path: root/lib/Driver/WinLinkDriver.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Driver/WinLinkDriver.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1371 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Driver/WinLinkDriver.cpp b/lib/Driver/WinLinkDriver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee7a5a004b5a..0000000000000
--- a/lib/Driver/WinLinkDriver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1371 +0,0 @@
-//===- lib/Driver/WinLinkDriver.cpp ---------------------------------------===//
-// The LLVM Linker
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-/// \file
-/// Concrete instance of the Driver for Windows link.exe.
-#include "lld/Driver/Driver.h"
-#include "lld/Driver/WinLinkModuleDef.h"
-#include "lld/ReaderWriter/PECOFFLinkingContext.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
-#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
-#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cctype>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <tuple>
-namespace lld {
-// Option definitions
-// Create enum with OPT_xxx values for each option in
-enum {
- OPT_##ID,
-#include ""
-#undef OPTION
-// Create prefix string literals used in
-#define PREFIX(NAME, VALUE) const char *const NAME[] = VALUE;
-#include ""
-#undef PREFIX
-// Create table mapping all options defined in
-static const llvm::opt::OptTable::Info infoTable[] = {
- { PREFIX, NAME, HELPTEXT, METAVAR, OPT_##ID, llvm::opt::Option::KIND##Class, \
-#include ""
-#undef OPTION
-namespace {
-// Create OptTable class for parsing actual command line arguments
-class WinLinkOptTable : public llvm::opt::OptTable {
- // link.exe's command line options are case insensitive, unlike
- // other driver's options for Unix.
- WinLinkOptTable()
- : OptTable(infoTable, llvm::array_lengthof(infoTable),
- /* ignoreCase */ true) {}
-} // anonymous namespace
-// Functions to parse each command line option
-// Split the given string with spaces.
-static std::vector<std::string> splitArgList(const std::string &str) {
- std::stringstream stream(str);
- std::istream_iterator<std::string> begin(stream);
- std::istream_iterator<std::string> end;
- return std::vector<std::string>(begin, end);
-// Split the given string with the path separator.
-static std::vector<StringRef> splitPathList(StringRef str) {
- std::vector<StringRef> ret;
- while (!str.empty()) {
- StringRef path;
- std::tie(path, str) = str.split(';');
- ret.push_back(path);
- }
- return ret;
-// Parse an argument for /alternatename. The expected string is
-// "<string>=<string>".
-static bool parseAlternateName(StringRef arg, StringRef &weak, StringRef &def,
- raw_ostream &diag) {
- std::tie(weak, def) = arg.split('=');
- if (weak.empty() || def.empty()) {
- diag << "Error: malformed /alternatename option: " << arg << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// Parse an argument for /base, /stack or /heap. The expected string
-// is "<integer>[,<integer>]".
-static bool parseMemoryOption(StringRef arg, uint64_t &reserve,
- uint64_t &commit) {
- StringRef reserveStr, commitStr;
- std::tie(reserveStr, commitStr) = arg.split(',');
- if (reserveStr.getAsInteger(0, reserve))
- return false;
- if (!commitStr.empty() && commitStr.getAsInteger(0, commit))
- return false;
- return true;
-// Parse an argument for /version or /subsystem. The expected string is
-// "<integer>[.<integer>]".
-static bool parseVersion(StringRef arg, uint32_t &major, uint32_t &minor) {
- StringRef majorVersion, minorVersion;
- std::tie(majorVersion, minorVersion) = arg.split('.');
- if (minorVersion.empty())
- minorVersion = "0";
- if (majorVersion.getAsInteger(0, major))
- return false;
- if (minorVersion.getAsInteger(0, minor))
- return false;
- return true;
-// Returns subsystem type for the given string.
-static llvm::COFF::WindowsSubsystem stringToWinSubsystem(StringRef str) {
- return llvm::StringSwitch<llvm::COFF::WindowsSubsystem>(str.lower())
- .Case("windows", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI)
- .Case("console", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI)
- .Case("boot_application",
- .Case("efi_application", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_APPLICATION)
- .Case("efi_boot_service_driver",
- .Case("efi_rom", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_ROM)
- .Case("efi_runtime_driver",
- .Case("native", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE)
- .Case("posix", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI)
-// Parse /subsystem command line option. The form of /subsystem is
-// "subsystem_name[,majorOSVersion[.minorOSVersion]]".
-static bool parseSubsystem(StringRef arg,
- llvm::COFF::WindowsSubsystem &subsystem,
- llvm::Optional<uint32_t> &major,
- llvm::Optional<uint32_t> &minor, raw_ostream &diag) {
- StringRef subsystemStr, osVersion;
- std::tie(subsystemStr, osVersion) = arg.split(',');
- if (!osVersion.empty()) {
- uint32_t v1, v2;
- if (!parseVersion(osVersion, v1, v2))
- return false;
- major = v1;
- minor = v2;
- }
- subsystem = stringToWinSubsystem(subsystemStr);
- if (subsystem == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN) {
- diag << "error: unknown subsystem name: " << subsystemStr << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static llvm::COFF::MachineTypes stringToMachineType(StringRef str) {
- // FIXME: we have no way to differentiate between ARM and ARMNT currently.
- // However, given that LLVM only supports ARM NT, default to that for now.
- return llvm::StringSwitch<llvm::COFF::MachineTypes>(str.lower())
- .Case("arm", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT)
- .Case("x64", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64)
- .Case("x86", llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386)
-// Parse /section:name,[[!]{DEKPRSW}]
-// /section option is to set non-default bits in the Characteristics fields of
-// the section header. D, E, K, P, R, S, and W represent discardable,
-// execute, not_cachable, not_pageable, read, shared, and write bits,
-// respectively. You can specify multiple flags in one /section option.
