# New ports collection makefile for: TkShape # Date created: 13 March 2004 # Whom: nivit@users.sourceforge.net # # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= tkshape PORTVERSION= 0.4 CATEGORIES= x11-toolkits MASTER_SITES= http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/tcl/ \ http://nivi.interfree.it/distfiles/${PORTNAME}/${PORTVERSION}/ DISTNAME= shape${PORTVERSION:S/.//g} MAINTAINER= nivit@users.sourceforge.net COMMENT= A Tk library to access to X Shaped Window Extension LIB_DEPENDS= tk84.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk84 PLIST_SUB= PORTNAME="${PORTNAME}" USE_LDCONFIG= yes OPTIONS= MANPAGES "Install manual pages" on .include .if defined(WITH_MANPAGES) MAN3= CombShape.3 QuryShape.3 MANN= shape.n .endif WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME:C/^tk//1}${PORTVERSION} TCL_VER?= 8.4 TK_VER?= 8.4 WISH?= wish${TK_VER} USE_GMAKE= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-tclconf=${LOCALBASE}/lib/tcl${TCL_VER} \ --with-tkconf=${LOCALBASE}/lib/tk${TK_VER} CONFIGURE_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/unix BUILD_WRKSRC= ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} WHERE_REPLACE= ${WRKSRC}/demos REPLACE_FILES= ${WHERE_REPLACE}/dragger.tcl \ ${WHERE_REPLACE}/fancytext.tcl \ ${WHERE_REPLACE}/fingerprint.tcl post-patch: .SILENT for FILE in ${REPLACE_FILES}; do \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "/%%WISH%%/s//${WISH:S/\//\\\//g}/g" \ $${FILE}; \ done; ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E 's,(^CFLAGS = )-g,\1${CFLAGS},' \ ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/Makefile.in FIND_DIRS= -type d \! -empty FIND_DEMOS= demos -type f -and -name "*.tcl" -maxdepth 1 FIND_IMAGES= demos/images -type f \ -and \( -name "*.gif" -or -name "*.xbm" \ -or -name "*.cur" \) TARGET_DIR= ${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME} MANPAGES= ${MAN3} ${MANN} do-install: # script, library cd ${WRKSRC}; \ ${MKDIR} ${TARGET_DIR}/demos; \ FILES=$$(${FIND} ${FIND_DEMOS}); \ for FILE in $${FILES}; do \ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} $${FILE} ${TARGET_DIR}/$${FILE}; \ done; \ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} unix/libshape04.so.1.0 ${TARGET_DIR}/libshape04.so.1; # images, pkgIndex.tcl cd ${WRKSRC}; \ ${MKDIR} ${TARGET_DIR}/demos/images; \ FILES=$$(${FIND} ${FIND_IMAGES}); \ for FILE in $${FILES}; do \ ${INSTALL_DATA} $${FILE} ${TARGET_DIR}/$${FILE}; \ done; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} unix/pkgIndex.tcl ${TARGET_DIR}/pkgIndex.tcl; # manpages .if defined(WITH_MANPAGES) cd ${WRKSRC}; \ for m in ${MANPAGES} ; do \ s=$${m##*.}; \ ${INSTALL_MAN} doc/$${m} ${MANPREFIX}/man/man$${s}/$${m}; \ done; .endif .include