path: root/COFF/Writer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'COFF/Writer.cpp')
1 files changed, 765 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/COFF/Writer.cpp b/COFF/Writer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a74b316b87a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/COFF/Writer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+//===- Writer.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Linker
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "DLL.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "InputFiles.h"
+#include "SymbolTable.h"
+#include "Symbols.h"
+#include "Writer.h"
+#include "lld/Core/Parallel.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::COFF;
+using namespace llvm::object;
+using namespace llvm::support;
+using namespace llvm::support::endian;
+using namespace lld;
+using namespace lld::coff;
+static const int PageSize = 4096;
+static const int SectorSize = 512;
+static const int DOSStubSize = 64;
+static const int NumberfOfDataDirectory = 16;
+namespace {
+// The writer writes a SymbolTable result to a file.
+class Writer {
+ Writer(SymbolTable *T) : Symtab(T) {}
+ void run();
+ void createSections();
+ void createMiscChunks();
+ void createImportTables();
+ void createExportTable();
+ void assignAddresses();
+ void removeEmptySections();
+ void createSymbolAndStringTable();
+ void openFile(StringRef OutputPath);
+ template <typename PEHeaderTy> void writeHeader();
+ void fixSafeSEHSymbols();
+ void writeSections();
+ void sortExceptionTable();
+ void applyRelocations();
+ llvm::Optional<coff_symbol16> createSymbol(Defined *D);
+ size_t addEntryToStringTable(StringRef Str);
+ OutputSection *findSection(StringRef Name);
+ OutputSection *createSection(StringRef Name);
+ void addBaserels(OutputSection *Dest);
+ void addBaserelBlocks(OutputSection *Dest, std::vector<Baserel> &V);
+ uint32_t getSizeOfInitializedData();
+ std::map<StringRef, std::vector<DefinedImportData *>> binImports();
+ SymbolTable *Symtab;
+ std::unique_ptr<llvm::FileOutputBuffer> Buffer;
+ llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<OutputSection> CAlloc;
+ llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<BaserelChunk> BAlloc;
+ std::vector<OutputSection *> OutputSections;
+ std::vector<char> Strtab;
+ std::vector<llvm::object::coff_symbol16> OutputSymtab;
+ IdataContents Idata;
+ DelayLoadContents DelayIdata;
+ EdataContents Edata;
+ std::unique_ptr<SEHTableChunk> SEHTable;
+ uint64_t FileSize;
+ uint32_t PointerToSymbolTable = 0;
+ uint64_t SizeOfImage;
+ uint64_t SizeOfHeaders;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Chunk>> Chunks;
+} // anonymous namespace
+namespace lld {
+namespace coff {
+void writeResult(SymbolTable *T) { Writer(T).run(); }
+// OutputSection represents a section in an output file. It's a
+// container of chunks. OutputSection and Chunk are 1:N relationship.
+// Chunks cannot belong to more than one OutputSections. The writer
+// creates multiple OutputSections and assign them unique,
+// non-overlapping file offsets and RVAs.
+class OutputSection {
+ OutputSection(StringRef N) : Name(N), Header({}) {}
+ void setRVA(uint64_t);
+ void setFileOffset(uint64_t);
+ void addChunk(Chunk *C);
+ StringRef getName() { return Name; }
+ std::vector<Chunk *> &getChunks() { return Chunks; }
+ void addPermissions(uint32_t C);
+ uint32_t getPermissions() { return Header.Characteristics & PermMask; }
+ uint32_t getCharacteristics() { return Header.Characteristics; }
+ uint64_t getRVA() { return Header.VirtualAddress; }
+ uint64_t getFileOff() { return Header.PointerToRawData; }
+ void writeHeaderTo(uint8_t *Buf);
+ // Returns the size of this section in an executable memory image.
+ // This may be smaller than the raw size (the raw size is multiple
+ // of disk sector size, so there may be padding at end), or may be
+ // larger (if that's the case, the loader reserves spaces after end
+ // of raw data).
+ uint64_t getVirtualSize() { return Header.VirtualSize; }
+ // Returns the size of the section in the output file.
+ uint64_t getRawSize() { return Header.SizeOfRawData; }
+ // Set offset into the string table storing this section name.