-// If the flag starts with "!", the flags represent a mask that should be turned
-// off regardless of the default value. You can even create a section which is
-// not readable, writable nor executable with this -- although it's probably
-// useless.
-static bool parseSection(StringRef option, std::string &section,
- llvm::Optional<uint32_t> &flags,
- llvm::Optional<uint32_t> &mask) {
- StringRef flagString;
- std::tie(section, flagString) = option.split(",");
- bool negative = false;
- if (flagString.startswith("!")) {
- negative = true;
- flagString = flagString.substr(1);
- }
- if (flagString.empty())
- return false;
- uint32_t attribs = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0, e = flagString.size(); i < e; ++i) {
- switch (tolower(flagString[i])) {
-#define CASE(c, flag) \
- case c: \
- attribs |= flag; \
- break
-#undef CASE
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (negative) {
- mask = attribs;
- } else {
- flags = attribs;
- }
- return true;
-static bool readFile(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, StringRef path,
- ArrayRef<uint8_t> &result) {
- ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> buf = MemoryBuffer::getFile(path);
- if (!buf)
- return false;
- StringRef Data = buf.get()->getBuffer();
- result = ctx.allocate(ArrayRef<uint8_t>(
- reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Data.begin()), Data.size()));
- return true;
-// Parse /manifest:EMBED[,ID=#]|NO.
-static bool parseManifest(StringRef option, bool &enable, bool &embed,
- int &id) {
- if (option.equals_lower("no")) {
- enable = false;
- return true;
- }
- if (!option.startswith_lower("embed"))
- return false;
- embed = true;
- option = option.substr(strlen("embed"));
- if (option.empty())
- return true;
- if (!option.startswith_lower(",id="))
- return false;
- option = option.substr(strlen(",id="));
- if (option.getAsInteger(0, id))
- return false;
- return true;
-static bool isLibraryFile(StringRef path) {
- return path.endswith_lower(".lib") || path.endswith_lower(".imp");
-static StringRef getObjectPath(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, StringRef path) {
- std::string result;
- if (isLibraryFile(path)) {
- result = ctx.searchLibraryFile(path);
- } else if (llvm::sys::path::extension(path).empty()) {
- result = path.str() + ".obj";
- } else {
- result = path;
- }
- return ctx.allocate(result);
-static StringRef getLibraryPath(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, StringRef path) {
- std::string result = isLibraryFile(path)
- ? ctx.searchLibraryFile(path)
- : ctx.searchLibraryFile(path.str() + ".lib");
- return ctx.allocate(result);
-// Returns true if the given file is a Windows resource file.
-static bool isResoruceFile(StringRef path) {
- llvm::sys::fs::file_magic fileType;
- if (llvm::sys::fs::identify_magic(path, fileType)) {
- // If we cannot read the file, assume it's not a resource file.
- // The further stage will raise an error on this unreadable file.
- return false;
- }
- return fileType == llvm::sys::fs::file_magic::windows_resource;
-// Merge Windows resource files and convert them to a single COFF file.
-// The temporary file path is set to result.
-static bool convertResourceFiles(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx,
- std::vector<std::string> inFiles,
- std::string &result) {
- // Create an output file path.
- SmallString<128> outFile;
- if (llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("resource", "obj", outFile))
- return false;
- std::string outFileArg = ("/out:" + outFile).str();
- // Construct CVTRES.EXE command line and execute it.
- std::string program = "cvtres.exe";
- ErrorOr<std::string> programPathOrErr = llvm::sys::findProgramByName(program);
- if (!programPathOrErr) {
- llvm::errs() << "Unable to find " << program << " in PATH\n";
- return false;
- }
- const std::string &programPath = *programPathOrErr;
- std::vector<const char *> args;
- args.push_back(programPath.c_str());
- args.push_back(ctx.is64Bit() ? "/machine:x64" : "/machine:x86");
- args.push_back("/readonly");
- args.push_back("/nologo");
- args.push_back(outFileArg.c_str());
- for (const std::string &path : inFiles)
- args.push_back(path.c_str());
- args.push_back(nullptr);
- if (llvm::sys::ExecuteAndWait(programPath.c_str(), &args[0]) != 0) {
- llvm::errs() << program << " failed\n";
- return false;
- }
- result = outFile.str();
- return true;
-// Parse /manifestuac:(level=<string>|uiAccess=<string>).
-// The arguments will be embedded to the manifest XML file with no error check,
-// so the values given via the command line must be valid as XML attributes.
-// This may sound a bit odd, but that's how link.exe works, so we will follow.
-static bool parseManifestUAC(StringRef option,
- llvm::Optional<std::string> &level,
- llvm::Optional<std::string> &uiAccess) {
- for (;;) {
- option = option.ltrim();
- if (option.empty())
- return true;
- if (option.startswith_lower("level=")) {
- option = option.substr(strlen("level="));
- StringRef value;
- std::tie(value, option) = option.split(" ");
- level = value.str();
- continue;
- }
- if (option.startswith_lower("uiaccess=")) {
- option = option.substr(strlen("uiaccess="));
- StringRef value;
- std::tie(value, option) = option.split(" ");
- uiAccess = value.str();
- continue;
- }
- return false;
- }
-// Returns the machine type (e.g. x86) of the given input file.
-// If the file is not COFF, returns false.
