XMonad is now compiled using Cabal "new-build" mechanism. This means that config file should now be compiled using "build" script approach. When EXAMPLES option is enabled, the port installs example build script. To migrate your config: % pkg install hs-cabal-install % cp /usr/local/share/examples/xmonad/build ~/.xmonad/build % cp /usr/local/share/examples/xmonad/xmonad-config.cabal ~/.xmonad/xmonad-config.cabal % cabal new-update Make sure your config is named ~/.xmonad/config.hs, or change corresponding line in the .cabal file. Building the config for the first time requires decent amount of time, so it is recommended to manually run the build script before the first startup: % ~/.xmonad/build It is possible to use devel/stack to build the config, as well as other means. See https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-testing/ for all available options.