+ // Used only when the name is longer than 8 bytes.
+ void setStringTableOff(uint32_t V) { StringTableOff = V; }
+ // N.B. The section index is one based.
+ uint32_t SectionIndex = 0;
+ StringRef Name;
+ coff_section Header;
+ uint32_t StringTableOff = 0;
+ std::vector<Chunk *> Chunks;
+void OutputSection::setRVA(uint64_t RVA) {
+ Header.VirtualAddress = RVA;
+ for (Chunk *C : Chunks)
+ C->setRVA(C->getRVA() + RVA);
+void OutputSection::setFileOffset(uint64_t Off) {
+ // If a section has no actual data (i.e. BSS section), we want to
+ // set 0 to its PointerToRawData. Otherwise the output is rejected
+ // by the loader.
+ if (Header.SizeOfRawData == 0)
+ return;
+ Header.PointerToRawData = Off;
+void OutputSection::addChunk(Chunk *C) {
+ Chunks.push_back(C);
+ C->setOutputSection(this);
+ uint64_t Off = Header.VirtualSize;
+ Off = RoundUpToAlignment(Off, C->getAlign());
+ C->setRVA(Off);
+ C->setOutputSectionOff(Off);
+ Off += C->getSize();
+ Header.VirtualSize = Off;
+ if (C->hasData())
+ Header.SizeOfRawData = RoundUpToAlignment(Off, SectorSize);
+void OutputSection::addPermissions(uint32_t C) {
+ Header.Characteristics |= C & PermMask;
+// Write the section header to a given buffer.
+void OutputSection::writeHeaderTo(uint8_t *Buf) {
+ auto *Hdr = reinterpret_cast<coff_section *>(Buf);
+ *Hdr = Header;
+ if (StringTableOff) {
+ // If name is too long, write offset into the string table as a name.
+ sprintf(Hdr->Name, "/%d", StringTableOff);
+ } else {
+ assert(!Config->Debug || Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize);
+ strncpy(Hdr->Name,,
+ std::min(Name.size(), (size_t)COFF::NameSize));
+ }
+uint64_t Defined::getSecrel() {
+ if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DefinedRegular>(this))
+ return getRVA() - D->getChunk()->getOutputSection()->getRVA();
+ error("SECREL relocation points to a non-regular symbol");
+uint64_t Defined::getSectionIndex() {
+ if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DefinedRegular>(this))
+ return D->getChunk()->getOutputSection()->SectionIndex;
+ error("SECTION relocation points to a non-regular symbol");
+bool Defined::isExecutable() {
+ const auto X = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE;
+ if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DefinedRegular>(this))
+ return D->getChunk()->getOutputSection()->getPermissions() & X;
+ return isa<DefinedImportThunk>(this);
+} // namespace coff
+} // namespace lld
+// The main function of the writer.
+void Writer::run() {
+ createSections();
+ createMiscChunks();
+ createImportTables();
+ createExportTable();
+ if (Config->Relocatable)
+ createSection(".reloc");
+ assignAddresses();
+ removeEmptySections();
+ createSymbolAndStringTable();
+ openFile(Config->OutputFile);
+ if (Config->is64()) {
+ writeHeader<pe32plus_header>();
+ } else {
+ writeHeader<pe32_header>();
+ }
+ fixSafeSEHSymbols();
+ writeSections();
+ sortExceptionTable();
+ error(Buffer->commit(), "Failed to write the output file");
+static StringRef getOutputSection(StringRef Name) {
+ StringRef S = Name.split('$').first;
+ auto It = Config->Merge.find(S);
+ if (It == Config->Merge.end())
+ return S;
+ return It->second;
+// Create output section objects and add them to OutputSections.
+void Writer::createSections() {
+ // First, bin chunks by name.
+ std::map<StringRef, std::vector<Chunk *>> Map;
+ for (Chunk *C : Symtab->getChunks()) {
+ auto *SC = dyn_cast<SectionChunk>(C);
+ if (SC && !SC->isLive()) {
+ if (Config->Verbose)
+ SC->printDiscardedMessage();
+ continue;
+ }
+ Map[C->getSectionName()].push_back(C);
+ }
+ // Then create an OutputSection for each section.