-static bool getMachineType(StringRef path, llvm::COFF::MachineTypes &result) {
- llvm::sys::fs::file_magic fileType;
- if (llvm::sys::fs::identify_magic(path, fileType))
- return false;
- if (fileType != llvm::sys::fs::file_magic::coff_object)
- return false;
- ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> buf = MemoryBuffer::getFile(path);
- if (!buf)
- return false;
- std::error_code ec;
- llvm::object::COFFObjectFile obj(buf.get()->getMemBufferRef(), ec);
- if (ec)
- return false;
- result = static_cast<llvm::COFF::MachineTypes>(obj.getMachine());
- return true;
-// Parse /export:entryname[=internalname][,@ordinal[,NONAME]][,DATA][,PRIVATE].
-// MSDN doesn't say anything about /export:foo=bar style option or PRIVATE
-// attribtute, but link.exe actually accepts them.
-static bool parseExport(StringRef option,
- PECOFFLinkingContext::ExportDesc &ret) {
- StringRef name;
- StringRef rest;
- std::tie(name, rest) = option.split(",");
- if (name.empty())
- return false;
- if (name.find('=') == StringRef::npos) {
- = name;
- } else {
- std::tie(ret.externalName, = name.split("=");
- if (
- return false;
- }
- for (;;) {
- if (rest.empty())
- return true;
- StringRef arg;
- std::tie(arg, rest) = rest.split(",");
- if (arg.equals_lower("noname")) {
- if (ret.ordinal < 0)
- return false;
- ret.noname = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (arg.equals_lower("data")) {
- ret.isData = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (arg.equals_lower("private")) {
- ret.isPrivate = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (arg.startswith("@")) {
- int ordinal;
- if (arg.substr(1).getAsInteger(0, ordinal))
- return false;
- if (ordinal <= 0 || 65535 < ordinal)
- return false;
- ret.ordinal = ordinal;
- continue;
- }
- return false;
- }
-// Read module-definition file.
-static bool parseDef(StringRef option, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &alloc,
- std::vector<moduledef::Directive *> &result) {
- ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> buf = MemoryBuffer::getFile(option);
- if (!buf)
- return false;
- moduledef::Lexer lexer(std::move(buf.get()));
- moduledef::Parser parser(lexer, alloc);
- return parser.parse(result);
-static StringRef replaceExtension(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, StringRef path,
- StringRef extension) {
- SmallString<128> val = path;
- llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(val, extension);
- return ctx.allocate(val.str());
-// Create a manifest file contents.
-static std::string createManifestXml(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx) {
- std::string ret;
- llvm::raw_string_ostream out(ret);
- // Emit the XML. Note that we do *not* verify that the XML attributes are
- // syntactically correct. This is intentional for link.exe compatibility.
- out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"
- "<assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\"\n"
- " manifestVersion=\"1.0\">\n";
- if (ctx.getManifestUAC()) {
- out << " <trustInfo>\n"
- " <security>\n"
- " <requestedPrivileges>\n"
- " <requestedExecutionLevel level=" << ctx.getManifestLevel()
- << " uiAccess=" << ctx.getManifestUiAccess()
- << "/>\n"
- " </requestedPrivileges>\n"
- " </security>\n"
- " </trustInfo>\n";
- const std::string &dependency = ctx.getManifestDependency();
- if (!dependency.empty()) {
- out << " <dependency>\n"
- " <dependentAssembly>\n"
- " <assemblyIdentity " << dependency
- << " />\n"
- " </dependentAssembly>\n"
- " </dependency>\n";
- }
- }
- out << "</assembly>\n";
- out.flush();
- return ret;
-// Convert one doublequote to two doublequotes, so that we can embed the string
-// into a resource script file.
-static void quoteAndPrintXml(raw_ostream &out, StringRef str) {
- for (;;) {
- if (str.empty())
- return;
- StringRef line;
- std::tie(line, str) = str.split("\n");
- if (line.empty())
- continue;
- out << '\"';
- const char *p =;
- for (int i = 0, size = line.size(); i < size; ++i) {
- switch (p[i]) {
- case '\"':
- out << '\"';
- // fallthrough
- default:
- out << p[i];
- }
- }
- out << "\"\n";
- }
-// Create a resource file (.res file) containing the manifest XML. This is done
-// in two steps:
-// 1. Create a resource script file containing the XML as a literal string.
-// 2. Run RC.EXE command to compile the script file to a resource file.
-// The temporary file created in step 1 will be deleted on exit from this
-// function. The file created in step 2 will have the same lifetime as the
-// PECOFFLinkingContext.
-static bool createManifestResourceFile(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx,
- raw_ostream &diag,
- std::string &resFile) {
- // Create a temporary file for the resource script file.
- SmallString<128> rcFileSmallString;
- if (llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("tmp", "rc", rcFileSmallString)) {
- diag << "Cannot create a temporary file\n";
- return false;
- }
- StringRef rcFile(rcFileSmallString.str());
- llvm::FileRemover rcFileRemover((Twine(rcFile)));
- // Open the temporary file for writing.
- std::error_code ec;
- llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(rcFileSmallString, ec, llvm::sys::fs::F_Text);
- if (ec) {
- diag << "Failed to open " << ctx.getManifestOutputPath() << ": "
- << ec.message() << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- // Write resource script to the RC file.
- out << "#define LANG_ENGLISH 9\n"
- << "#define SUBLANG_DEFAULT 1\n"
- << "#define APP_MANIFEST " << ctx.getManifestId() << "\n"
- << "#define RT_MANIFEST 24\n"
- quoteAndPrintXml(out, createManifestXml(ctx));
- out << "}\n";
- out.close();
- // Create output resource file.
