usr/X11R6' inc_dirs = [prefix + "/include", prefix + "/include/tcl" + tkversion, prefix + "/include/tk" + tkversion, x11base + "/include"] lib_dirs = [prefix + "/lib", x11base + "/lib"] # use string.replace() for the benefit of Python 1.5 users libs = ["tcl" + tkversion.replace(".", ""), "tk" + tkversion.replace(".", ""), "X11"] setup(name = "Tkinter", description = "Tk Extension to Python", ext_modules = [Extension('_tkinter', ['_tkinter.c', 'tkappinit.c'], define_macros=[('WITH_APPINIT', 1)], include_dirs = inc_dirs, libraries = libs, library_dirs = lib_dirs)] )