+ // '$' and all following characters in input section names are
+ // discarded when determining output section. So, .text$foo
+ // contributes to .text, for example. See PE/COFF spec 3.2.
+ SmallDenseMap<StringRef, OutputSection *> Sections;
+ for (auto Pair : Map) {
+ StringRef Name = getOutputSection(Pair.first);
+ OutputSection *&Sec = Sections[Name];
+ if (!Sec) {
+ Sec = new (CAlloc.Allocate()) OutputSection(Name);
+ OutputSections.push_back(Sec);
+ }
+ std::vector<Chunk *> &Chunks = Pair.second;
+ for (Chunk *C : Chunks) {
+ Sec->addChunk(C);
+ Sec->addPermissions(C->getPermissions());
+ }
+ }
+void Writer::createMiscChunks() {
+ // Create thunks for locally-dllimported symbols.
+ if (!Symtab->LocalImportChunks.empty()) {
+ OutputSection *Sec = createSection(".rdata");
+ for (Chunk *C : Symtab->LocalImportChunks)
+ Sec->addChunk(C);
+ }
+ // Create SEH table. x86-only.
+ if (Config->Machine != I386)
+ return;
+ std::set<Defined *> Handlers;
+ for (lld::coff::ObjectFile *File : Symtab->ObjectFiles) {
+ if (!File->SEHCompat)
+ return;
+ for (SymbolBody *B : File->SEHandlers)
+ Handlers.insert(cast<Defined>(B->repl()));
+ }
+ SEHTable.reset(new SEHTableChunk(Handlers));
+ createSection(".rdata")->addChunk(SEHTable.get());
+// Create .idata section for the DLL-imported symbol table.
+// The format of this section is inherently Windows-specific.
+// IdataContents class abstracted away the details for us,
+// so we just let it create chunks and add them to the section.
+void Writer::createImportTables() {
+ if (Symtab->ImportFiles.empty())
+ return;
+ // Initialize DLLOrder so that import entries are ordered in
+ // the same order as in the command line. (That affects DLL
+ // initialization order, and this ordering is MSVC-compatible.)
+ for (ImportFile *File : Symtab->ImportFiles) {
+ std::string DLL = StringRef(File->DLLName).lower();
+ if (Config->DLLOrder.count(DLL) == 0)
+ Config->DLLOrder[DLL] = Config->DLLOrder.size();
+ }
+ OutputSection *Text = createSection(".text");
+ for (ImportFile *File : Symtab->ImportFiles) {
+ if (DefinedImportThunk *Thunk = File->ThunkSym)
+ Text->addChunk(Thunk->getChunk());
+ if (Config->DelayLoads.count(StringRef(File->DLLName).lower())) {
+ DelayIdata.add(File->ImpSym);
+ } else {
+ Idata.add(File->ImpSym);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Idata.empty()) {
+ OutputSection *Sec = createSection(".idata");
+ for (Chunk *C : Idata.getChunks())
+ Sec->addChunk(C);
+ }
+ if (!DelayIdata.empty()) {
+ Defined *Helper = cast<Defined>(Config->DelayLoadHelper->repl());
+ DelayIdata.create(Helper);
+ OutputSection *Sec = createSection(".didat");
+ for (Chunk *C : DelayIdata.getChunks())
+ Sec->addChunk(C);
+ Sec = createSection(".data");
+ for (Chunk *C : DelayIdata.getDataChunks())
+ Sec->addChunk(C);
+ Sec = createSection(".text");
+ for (std::unique_ptr<Chunk> &C : DelayIdata.getCodeChunks())
+ Sec->addChunk(C.get());
+ }
+void Writer::createExportTable() {
+ if (Config->Exports.empty())
+ return;
+ OutputSection *Sec = createSection(".edata");
+ for (std::unique_ptr<Chunk> &C : Edata.Chunks)
+ Sec->addChunk(C.get());
+// The Windows loader doesn't seem to like empty sections,
+// so we remove them if any.