- SmallString<128> resFileSmallString;
- if (llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("tmp", "res", resFileSmallString)) {
- diag << "Cannot create a temporary file";
- return false;
- }
- resFile = resFileSmallString.str();
- // Register the resource file path so that the file will be deleted when the
- // context's destructor is called.
- ctx.registerTemporaryFile(resFile);
- // Run RC.EXE /fo tmp.res tmp.rc
- std::string program = "rc.exe";
- ErrorOr<std::string> programPathOrErr = llvm::sys::findProgramByName(program);
- if (!programPathOrErr) {
- diag << "Unable to find " << program << " in PATH\n";
- return false;
- }
- const std::string &programPath = *programPathOrErr;
- std::vector<const char *> args;
- args.push_back(programPath.c_str());
- args.push_back("/fo");
- args.push_back(resFile.c_str());
- args.push_back("/nologo");
- args.push_back(rcFileSmallString.c_str());
- args.push_back(nullptr);
- if (llvm::sys::ExecuteAndWait(programPath.c_str(), &args[0]) != 0) {
- diag << program << " failed\n";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// Create the a side-by-side manifest file.
-// The manifest file will convey some information to the linker, such as whether
-// the binary needs to run as Administrator or not. Instead of being placed in
-// the PE/COFF header, it's in XML format for some reason -- I guess it's
-// probably because it's invented in the early dot-com era.
-// The side-by-side manifest file is a separate XML file having ".manifest"
-// extension. It will be created in the same directory as the resulting
-// executable.
-static bool createSideBySideManifestFile(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx,
- raw_ostream &diag) {
- std::string path = ctx.getManifestOutputPath();
- if (path.empty()) {
- // Default name of the manifest file is "foo.exe.manifest" where "foo.exe" is
- // the output path.
- path = ctx.outputPath();
- path.append(".manifest");
- }
- std::error_code ec;
- llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(path, ec, llvm::sys::fs::F_Text);
- if (ec) {
- diag << ec.message() << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- out << createManifestXml(ctx);
- return true;
-// Handle /failifmismatch option.
-static bool
-handleFailIfMismatchOption(StringRef option,
- std::map<StringRef, StringRef> &mustMatch,
- raw_ostream &diag) {
- StringRef key, value;
- std::tie(key, value) = option.split('=');
- if (key.empty() || value.empty()) {
- diag << "error: malformed /failifmismatch option: " << option << "\n";
- return true;
- }
- auto it = mustMatch.find(key);
- if (it != mustMatch.end() && it->second != value) {
- diag << "error: mismatch detected: '" << it->second << "' and '" << value
- << "' for key '" << key << "'\n";
- return true;
- }
- mustMatch[key] = value;
- return false;
-// Environment variable
-// Process "LINK" environment variable. If defined, the value of the variable
-// should be processed as command line arguments.
-static std::vector<const char *> processLinkEnv(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx,
- int argc, const char **argv) {
- std::vector<const char *> ret;
- // The first argument is the name of the command. This should stay at the head
- // of the argument list.
- assert(argc > 0);
- ret.push_back(argv[0]);
- // Add arguments specified by the LINK environment variable.
- llvm::Optional<std::string> env = llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("LINK");
- if (env.hasValue())
- for (std::string &arg : splitArgList(*env))
- ret.push_back(ctx.allocate(arg).data());
- // Add the rest of arguments passed via the command line.
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
- ret.push_back(argv[i]);
- ret.push_back(nullptr);
- return ret;
-// Process "LIB" environment variable. The variable contains a list of search
-// paths separated by semicolons.
-static void processLibEnv(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx) {
- llvm::Optional<std::string> env = llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("LIB");
- if (env.hasValue())
- for (StringRef path : splitPathList(*env))
- ctx.appendInputSearchPath(ctx.allocate(path));
-namespace {
-class DriverStringSaver : public llvm::cl::StringSaver {
- DriverStringSaver(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx) : _ctx(ctx) {}
- const char *SaveString(const char *s) override {
- return _ctx.allocate(StringRef(s)).data();
- }
- PECOFFLinkingContext &_ctx;
-// Tokenize command line options in a given file and add them to result.
-static bool readResponseFile(StringRef path, PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx,
- std::vector<const char *> &result) {
- ArrayRef<uint8_t> contents;
- if (!readFile(ctx, path, contents))
- return false;
- StringRef contentsStr(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(,
- contents.size());
- DriverStringSaver saver(ctx);
- SmallVector<const char *, 0> args;
- llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine(contentsStr, saver, args);
- for (const char *s : args)
- result.push_back(s);
- return true;
-// Expand arguments starting with "@". It's an error if a specified file does
-// not exist. Returns true on success.
-static bool expandResponseFiles(int &argc, const char **&argv,
- PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, raw_ostream &diag,
- bool &expanded) {
- std::vector<const char *> newArgv;
- for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
- if (argv[i][0] != '@') {
- newArgv.push_back(argv[i]);
- continue;
- }
- StringRef filename = StringRef(argv[i] + 1);
- if (!readResponseFile(filename, ctx, newArgv)) {
- diag << "error: cannot read response file: " << filename << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- expanded = true;
- }
- if (!expanded)
- return true;
- argc = newArgv.size();
- newArgv.push_back(nullptr);
- argv = &ctx.allocateCopy(newArgv)[0];
- return true;
-// Parses the given command line options and returns the result. Returns NULL if
-// there's an error in the options.
-static std::unique_ptr<llvm::opt::InputArgList>
-parseArgs(int argc, const char **argv, PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx,
- raw_ostream &diag, bool isReadingDirectiveSection) {
- // Expand arguments starting with "@".
- bool expanded = false;
- if (!expandResponseFiles(argc, argv, ctx, diag, expanded))
- return nullptr;
- // Parse command line options using
- std::unique_ptr<llvm::opt::InputArgList> parsedArgs;
- WinLinkOptTable table;
- unsigned missingIndex;
- unsigned missingCount;
- parsedArgs.reset(table.ParseArgs(&argv[1], &argv[argc],
- missingIndex, missingCount));
- if (missingCount) {
- diag << "error: missing arg value for '"
- << parsedArgs->getArgString(missingIndex) << "' expected "
- << missingCount << " argument(s).\n";
- return nullptr;
- }
- // Show warning for unknown arguments. In .drectve section, unknown options
- // starting with "-?" are silently ignored. This is a COFF's feature to embed a
- // new linker option to an object file while keeping backward compatibility.
- for (auto unknownArg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_UNKNOWN)) {
- StringRef arg = unknownArg->getSpelling();
- if (isReadingDirectiveSection && arg.startswith("-?"))
- continue;
- diag << "warning: ignoring unknown argument: " << arg << "\n";
- }
- // Copy mllvm
- for (auto arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_mllvm))
- ctx.appendLLVMOption(arg->getValue());
- // If we have expaneded response files and /verbose is given, print out the
- // final command line.
- if (!isReadingDirectiveSection && expanded &&
- parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_verbose)) {
- diag << "Command line:";
- for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
- diag << " " << argv[i];
- diag << "\n\n";
- }
- return parsedArgs;
-// Returns true if the given file node has already been added to the input
-// graph.
-static bool hasLibrary(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, File *file) {
- StringRef path = file->path();
- for (std::unique_ptr<Node> &p : ctx.getNodes())
- if (auto *f = dyn_cast<FileNode>(p.get()))
- if (f->getFile()->path() == path)
- return true;
- return false;
-// If the first command line argument is "/lib", link.exe acts as if it's
-// "lib.exe" command. This is for backward compatibility.
-static bool maybeRunLibCommand(int argc, const char **argv, raw_ostream &diag) {
- if (argc <= 1)
- return false;
- if (!StringRef(argv[1]).equals_lower("/lib"))
- return false;
- ErrorOr<std::string> pathOrErr = llvm::sys::findProgramByName("lib.exe");
- if (!pathOrErr) {
- diag << "Unable to find lib.exe in PATH\n";
- return true;
- }
- const std::string &path = *pathOrErr;
- // Run lib.exe
- std::vector<const char *> vec;
- vec.push_back(path.c_str());
- for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i)
- vec.push_back(argv[i]);
- vec.push_back(nullptr);
- if (llvm::sys::ExecuteAndWait(path.c_str(), &vec[0]) != 0)
- diag << "lib.exe failed\n";
- return true;
-/// \brief Parse the input file to lld::File.
-void addFiles(PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, StringRef path, raw_ostream &diag,
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> &files) {
- for (std::unique_ptr<File> &file : loadFile(ctx, path, false)) {
- if (ctx.logInputFiles())
- diag << file->path() << "\n";
- files.push_back(std::move(file));
- }
-// Main driver
-bool WinLinkDriver::linkPECOFF(int argc, const char **argv, raw_ostream &diag) {
- if (maybeRunLibCommand(argc, argv, diag))
- return true;
- PECOFFLinkingContext ctx;
- ctx.setParseDirectives(parseDirectives);
- ctx.registry().addSupportCOFFObjects(ctx);
- ctx.registry().addSupportCOFFImportLibraries(ctx);
- ctx.registry().addSupportArchives(ctx.logInputFiles());
- ctx.registry().addSupportNativeObjects();
- ctx.registry().addSupportYamlFiles();
- std::vector<const char *> newargv = processLinkEnv(ctx, argc, argv);
- processLibEnv(ctx);
- if (!parse(newargv.size() - 1, &newargv[0], ctx, diag))
- return false;
- // Create the file if needed.
- if (ctx.getCreateManifest() && !ctx.getEmbedManifest())
- if (!createSideBySideManifestFile(ctx, diag))
- return false;
- return link(ctx, diag);
-bool WinLinkDriver::parse(int argc, const char *argv[],
- PECOFFLinkingContext &ctx, raw_ostream &diag,
- bool isReadingDirectiveSection) {
- // Parse may be called from multiple threads simultaneously to parse .drectve
- // sections. This function is not thread-safe because it mutates the context
- // object. So acquire the lock.
- std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(ctx.getMutex());
- std::map<StringRef, StringRef> failIfMismatchMap;
- // Parse the options.
- std::unique_ptr<llvm::opt::InputArgList> parsedArgs =
- parseArgs(argc, argv, ctx, diag, isReadingDirectiveSection);
- if (!parsedArgs)
- return false;
- // The list of input files.
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> files;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> libraries;
- // Handle /help
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_help)) {
- WinLinkOptTable table;
- table.PrintHelp(llvm::outs(), argv[0], "LLVM Linker", false);
- return false;
- }
- // Handle /machine before parsing all the other options, as the target machine
- // type affects how to handle other options. For example, x86 needs the
- // leading underscore to mangle symbols, while x64 doesn't need it.