+void Writer::removeEmptySections() {
+ auto IsEmpty = [](OutputSection *S) { return S->getVirtualSize() == 0; };
+ OutputSections.erase(
+ std::remove_if(OutputSections.begin(), OutputSections.end(), IsEmpty),
+ OutputSections.end());
+ uint32_t Idx = 1;
+ for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections)
+ Sec->SectionIndex = Idx++;
+size_t Writer::addEntryToStringTable(StringRef Str) {
+ assert(Str.size() > COFF::NameSize);
+ size_t OffsetOfEntry = Strtab.size() + 4; // +4 for the size field
+ Strtab.insert(Strtab.end(), Str.begin(), Str.end());
+ Strtab.push_back('\0');
+ return OffsetOfEntry;
+Optional<coff_symbol16> Writer::createSymbol(Defined *Def) {
+ if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DefinedRegular>(Def))
+ if (!D->getChunk()->isLive())
+ return None;
+ coff_symbol16 Sym;
+ StringRef Name = Def->getName();
+ if (Name.size() > COFF::NameSize) {
+ Sym.Name.Offset.Zeroes = 0;
+ Sym.Name.Offset.Offset = addEntryToStringTable(Name);
+ } else {
+ memset(Sym.Name.ShortName, 0, COFF::NameSize);
+ memcpy(Sym.Name.ShortName,, Name.size());
+ }
+ if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DefinedCOFF>(Def)) {
+ COFFSymbolRef Ref = D->getCOFFSymbol();
+ Sym.Type = Ref.getType();
+ Sym.StorageClass = Ref.getStorageClass();
+ } else {
+ }
+ Sym.NumberOfAuxSymbols = 0;
+ switch (Def->kind()) {
+ case SymbolBody::DefinedAbsoluteKind:
+ case SymbolBody::DefinedRelativeKind:
+ Sym.Value = Def->getRVA();
+ Sym.SectionNumber = IMAGE_SYM_ABSOLUTE;
+ break;
+ default: {
+ uint64_t RVA = Def->getRVA();
+ OutputSection *Sec = nullptr;
+ for (OutputSection *S : OutputSections) {
+ if (S->getRVA() > RVA)
+ break;
+ Sec = S;
+ }
+ Sym.Value = RVA - Sec->getRVA();
+ Sym.SectionNumber = Sec->SectionIndex;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return Sym;
+void Writer::createSymbolAndStringTable() {
+ if (!Config->Debug || !Config->WriteSymtab)
+ return;
+ // Name field in the section table is 8 byte long. Longer names need
+ // to be written to the string table. First, construct string table.
+ for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) {
+ StringRef Name = Sec->getName();
+ if (Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize)
+ continue;
+ Sec->setStringTableOff(addEntryToStringTable(Name));
+ }
+ for (lld::coff::ObjectFile *File : Symtab->ObjectFiles)
+ for (SymbolBody *B : File->getSymbols())
+ if (auto *D = dyn_cast<Defined>(B))
+ if (Optional<coff_symbol16> Sym = createSymbol(D))
+ OutputSymtab.push_back(*Sym);
+ for (ImportFile *File : Symtab->ImportFiles)
+ for (SymbolBody *B : File->getSymbols())
+ if (Optional<coff_symbol16> Sym = createSymbol(cast<Defined>(B)))
+ OutputSymtab.push_back(*Sym);
+ OutputSection *LastSection = OutputSections.back();
+ // We position the symbol table to be adjacent to the end of the last section.
+ uint64_t FileOff =
+ LastSection->getFileOff() +
+ RoundUpToAlignment(LastSection->getRawSize(), SectorSize);
+ if (!OutputSymtab.empty()) {
+ PointerToSymbolTable = FileOff;
+ FileOff += OutputSymtab.size() * sizeof(coff_symbol16);
+ }
+ if (!Strtab.empty())
+ FileOff += Strtab.size() + 4;
+ FileSize = RoundUpToAlignment(FileOff, SectorSize);
+// Visits all sections to assign incremental, non-overlapping RVAs and
+// file offsets.
+void Writer::assignAddresses() {
+ SizeOfHeaders = DOSStubSize + sizeof(PEMagic) + sizeof(coff_file_header) +
+ sizeof(data_directory) * NumberfOfDataDirectory +
+ sizeof(coff_section) * OutputSections.size();
+ SizeOfHeaders +=
+ Config->is64() ? sizeof(pe32plus_header) : sizeof(pe32_header);
+ SizeOfHeaders = RoundUpToAlignment(SizeOfHeaders, SectorSize);
+ uint64_t RVA = 0x1000; // The first page is kept unmapped.