- if (llvm::opt::Arg *inputArg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_machine)) {
- StringRef arg = inputArg->getValue();
- llvm::COFF::MachineTypes type = stringToMachineType(arg);
- if (type == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN) {
- diag << "error: unknown machine type: " << arg << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- ctx.setMachineType(type);
- } else {
- // If /machine option is missing, we need to take a look at
- // the magic byte of the first object file to infer machine type.
- std::vector<StringRef> filePaths;
- for (auto arg : *parsedArgs)
- if (arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_INPUT)
- filePaths.push_back(arg->getValue());
- if (llvm::opt::Arg *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_DASH_DASH))
- filePaths.insert(filePaths.end(), arg->getValues().begin(),
- arg->getValues().end());
- for (StringRef path : filePaths) {
- llvm::COFF::MachineTypes type;
- if (!getMachineType(path, type))
- continue;
- continue;
- ctx.setMachineType(type);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Handle /nodefaultlib:<lib>. The same option without argument is handled in
- // the following for loop.
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_nodefaultlib))
- ctx.addNoDefaultLib(arg->getValue());
- // Handle /defaultlib. Argument of the option is added to the input file list
- // unless it's blacklisted by /nodefaultlib.
- std::vector<StringRef> defaultLibs;
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_defaultlib))
- defaultLibs.push_back(arg->getValue());
- // -alternatename:<alias>=<symbol>
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_alternatename)) {
- StringRef weak, def;
- if (!parseAlternateName(arg->getValue(), weak, def, diag))
- return false;
- ctx.addAlternateName(weak, def);
- }
- // Parse /base command line option. The argument for the parameter is in
- // the form of "<address>[:<size>]".
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_base)) {
- uint64_t addr, size;
- // Size should be set to SizeOfImage field in the COFF header, and if
- // it's smaller than the actual size, the linker should warn about that.
- // Currently we just ignore the value of size parameter.
- if (!parseMemoryOption(arg->getValue(), addr, size))
- return false;
- ctx.setBaseAddress(addr);
- }
- // Parse /dll command line option
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_dll)) {
- ctx.setIsDll(true);
- // Default base address of a DLL is 0x10000000.
- if (!parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_base))
- ctx.setBaseAddress(0x10000000);
- }
- // Parse /stack command line option
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_stack)) {
- uint64_t reserve;
- uint64_t commit = ctx.getStackCommit();
- if (!parseMemoryOption(arg->getValue(), reserve, commit))
- return false;
- ctx.setStackReserve(reserve);
- ctx.setStackCommit(commit);
- }
- // Parse /heap command line option
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_heap)) {
- uint64_t reserve;
- uint64_t commit = ctx.getHeapCommit();
- if (!parseMemoryOption(arg->getValue(), reserve, commit))
- return false;
- ctx.setHeapReserve(reserve);
- ctx.setHeapCommit(commit);
- }
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_align)) {
- uint32_t align;
- StringRef val = arg->getValue();
- if (val.getAsInteger(10, align)) {
- diag << "error: invalid value for /align: " << val << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- ctx.setSectionDefaultAlignment(align);
- }
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_version)) {
- uint32_t major, minor;
- if (!parseVersion(arg->getValue(), major, minor))
- return false;
- ctx.setImageVersion(PECOFFLinkingContext::Version(major, minor));
- }
- // Parse /merge:<from>=<to>.
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_merge)) {
- StringRef from, to;
- std::tie(from, to) = StringRef(arg->getValue()).split('=');
- if (from.empty() || to.empty()) {
- diag << "error: malformed /merge option: " << arg->getValue() << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- if (!ctx.addSectionRenaming(diag, from, to))
- return false;
- }
- // Parse /subsystem:<subsystem>[,<majorOSVersion>[.<minorOSVersion>]].
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_subsystem)) {
- llvm::COFF::WindowsSubsystem subsystem;
- llvm::Optional<uint32_t> major, minor;
- if (!parseSubsystem(arg->getValue(), subsystem, major, minor, diag))
- return false;
- ctx.setSubsystem(subsystem);
- if (major.hasValue())
- ctx.setMinOSVersion(PECOFFLinkingContext::Version(*major, *minor));
- }
- // Parse /section:name,[[!]{DEKPRSW}]
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_section)) {
- std::string section;
- llvm::Optional<uint32_t> flags, mask;
- if (!parseSection(arg->getValue(), section, flags, mask)) {
- diag << "Unknown argument for /section: " << arg->getValue() << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- if (flags.hasValue())
- ctx.setSectionSetMask(section, *flags);
- if (mask.hasValue())
- ctx.setSectionClearMask(section, *mask);
- }
- // Parse /manifest:EMBED[,ID=#]|NO.
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_manifest_colon)) {
- bool enable = true;
- bool embed = false;
- int id = 1;
- if (!parseManifest(arg->getValue(), enable, embed, id)) {
- diag << "Unknown argument for /manifest: " << arg->getValue() << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- ctx.setCreateManifest(enable);
- ctx.setEmbedManifest(embed);
- ctx.setManifestId(id);
- }
- // Parse /manifestuac.
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_manifestuac)) {
- if (StringRef(arg->getValue()).equals_lower("no")) {
- ctx.setManifestUAC(false);
- } else {
- llvm::Optional<std::string> privilegeLevel;
- llvm::Optional<std::string> uiAccess;
- if (!parseManifestUAC(arg->getValue(), privilegeLevel, uiAccess)) {
- diag << "Unknown argument for /manifestuac: " << arg->getValue()
- << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- if (privilegeLevel.hasValue())
- ctx.setManifestLevel(privilegeLevel.getValue());
- if (uiAccess.hasValue())
- ctx.setManifestUiAccess(uiAccess.getValue());
- }
- }
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_manifestfile))
- ctx.setManifestOutputPath(ctx.allocate(arg->getValue()));
- // /manifestdependency:<string> option. Note that the argument will be
- // embedded to the manifest XML file with no error check, for link.exe
- // compatibility. We do not gurantete that the resulting XML file is
- // valid.