+ FileSize = SizeOfHeaders;
+ // Move DISCARDABLE (or non-memory-mapped) sections to the end of file because
+ // the loader cannot handle holes.
+ std::stable_partition(
+ OutputSections.begin(), OutputSections.end(), [](OutputSection *S) {
+ return (S->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE) == 0;
+ });
+ for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) {
+ if (Sec->getName() == ".reloc")
+ addBaserels(Sec);
+ Sec->setRVA(RVA);
+ Sec->setFileOffset(FileSize);
+ RVA += RoundUpToAlignment(Sec->getVirtualSize(), PageSize);
+ FileSize += RoundUpToAlignment(Sec->getRawSize(), SectorSize);
+ }
+ SizeOfImage = SizeOfHeaders + RoundUpToAlignment(RVA - 0x1000, PageSize);
+template <typename PEHeaderTy> void Writer::writeHeader() {
+ // Write DOS stub
+ uint8_t *Buf = Buffer->getBufferStart();
+ auto *DOS = reinterpret_cast<dos_header *>(Buf);
+ Buf += DOSStubSize;
+ DOS->Magic[0] = 'M';
+ DOS->Magic[1] = 'Z';
+ DOS->AddressOfRelocationTable = sizeof(dos_header);
+ DOS->AddressOfNewExeHeader = DOSStubSize;
+ // Write PE magic
+ memcpy(Buf, PEMagic, sizeof(PEMagic));
+ Buf += sizeof(PEMagic);
+ // Write COFF header
+ auto *COFF = reinterpret_cast<coff_file_header *>(Buf);
+ Buf += sizeof(*COFF);
+ COFF->Machine = Config->Machine;
+ COFF->NumberOfSections = OutputSections.size();
+ if (Config->LargeAddressAware)
+ if (!Config->is64())
+ COFF->Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE;
+ if (Config->DLL)
+ COFF->Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_DLL;
+ if (!Config->Relocatable)
+ COFF->SizeOfOptionalHeader =
+ sizeof(PEHeaderTy) + sizeof(data_directory) * NumberfOfDataDirectory;
+ // Write PE header
+ auto *PE = reinterpret_cast<PEHeaderTy *>(Buf);
+ Buf += sizeof(*PE);
+ PE->Magic = Config->is64() ? PE32Header::PE32_PLUS : PE32Header::PE32;
+ PE->ImageBase = Config->ImageBase;
+ PE->SectionAlignment = PageSize;
+ PE->FileAlignment = SectorSize;
+ PE->MajorImageVersion = Config->MajorImageVersion;
+ PE->MinorImageVersion = Config->MinorImageVersion;
+ PE->MajorOperatingSystemVersion = Config->MajorOSVersion;
+ PE->MinorOperatingSystemVersion = Config->MinorOSVersion;
+ PE->MajorSubsystemVersion = Config->MajorOSVersion;
+ PE->MinorSubsystemVersion = Config->MinorOSVersion;
+ PE->Subsystem = Config->Subsystem;
+ PE->SizeOfImage = SizeOfImage;
+ PE->SizeOfHeaders = SizeOfHeaders;
+ if (!Config->NoEntry) {
+ Defined *Entry = cast<Defined>(Config->Entry->repl());
+ PE->AddressOfEntryPoint = Entry->getRVA();
+ // Pointer to thumb code must have the LSB set, so adjust it.
+ if (Config->Machine == ARMNT)
+ PE->AddressOfEntryPoint |= 1;
+ }
+ PE->SizeOfStackReserve = Config->StackReserve;
+ PE->SizeOfStackCommit = Config->StackCommit;
+ PE->SizeOfHeapReserve = Config->HeapReserve;
+ PE->SizeOfHeapCommit = Config->HeapCommit;
+ if (Config->DynamicBase)
+ if (Config->HighEntropyVA)
+ if (!Config->AllowBind)
+ if (Config->NxCompat)
+ if (!Config->AllowIsolation)
+ if (Config->TerminalServerAware)
+ PE->NumberOfRvaAndSize = NumberfOfDataDirectory;
+ if (OutputSection *Text = findSection(".text")) {
+ PE->BaseOfCode = Text->getRVA();
+ PE->SizeOfCode = Text->getRawSize();
+ }
+ PE->SizeOfInitializedData = getSizeOfInitializedData();
+ // Write data directory
+ auto *Dir = reinterpret_cast<data_directory *>(Buf);
+ Buf += sizeof(*Dir) * NumberfOfDataDirectory;
+ if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".edata")) {
+ Dir[EXPORT_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA();
+ Dir[EXPORT_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize();
+ }
+ if (!Idata.empty()) {
+ Dir[IMPORT_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Idata.getDirRVA();
+ Dir[IMPORT_TABLE].Size = Idata.getDirSize();
+ Dir[IAT].RelativeVirtualAddress = Idata.getIATRVA();
+ Dir[IAT].Size = Idata.getIATSize();
+ }
+ if (!DelayIdata.empty()) {
+ Dir[DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR].RelativeVirtualAddress =
+ DelayIdata.getDirRVA();
+ Dir[DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR].Size = DelayIdata.getDirSize();
+ }
+ if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".rsrc")) {
+ Dir[RESOURCE_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA();
+ Dir[RESOURCE_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize();
+ }
+ if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".reloc")) {
+ Dir[BASE_RELOCATION_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA();
+ Dir[BASE_RELOCATION_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize();
+ }
+ if (OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".pdata")) {
+ Dir[EXCEPTION_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = Sec->getRVA();
+ Dir[EXCEPTION_TABLE].Size = Sec->getVirtualSize();
+ }
+ if (Symbol *Sym = Symtab->findUnderscore("_tls_used")) {
+ if (Defined *B = dyn_cast<Defined>(Sym->Body)) {
+ Dir[TLS_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = B->getRVA();
+ Dir[TLS_TABLE].Size = 40;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Symbol *Sym = Symtab->findUnderscore("_load_config_used")) {
+ if (Defined *B = dyn_cast<Defined>(Sym->Body)) {
+ Dir[LOAD_CONFIG_TABLE].RelativeVirtualAddress = B->getRVA();
+ Dir[LOAD_CONFIG_TABLE].Size = Config->is64() ? 112 : 64;
+ }
+ }
+ // Write section table
+ for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) {
+ Sec->writeHeaderTo(Buf);
+ Buf += sizeof(coff_section);
+ }
+ if (OutputSymtab.empty())
+ return;
+ COFF->PointerToSymbolTable = PointerToSymbolTable;
+ uint32_t NumberOfSymbols = OutputSymtab.size();
+ COFF->NumberOfSymbols = NumberOfSymbols;
+ auto *SymbolTable = reinterpret_cast<coff_symbol16 *>(
+ Buffer->getBufferStart() + COFF->PointerToSymbolTable);
+ for (size_t I = 0; I != NumberOfSymbols; ++I)
+ SymbolTable[I] = OutputSymtab[I];
+ // Create the string table, it follows immediately after the symbol table.
+ // The first 4 bytes is length including itself.
+ Buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&SymbolTable[NumberOfSymbols]);
+ write32le(Buf, Strtab.size() + 4);
+ memcpy(Buf + 4,, Strtab.size());
+void Writer::openFile(StringRef Path) {
+ ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<FileOutputBuffer>> BufferOrErr =
+ FileOutputBuffer::create(Path, FileSize, FileOutputBuffer::F_executable);
+ error(BufferOrErr, Twine("failed to open ") + Path);
+ Buffer = std::move(*BufferOrErr);
+void Writer::fixSafeSEHSymbols() {
+ if (!SEHTable)
+ return;
+ Config->SEHTable->setRVA(SEHTable->getRVA());
+ Config->SEHCount->setVA(SEHTable->getSize() / 4);
+// Write section contents to a mmap'ed file.
+void Writer::writeSections() {
+ uint8_t *Buf = Buffer->getBufferStart();
+ for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) {
+ uint8_t *SecBuf = Buf + Sec->getFileOff();
+ // Fill gaps between functions in .text with INT3 instructions
+ // instead of leaving as NUL bytes (which can be interpreted as
+ // ADD instructions).