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_manifestdependency))
- ctx.setManifestDependency(ctx.allocate(arg->getValue()));
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_failifmismatch))
- if (handleFailIfMismatchOption(arg->getValue(), failIfMismatchMap, diag))
- return false;
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_entry))
- ctx.setEntrySymbolName(ctx.allocate(arg->getValue()));
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_export)) {
- PECOFFLinkingContext::ExportDesc desc;
- if (!parseExport(arg->getValue(), desc)) {
- diag << "Error: malformed /export option: " << arg->getValue() << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- // Mangle the symbol name only if it is reading user-supplied command line
- // arguments. Because the symbol name in the .drectve section is already
- // mangled by the compiler, we shouldn't add a leading underscore in that
- // case. It's odd that the command line option has different semantics in
- // the .drectve section, but this behavior is needed for compatibility
- // with MSVC's link.exe.
- if (!isReadingDirectiveSection)
- = ctx.decorateSymbol(;
- ctx.addDllExport(desc);
- }
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_deffile)) {
- llvm::BumpPtrAllocator alloc;
- std::vector<moduledef::Directive *> dirs;
- if (!parseDef(arg->getValue(), alloc, dirs)) {
- diag << "Error: invalid module-definition file\n";
- return false;
- }
- for (moduledef::Directive *dir : dirs) {
- if (auto *exp = dyn_cast<moduledef::Exports>(dir)) {
- for (PECOFFLinkingContext::ExportDesc desc : exp->getExports()) {
- = ctx.decorateSymbol(;
- ctx.addDllExport(desc);
- }
- } else if (auto *hs = dyn_cast<moduledef::Heapsize>(dir)) {
- ctx.setHeapReserve(hs->getReserve());
- ctx.setHeapCommit(hs->getCommit());
- } else if (auto *lib = dyn_cast<moduledef::Library>(dir)) {
- ctx.setIsDll(true);
- ctx.setOutputPath(ctx.allocate(lib->getName()));
- if (lib->getBaseAddress() && !ctx.getBaseAddress())
- ctx.setBaseAddress(lib->getBaseAddress());
- } else if (auto *name = dyn_cast<moduledef::Name>(dir)) {
- if (!name->getOutputPath().empty() && ctx.outputPath().empty())
- ctx.setOutputPath(ctx.allocate(name->getOutputPath()));
- if (name->getBaseAddress() && ctx.getBaseAddress())
- ctx.setBaseAddress(name->getBaseAddress());
- } else if (auto *ver = dyn_cast<moduledef::Version>(dir)) {
- ctx.setImageVersion(PECOFFLinkingContext::Version(
- ver->getMajorVersion(), ver->getMinorVersion()));
- } else {
- llvm::dbgs() << static_cast<int>(dir->getKind()) << "\n";
- llvm_unreachable("Unknown module-definition directive.\n");
- }
- }
- }
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_libpath))
- ctx.appendInputSearchPath(ctx.allocate(arg->getValue()));
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_opt)) {
- std::string val = StringRef(arg->getValue()).lower();
- if (val == "noref") {
- ctx.setDeadStripping(false);
- } else if (val != "ref" && val != "icf" && val != "noicf" &&
- val != "lbr" && val != "nolbr" &&
- !StringRef(val).startswith("icf=")) {
- diag << "unknown option for /opt: " << val << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- }
- // LLD is not yet capable of creating a PDB file, so /debug does not have
- // any effect.
- // TODO: This should disable dead stripping. Currently we can't do that
- // because removal of associative sections depends on dead stripping.
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_debug))
- ctx.setDebug(true);
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_verbose))
- ctx.setLogInputFiles(true);
- // /force and /force:unresolved mean the same thing. We do not currently
- // support /force:multiple.
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_force) ||
- parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_force_unresolved)) {
- ctx.setAllowRemainingUndefines(true);
- }
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_fixed)) {
- // /fixed is not compatible with /dynamicbase. Check for it.
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_dynamicbase)) {
- diag << "/dynamicbase must not be specified with /fixed\n";
- return false;
- }
- ctx.setBaseRelocationEnabled(false);
- ctx.setDynamicBaseEnabled(false);
- }
- // /swaprun:{cd,net} options set IMAGE_FILE_{REMOVABLE,NET}_RUN_FROM_SWAP
- // bits in the COFF header, respectively. If one of the bits is on, the
- // Windows loader will copy the entire file to swap area then execute it,
- // so that the user can eject a CD or disconnect from the network.
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_swaprun_cd))
- ctx.setSwapRunFromCD(true);
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_swaprun_net))
- ctx.setSwapRunFromNet(true);
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_profile)) {
- // /profile implies /opt:ref, /opt:noicf, /incremental:no and /fixed:no.
- ctx.setDeadStripping(true);
- ctx.setBaseRelocationEnabled(true);
- ctx.setDynamicBaseEnabled(true);
- }
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_implib))
- ctx.setOutputImportLibraryPath(arg->getValue());
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_delayload)) {
- ctx.addInitialUndefinedSymbol(ctx.getDelayLoadHelperName());
- ctx.addDelayLoadDLL(arg->getValue());
- }
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_stub)) {
- ArrayRef<uint8_t> contents;
- if (!readFile(ctx, arg->getValue(), contents)) {
- diag << "Failed to read DOS stub file " << arg->getValue() << "\n";
- return false;
- }
- ctx.setDosStub(contents);
- }
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_incl))
- ctx.addInitialUndefinedSymbol(ctx.allocate(arg->getValue()));
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_noentry))
- ctx.setHasEntry(false);
- if (parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_nodefaultlib_all))
- ctx.setNoDefaultLibAll(true);
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_out))
- ctx.setOutputPath(ctx.allocate(arg->getValue()));
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_pdb))
- ctx.setPDBFilePath(arg->getValue());
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_lldmoduledeffile))
- ctx.setModuleDefinitionFile(arg->getValue());
- std::vector<StringRef> inputFiles;
- for (auto *arg : parsedArgs->filtered(OPT_INPUT))
- inputFiles.push_back(ctx.allocate(arg->getValue()));
-#define BOOLEAN_FLAG(name, setter) \
- if (auto *arg = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_##name, OPT_##name##_no)) \
- ctx.setter(arg->getOption().matches(OPT_##name));
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(nxcompat, setNxCompat);
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(largeaddressaware, setLargeAddressAware);
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(allowbind, setAllowBind);
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(allowisolation, setAllowIsolation);
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(dynamicbase, setDynamicBaseEnabled);
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(tsaware, setTerminalServerAware);
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(highentropyva, setHighEntropyVA);
- BOOLEAN_FLAG(safeseh, setSafeSEH);
- // Arguments after "--" are interpreted as filenames even if they
- // start with a hypen or a slash. This is not compatible with link.exe
- // but useful for us to test lld on Unix.
- if (llvm::opt::Arg *dashdash = parsedArgs->getLastArg(OPT_DASH_DASH))
- for (const StringRef value : dashdash->getValues())
- inputFiles.push_back(value);
- // Compile Windows resource files to compiled resource file.
- if (ctx.getCreateManifest() && ctx.getEmbedManifest() &&
- !isReadingDirectiveSection) {
- std::string resFile;
- if (!createManifestResourceFile(ctx, diag, resFile))
- return false;
- inputFiles.push_back(ctx.allocate(resFile));
- }
- // A Windows Resource file is not an object file. It contains data,
- // such as an icon image, and is not in COFF file format. If resource
- // files are given, the linker merge them into one COFF file using
- // CVTRES.EXE and then link the resulting file.
- {
- auto it = std::partition(inputFiles.begin(), inputFiles.end(),
- isResoruceFile);
- if (it != inputFiles.begin()) {
- std::vector<std::string> resFiles(inputFiles.begin(), it);
- std::string resObj;
- if (!convertResourceFiles(ctx, resFiles, resObj)) {
- diag << "Failed to convert resource files\n";
- return false;
- }
- inputFiles = std::vector<StringRef>(it, inputFiles.end());
- inputFiles.push_back(ctx.allocate(resObj));
- ctx.registerTemporaryFile(resObj);
- }
- }
- // Prepare objects to add them to the list of input files.
- for (StringRef path : inputFiles) {
- path = ctx.allocate(path);
- if (isLibraryFile(path)) {
- addFiles(ctx, getLibraryPath(ctx, path), diag, libraries);
- } else {
- addFiles(ctx, getObjectPath(ctx, path), diag, files);
- }
- }
- // If dead-stripping is enabled, we need to add the entry symbol and
- // symbols given by /include to the dead strip root set, so that it
- // won't be removed from the output.
- if (ctx.deadStrip())
- for (const StringRef symbolName : ctx.initialUndefinedSymbols())
- ctx.addDeadStripRoot(symbolName);
- // Add the libraries specified by /defaultlib unless they are already added
- // nor blacklisted by /nodefaultlib.
- if (!ctx.getNoDefaultLibAll())
- for (const StringRef path : defaultLibs)
- if (!ctx.hasNoDefaultLib(path))
- addFiles(ctx, getLibraryPath(ctx, path.lower()), diag, libraries);
- if (files.empty() && !isReadingDirectiveSection) {
- diag << "No input files\n";
- return false;
- }
- // If /out option was not specified, the default output file name is
- // constructed by replacing an extension of the first input file
- // with ".exe".
- if (ctx.outputPath().empty()) {
- StringRef path = files[0]->path();
- ctx.setOutputPath(replaceExtension(ctx, path, ".exe"));
- }
- // Add the input files to the linking context.
- for (std::unique_ptr<File> &file : files) {
- if (isReadingDirectiveSection) {
- File *f = file.get();
- ctx.getTaskGroup().spawn([f] { f->parse(); });
- }
- ctx.getNodes().push_back(llvm::make_unique<FileNode>(std::move(file)));
- }
- // Add the library group to the linking context.
- if (!isReadingDirectiveSection) {
- // Add a group-end marker.
- ctx.getNodes().push_back(llvm::make_unique<GroupEnd>(0));
- }
- // Add the library files to the library group.
- for (std::unique_ptr<File> &file : libraries) {
- if (!hasLibrary(ctx, file.get())) {
- if (isReadingDirectiveSection) {
- File *f = file.get();
- ctx.getTaskGroup().spawn([f] { f->parse(); });
- }
- ctx.addLibraryFile(llvm::make_unique<FileNode>(std::move(file)));
- }
- }
- // Validate the combination of options used.
- return ctx.validate(diag);
-} // namespace lld