+ if (Sec->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE)
+ memset(SecBuf, 0xCC, Sec->getRawSize());
+ parallel_for_each(Sec->getChunks().begin(), Sec->getChunks().end(),
+ [&](Chunk *C) { C->writeTo(SecBuf); });
+ }
+// Sort .pdata section contents according to PE/COFF spec 5.5.
+void Writer::sortExceptionTable() {
+ OutputSection *Sec = findSection(".pdata");
+ if (!Sec)
+ return;
+ // We assume .pdata contains function table entries only.
+ uint8_t *Begin = Buffer->getBufferStart() + Sec->getFileOff();
+ uint8_t *End = Begin + Sec->getVirtualSize();
+ if (Config->Machine == AMD64) {
+ struct Entry { ulittle32_t Begin, End, Unwind; };
+ parallel_sort(
+ (Entry *)Begin, (Entry *)End,
+ [](const Entry &A, const Entry &B) { return A.Begin < B.Begin; });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Config->Machine == ARMNT) {
+ struct Entry { ulittle32_t Begin, Unwind; };
+ parallel_sort(
+ (Entry *)Begin, (Entry *)End,
+ [](const Entry &A, const Entry &B) { return A.Begin < B.Begin; });
+ return;
+ }
+ errs() << "warning: don't know how to handle .pdata.\n";
+OutputSection *Writer::findSection(StringRef Name) {
+ for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections)
+ if (Sec->getName() == Name)
+ return Sec;
+ return nullptr;
+uint32_t Writer::getSizeOfInitializedData() {
+ uint32_t Res = 0;
+ for (OutputSection *S : OutputSections)
+ if (S->getPermissions() & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA)
+ Res += S->getRawSize();
+ return Res;
+// Returns an existing section or create a new one if not found.
+OutputSection *Writer::createSection(StringRef Name) {
+ if (auto *Sec = findSection(Name))
+ return Sec;
+ const auto CODE = IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE;
+ const auto R = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ;
+ const auto W = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE;
+ const auto X = IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE;
+ uint32_t Perms = StringSwitch<uint32_t>(Name)
+ .Case(".bss", BSS | R | W)
+ .Case(".data", DATA | R | W)
+ .Case(".didat", DATA | R)
+ .Case(".edata", DATA | R)
+ .Case(".idata", DATA | R)
+ .Case(".rdata", DATA | R)
+ .Case(".reloc", DATA | DISCARDABLE | R)
+ .Case(".text", CODE | R | X)
+ .Default(0);
+ if (!Perms)
+ llvm_unreachable("unknown section name");
+ auto Sec = new (CAlloc.Allocate()) OutputSection(Name);
+ Sec->addPermissions(Perms);
+ OutputSections.push_back(Sec);
+ return Sec;
+// Dest is .reloc section. Add contents to that section.
+void Writer::addBaserels(OutputSection *Dest) {
+ std::vector<Baserel> V;
+ for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) {
+ if (Sec == Dest)
+ continue;
+ // Collect all locations for base relocations.
+ for (Chunk *C : Sec->getChunks())
+ C->getBaserels(&V);
+ // Add the addresses to .reloc section.
+ if (!V.empty())
+ addBaserelBlocks(Dest, V);
+ V.clear();
+ }
+// Add addresses to .reloc section. Note that addresses are grouped by page.
+void Writer::addBaserelBlocks(OutputSection *Dest, std::vector<Baserel> &V) {
+ const uint32_t Mask = ~uint32_t(PageSize - 1);
+ uint32_t Page = V[0].RVA & Mask;
+ size_t I = 0, J = 1;
+ for (size_t E = V.size(); J < E; ++J) {
+ uint32_t P = V[J].RVA & Mask;
+ if (P == Page)
+ continue;
+ BaserelChunk *Buf = BAlloc.Allocate();
+ Dest->addChunk(new (Buf) BaserelChunk(Page, &V[I], &V[0] + J));
+ I = J;
+ Page = P;
+ }
+ if (I == J)
+ return;
+ BaserelChunk *Buf = BAlloc.Allocate();
+ Dest->addChunk(new (Buf) BaserelChunk(Page, &V[I], &V[0] + J));